Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...] “encounters”

-humanist fascist aesthetic --> desires to memorialize “beautiful and unpolluted” coral communities
-promise of immediate and luminous experience of “jellyfish otherness”
-systems (of power?) that constitutively produce animal and human actors

human-animal + nonhuman-animal + apparatuses --> co-constitutive in the process of trying to know something about whale ecology

(Hayward > Whitehead:) concrescence: “we” (con prefix) ere- (create) scence (sense, or the “scene,” that which is seen), the present is given by a consense of subjective forms. We are multiple individuals, but there are also multiple individual agents of consciousness operant in the construction of the given.
-literal materialization of a dynamic produced

photograph (only one part, a kind of lively limb, of the relay):
(ajayeb style -->) a bumptious and lively event of the processes of whale studies and whales themselves =/= a still record of a whale “that had been there”

the image: a kind of connective tissue, soliciting one's senses

solar light --> brushed up against, even touched, the whale --> translated through the camera --> into film --> into chemical bathes --> into photo-paper --> through my eye as a research assistant

}==> ‘photograph: material, immanent, interconnected’ ==> somatic intelligibility (embodiment) to my own somatic intelligence ~ enacted an encounter between the senses (subjective feelings) and their sense (objective knowledges)

a mutual embodiment <-- shared in the event of the photographic space

experience of these photographs [whale or telegram animal video]: an instance of *sensuous knowledge* --> way we are in some carnal modality able to touch and be touched by the substance of images (to feel a visual atmosphere envelop us)

(Grosz's) [*]perception: flesh's reversibility ~ the flesh touching, seeing, perceiving itself, one fold (provisionally) catching the other in its own self­embrace

human/animal and technological sensorium

ocean rigs rigging soft body rigid ware construction name [source: Christian Schnellhammer] -Hayward asking how coral communities create representational ruptures in photographs
-Sina asking how telegram virtual communities create representational ruptures in the real of human-animal of Tehran, how the enfleshed animal mobile phone photograph touch us
}--> liveliness of humananimal encounters [the way in which my aesthetic and ethical senses merge with animals in the flesh]
-how people get along in concrete, metamorphic, phantasmatic ways
**sensible and sensual ensembles of materialized capacities and activities that literally and metaphorically make sense of, and to, ourselves and other animals**

(Ihde >) [*]phenomenology: a philosophical style that emphasizes a certain interpretation of human experience and that, in particular, concerns perception and bodily activity --Hayward--> a theoretical practice grounded on the carnal, fleshy, material foundations of subjectivity as it engages and is transformed by and in the world

we attend to: content + form + context

invertebrates, product of displacement and comparison, a ruinous verb turned noun turned classification --Hayward--> foregrounding and rethinking the syntax, optics, and heterogeneity of vertebrate and invertebrate relationality

accountability and responsibility in the enmeshment of knowing, doing, seeing, and being

(we need less philosophizing and more) *envisioning: an enactment of dynamic en-figurings that imperil boundaries that clearly differentiate self and other without the loss of historical, cultural, and species specificity*


light has illuminated western stories
God said, let there be light: and there was light
solar radiance --> refracted planetary atmosphere --> earth's watery matter --> lively forms

life shaped by ice (Meloy)
life shaped by dark (Mohaghegh)
life shaped by animal (Sina)
life shaped by light (Hayward) --> the invisible medium that makes a knowable world visible; *seeing light: a trope for making visible in a comprehensive form (such that they are real)*

1. *philosophy is photology* : language of philosophy is constituted by metaphors of light
2. sunlight metaphorizes into transcendent light : a heavenly light promising liberation from the flesh

transgenic technologies ==>
jellyfish + GFP (green fluorescent protein)
rhesus monkey
glowing kittens
transgenic pigs
(...animal examples of chimeric and impure)--Hayward--> articulation of carnal interdependence across species boundaries

bacteria, yeast, fungi, plant, fly, human cell

chimeric borderlands of GFP and transgenics
pushing against the perceptual and affective registers of laboratory walls embodied selves, eating practices, living conditions

animal industry

(Hayward on) carnality and radiance of naturecultures
(welcoming a) multidisciplinary table of where light is being eaten

visuality as corporality
light = meat

(Latin word) lumen: light, lantern, lamp, clairity, understanding, the central cavity of a hollow structure in an organism or cell

*somalumenal: how might luminosity, effulgence and illumination be about embodiment or corporality? light transubstantiated into flesh and matter (=/= body transcended by the thrills of enlightenment and radiance)*

(my work on telegram bestiary:) *post-animal studies*

[*]tranimal: a synecdochically imagined correspondence written as a portmanteau word --> changes in our understanding of bodily transformation, somatic and sensual synthesis that manifests synecdochically (a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part) =/= metaphorically
[Cinderella is synecdochic]

ongoing labor of cross-species agents
energetic and material crossings that disrupt bifurcated categories

(Haraway + Hayward) metaplasm قلب حروف: a change in a word (by adding, comitting or transposing its letters, syllables or sounds) that can signify a mistake, stumbling, a troping that makes a difference [in joined natureculture --Haraway--> flesh and signifier, bodies and words, stories and worlds]
to inflect tranimals with its tropic kin of antimeria that turns nouns into verbs, that mobilizes, incites, activates persons, animals, places, things and ideas

*i am rubied by your attention* : the relay of energies and forces (not just encounter) ==constitute==> ontology

[*]ontology: what there is + what debts we owe to it --> we owe ‘sensation’ to life's ‘insistencies’ : (Hayward arguing) we must respond to *life's insistencies* through sensation (corporal prehensions)
--(?why to write:)--> **noun = transitional responses to relationships** (=/= direct products of environment)
==?==> percussive distribution of affect

boundary: refracted interfaces of passage, prepositional orientation
sensuous being: unmetabolizable more, the residue of passing

jellyfish sting story
“a jellyfish stings human skin, leaving an empurpled mark that inscribes the boundaries of tentacle and skin (somatic technologies), but the excitation (sensorial transit) of burning and blistering energy remains partly unmetabolizable--this remainder is differentiating and binding. so excitation is not necessarily predicated on positive joins of ever expanding units of life, but emerges between them and therefore can be generated through haemorrhaging [flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessels], excising, amputating” [& killing(?)]

breaking fast with glowing light
Kac's GFP bunny: (chimera of) rabbit + jellyfish + human + technology

making bodies materially luminal --Hayward--> تابش effulgence bound to meatier substance =/= extraterrestrial force of more heavenly bodies
(-what about the moon?)

sexual planktonic medusa
دو شکلی dimorphic life history
جانور دریایی pelagic drifters

[*]drift: to be carried slowly by a current of air or water :
move passively, aimlessly or involuntarily into a certain situation or condition
a steady movement or developement from one thing toward another
*your body is an index of its environment* (= jellyfish: when provoked give off a green glow... *glowing in response to provocation*)
to be sent adrift as mutation
the general intention of an argument (--> in writing: *technique of drifting*)
poetic joints
mixing ontologies into larger organizations

blend of tissue
reorder not only life but also light

-(Sagan -->) life: how matter interacts with interconnected systems that include organisms in their distinct perceiving worlds

-(Uexküll -->) Umwelt: perceptual bubbles (of the most unidentifiable animals: ticks, spiders, inverts) ==> ‘organs of animals are counterparts of lived environments’ : ***animal body: inverted map of its environment*** (mediated by its capacity to interpret habitat through bodily sensation) [Uexküll using music to define the laws of nature: “life = musical response,” effects of *animal capitalism*]

to travel through stages of evolution of the consumer product ~=> becoming a new harmony (<-- using jellyfish as advertising in posthuman consumerism)

-(Lingis -->) [*]sensation: ملقمه amalgamations made of movements and affects that shape the energetic relay between subjects and objects,, an intensity --that--> pressures us --feel--> our cohabitation --in--> a sensible environment --that--> opens outward (=/= simulation of our sensorys or nervous systems) ==> subject is *involved* into the sensuousness of being : *excitation of affect and desire within a sensuous environment ==generate==> substance of self*
percepts oringinating in environmental harmonization

tranimals invoke the social, affective, sensorial response-abilities of becoming and eating [<-- Hayward's affirmative poetics of trans- ----> Stewart's much more complex pattern of description]

-my art work has been more about intensity + techne (= baroque?), than aesthetics ==> ([{when i make images} sharing] our) subjugation to sensation

( sensibility [ ... ) sensuousness ]
affect <--  sensation --> affect
   affect          affect
          affect affect   affect
        affect      ::{~body~}::

sensation --distribute--> affects & percepts (across bodies)

excitation (unleashes bodily organization at the site of contact) = zone of an *expressed threshold* =/= zone of contact

multispecies materialities --Grosz--> life folds over itself to embrace its contact with materiality

rabbit mammalizes light
glow: a dynamizing force ==> making matter more

Hayward: through [Alba's] glow, her artfulness, we are reminded that species are not just relationships, nor are species ever directly in relationship with other species, we are resonances and dissonances of intensification, energetic cadences of one another--a sensorial ensemble [<-- what marketing would say about this?]

space between scientific experimentation (biocultural) & domestic cohabitation (composition #Cinderella, pet) --evoke--> invisible labour of jellyfish, research on the proliferation and patterns of cancer cells and the sensation of somalumenality [Hayward's Alba]

(Anker > Hayward:) the chimera must be understood in a social context: these beasts have always reflected the social, scientific and religious circumstances <-- my project in zoological vandalism

(Hayward's neologism --> posthumanist repositioning of visuality) carnophallogocentric visual appetite
...glow (intensifying vision) drifts through the bodies of consumers

eating (ingesting and killing of) jellyfish usually takes the form of dried crisps sprinkled into salads and Chinese food

Cinderella's techne --> companion
Crusoe's techne --> human

-fictional kitchen where Cinderella works (and is not a master of)

[learning from] Cinderella (her room has been undone and remade by cohabitation with birds, mice, evil mother --> changing the self and adapting) ==> ontology: a practice of co-constitutive awareness

Alba --engineered--> to glow
pig --engineered--> to become sausage


bad affect
(bad environmentalism's) respond to mainstream environmentalism + questioning its broader ideals of nature
=/= conventional environmental affect

both identify & respond to the aforementioned absurdities and ironies, through absurdity and irony + related affects and sensibilities:
irreverence بى ادبى
frivolity هرزه
indecorum بى نزاکتى
sardonicism زهر خنده
glee شاد شاد

affects and sensibilities typically associated with environmentalism:
sentimentality احساساتى
reverence حرمت
sanctimony تقدس

that reverence is required for ethical relations to the nonhuman
that knowledge is key to fighting problems like climate change


__al __ : __ affects and matter of __
(sensational X : Y affects and the matter of Z)

ocularcentric selves

(Hayward's) jellyfish: prismatically, their kinesthetic bling is registered visually and haptically, which draws our attention to the construction of their enclosure

expressively dense
rendered literal and material
light is of this world

knowledge earth world [source: Prometheus 2012 film] to think diffractively = to apprehend a critical difference within

(the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named -->) onomatopoetic: designed around the sensation of water

Hayward is drawn (to the Monterey Bay aquarium) ==> trying to sort out the poetics of their display
[they] furnish a simulation of the real thing, soliciting the sensation of unmediated encounter with marine worlds, they *act as sites of ecological hope* --Acampora--> *zooscopic: a totalizing view that conceals meaningful human-animal encounters at the price of reinvigorating anthropocentrism {=/=? zoological vandalism --> what would be an animal social media?}
[in zooscopic experience:] the very structure of the human-animal encounter is disrupted, and the interaction that is sought (encountering the animal) becomes impossibility as the “real” animals disappear and the conditions for seeings are undermined [<-- how telegram does that? if telegram animal media is zooscopic, then i say that is good for Tehran, for the “real” encounters are violent. the idea of “truely seeing animal” is metaphysics]

captivity ==> animal against themselves, “animal = qualified noun, adjectival” [=/= *ajayeb's wilderness* was articulated in a time before the modern zoo]
--Acampora--> zone of species contact mediated by an interruption that voids actual encounter
----> Sina: there has never been an “actual encounter”
----> Hayward: does face-to-face “seeing” matter for organisms of a radically different scale and for whom “eyes” are light receptors rather than picture makers?

-how can we see mediation as a dynamic of encounter, even an ethical one?
(captivity is always mediated)

captivity diffracted

*(telegram's) [*]encounter: sensuous rapport or energetic cadence*

aquariums engage a story of looking + deep roots in imperialism and the process of nation building --> aquarium: a stage of an unspoiled garden in nature, بوته hearth for learning human self from animal other + (clarification of) ontological and epistemological disorders of nature and culture [=/= Tsing's contaminated landscapes]
-18th century: the ocean was taboo, a place of great fear, a cursed world full of monsters lurking in shadowy fathoms, (waters: low and deep =/= air: domain of morality and aspiration, closer to heaven)
-19th century europe victorian glass *aqua vivarium* --> windows that interfaced between human sight and subaqueous scenes (the unknown provoked feelings of bot curiosity and apprehension)--Stott--> for the naturalist the marine or freshwater aquarium provided a constantly changing, glass-fronted theater of bizarre and exotic bodies, moving, metamorphosing, interacting and breeding in sensational ways
-aquariums became [...]