Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]y indeed work, they also close these ="trms">relationships up in a ='strcls'>*single schema='strcls'>* of ownership and exploitation

to in="trms">herit='lgc'>: (not merely receptive,) implies a task, a ="trms">pragmatic act='lgc'> = appropriation

snake animal ajayeb [source: Ibn Bakhtishu's Manafi' al-Hayawan -] ='strcls'>**one's ="trms">heritage is something constructed, and it is constantly transforming itself retroactively='strcls'>** بازگشتی ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> it makes us capable of ="trms">responding and that we in fact ="trms">respond to our ="trms">heritage ='lgc'>=/= simply carrying on a tradition

='strcls'>***things are in="trms">herited, but we become ourselves in carrying out the ="trms">gesture of in="trms">heriting='strcls'>***

="large lg2" stl="font-size:110%"> (="ppl">="ppl">Harawayian) re-="trms">member='lgc'>: enact the ="trms">past, collect and ="trms">compose ='lgc'>='lgc'>~/= (="ppl">="ppl">Despretian) to in="trms">herit='lgc'>: giving oneself an account of a certain task, which is more than just re="trms">membering
='lgc'>[="trms">storymaking='lgc'>] ='strcls'>*to make a ="trms">story='lgc'> = to reconstruct, to ="trms">fabulate, to offer other ="trms">presents and futures to the ="trms">past='strcls'>* ='lgc'>[='lgc'>='lgc'>~/= ="frds">Sina='lgc'>: to ="trms">fabulate='lgc'> = to give other ="trms">pasts to the ="trms">present and future='lgc'>]

how to ask the ="trms">question of work properly='qstn'>?
you have to consider ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals as other than victims, ="trms">natural and cultural idiots that ='strcls'>*need to be liberated='strcls'>* despite themselves ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ‘liberating the ="trms">world of ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals'='lgc'> = 'freeing the human ="trms">world of the ="trms">presence of ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals’ ='lgc'>[='lgc'>-='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='gtrw'>go to ="trms">fabulation of ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal human in the movie How to Train Your Dragon='lgc'>: The Hidden ="trms">World='lgc'>]
='lgc'>=/= telegram's ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals

='strcls'>*humans and ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals must (not just considered together but) always be ="trms">imagined together='strcls'>*

ceasing to consider “='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal='lgc'> = victim” ='lgc'>='lgc'>==> (='qstn'>?how in telegram media) ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals involve themselves (since they are not ="trms">natural and cultural idiots), just as human (breeders) are not “exploiting,” but giving, receiving, exchanging, raising, and growing with, their ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals

when ="ppl">="ppl">Despret is putting the ="trms">question of “do ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals work='qstn'>?” to breeders, it is a real experiment ='lgc'>: to explore the rese="trms"nttrm="search">archer's pro="trms">positions with the breeders ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> to make them hesitate (='lgc'>~ is about ='strcls'>*what does it mean to speculate in such a way='qstn'>?='strcls'>*) ='lgc'>[='lgc'>=/= means of knowing through information (to gather ="trms">data or opinions) ='lgc'>: “what do breeders think of X='qstn'>?"='lgc'>]

animal turtle tortoise possum cat deer fish snake raccoon [source: John Lawson 1709] ="ppl">="ppl">Despret’ amazing ="trms"nttrm="righ,rigo,riga,rigi,trig,rign">rigour ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> the only place that the ="trms">question (considering whether ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals do work) can be brought forward is the place where only the meaning as="trms">sociated with exploitation can ="trms">matter (in places where both humans and ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals are greatly mistreated)
="prgrph">-place where the evidence of such work is found, are places where ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals are industrially “produced” ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> their behaviours appear very de="trms">finitely as belonging to a work ="trms">relationship

="large lg1" stl="font-size:136%"> director of ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal resources ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> (in such frame) ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal='lgc'>: occupy the place of an obscure underclass, malleable, serviceable, and disposable in the end

moder feeder operations ='lgc'>--Porcher='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals sometimes wanted to help

asking the breeders='lgc'>: could you help us learn how to ask our ="trms">question so that it has a chance of making sense to other people='qstn'>? ='lgc'>='lgc'>==> they also could explore the ='strcls'>*manner in which we were ="trms">obligated to ="trms">formulate our ="trms">questions='strcls'>*

(="ppl">="ppl">Harawayiean) ="trms">responsibility='lgc'>: a ="trms">relationship ="trms">crafted into ="trms">intra-action through which entities, subjects, and objects, come into being

lead cow (the one who trusts the breeder, and one the herd trusts, usually is in the front) ='lgc'>=/= dominant cow (in the hierarchy of the herd, is found in the middle of the herd)

a theme in ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal ="trms">technicians
paying attention to ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals='lgc'> = being able to feel the limits that ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals ask us to take into account (more than ="trms">questions of well-being)

='lgc'>[many times='lgc'>] ='strcls'>*work often leaves no evidence behind='strcls'>* (='lgc'>=/= publishing)

ethology ='lgc'>==teaches='lgc'>='lgc'>==> certain ="trms">questions cannot be answered unless one constructs concrete conditions beforehand ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> those that allow the ="trms">questions to be asked ='lgc'>+ those that render those who ask capable of discerning the answer, capable of grasping it when it emerges

peace-maintaining ="trms">gestures of the cows

why the work of the cows was invisible='qstn'>?
='strcls'>*because work only becomes perceptible when the cows resist='strcls'>* (when they place limit on what can happen) ='lgc'>--shows='lgc'>='lgc'>--> when everything goes correctly it is because of an active investment on the part of the cows
='strcls'>***when everything happens as it should, we don't see the work='strcls'>*** (='lgc'>=/= notion of work in art)

(when they do what has to be done in ="trms">response to an order, cow's) obedience looks “mechanical” (='lgc'>='lgc'>~/=='qstn'>? ="nms">Cinderella's obedience ='lgc'>[='qstn'>?not in a mechanical age='lgc'>])
='lgc'>[='lgc'>=/= art's work ='lgc'><='lgc'>== conflict that disturb this order of things='lgc'>]

(the fieldwork of ="ppl">="ppl">Despret helping me to realize that) ='strcls'>*the moments without conflict='strcls'>* are not something merely ="trms">natural, self-evident, or mechanical ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> they require from the cows (or someone whose work is invisible) the activity of pacification, in which they make compromises (groom each other, exchange ="trms">gestures of politeness, etc.)
="lsts lst1">dogs and horses who are asked to serve as therapeutic assistants for humans='lgc'>: these ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals often have a passive air and seem to simply be letting things happen ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='strcls'>*their cooperation is based on a remarkable ability to hold themselves back='strcls'>* ='lgc'>[='lgc'><='lgc'>-- i saw this, in a theater piece for blind, i was sitting next to two assistant dogs, and could feel strongly their efforts to sit motionless in the dark within the crowds='lgc'>] ='lgc'>='lgc'>~='lgc'>~='lgc'>='lgc'>--> but non of this is perceived...

only by observing the many ways that cows can resist the breeders, doing something other than what is expected of them ='lgc'>='lgc'>==> the rese="trms"nttrm="search">archer could see how they are actively invested in the work ='lgc'>: when the cows show that they are unwilling to do what is wanted ='lgc'>='lgc'>==> their “good will” appeared (the effect of their willingness)
="lsts lst1">this is an ="trms">interested problem ='at'>@="nms">apass, ='thdf'>the notion of asking participants to participate in an “active” way ='lgc'>=/= ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal work ='lgc'>}='lgc'>='lgc'>--> “working well for an artist='lgc'> = violating normative organization (recommendations, regulations, procedures, ="trms">codes, ="trms">specifications)"='lgc'> = تمرد tamarod recalcitrance='lgc'>: practical or collective intelligence appearing when intentional mistakes are made, or when feigned misunderstanding leads to active disobedience='strcls'>*****

="large lg3" stl="font-size:110%">
Vicki ="ppl">Hearne ='lgc'>+ ="ppl">="ppl">Despret
why dogs often drop the stick they fetch a couple of feet in front of you. it is a way for the dog to give to the human a sense of the limits to the ="trms">authority that she is ="trms"nttrm="already,spread">ready to concede, with an almost mathematical precision, reminding us that not everything goes without saying ='heart'>♥

="trms">communication with ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals='lgc'> = being together engaged in work’ ='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">learning patience in regard to them
="lsts lst1">respecting them as they are ='lgc'>==imply='lgc'>='lgc'>==> you know them ='and'>& recognise them
="lsts lst1">

="large lg4" stl="font-size:111%"> ='at'>@="frds scrmbld"nttrm="Leonardo">Leo

we are required to think about people and ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals as ='strcls'>**connected in a single experience='strcls'>** (in which they jointly constitute their identities) ='at'>#="trms">chimera
='lgc'>='lgc'>==> (="trms">obligates us to consider) the manner in which they keep faith with each other ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> they ="trms">respond to each other through the consequences of their action ='and'>& their ="trms">responses are part of the consequences (='lgc'>=/= act based on shared assumptions)

='lgc'>{being a victim ='lgc'>==imply='lgc'>='lgc'>==> passivity ='lgc'>+ all its consequences='lgc'>}='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='strcls'>*='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal is not a victim='strcls'>* ='lgc'>[because:='lgc'>]
="lsts lst1">saying “='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal='lgc'> = victim” ='lgc'>=/= (="ppl">="ppl">Despret's) mode of being engaged in ="trms">question
="lsts lst1">(don't forget that) ='strcls'>***تقصیرپذیری culpability is easier to tolerate than ="trms">responsiblity مسئولیتپذیری='strcls'>*** (because ="trms">responsibility prevents the ="trms">question from being closed)
="lsts lst1">='strcls'>***a victim does not invite curiosity='strcls'>*** ='lgc'><='lgc'>-- curiosity is essential in ="trms">relations in which two beings learn to look and to look back (="ppl">="ppl">Despret ='lgc'>+ ="ppl">="ppl">Haraway)

victim ='lgc'>=/= (="ppl">="ppl">Despret='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal, ="frds">Sina's ="nms">Cinderella) more alive, more ="trms">present, they invite more ="trms">question ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> they get the chance to become ="trms">interesting
="lsts lst1">a ="nms">Cinderella who does her job engages us in a totally ="trms">different manner than a ="nms">Cinderella who is the victim of the ="trms">authority of her evil mother and wicked sisters

="large lg5" stl="font-size:148%"> (from a clinical standpoint ='lgc'>+ in human terms) ='lgc'>[='strcls'>*='lgc'>]work='lgc'>: ="trms">gestures, know-how, the involvement of the body and the intelligence, the ability to analyze, ="trms">interpret and react to ="trms">situations='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">work transforms the ="trms">world
="lsts lst1">work objectifies intelligence
="lsts lst1">work produces subjectivity

work, not only has to do with economic rationality, but participate in other forms of rationality, in ="trms">relation to='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">identities
="lsts lst1">in ="trms">relationship to God
="lsts lst1">="trms">obligation and cures
="lsts lst1">obedience to ="trms">Nature or mastering it
="lsts lst1">moral rationality ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> (="ppl">Marx's) work='lgc'>: de="trms">finitve form of expressing their life (a mode of life, Dejours='lgc'>: assertion of their existence)

‘work='lgc'> = a source of recognition’ ='lgc'>='lgc'>==> work =
="lsts lst1">a source of pleasure
="lsts lst1">a pract[...]