Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

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for only the buried dimension is sovereign

secrecy =/= lie
(I am a fan of lie and against secrecy)
talk about a theory of lie
(a talk about a theory of violence)

wonder story assemblage composition affect tale report whirlpool animal media techne tail [source:] [the issue of: opposite, omen, and alarm (in art)]
omen =/=? artwork
(omen is a phenomenon that is buried to foretell the future, isn't that an attractive trap for artist's self grandiosity?!)
omen has a binary answer
omen =~ ‘audire’ (Latin root, to listen)
omens come in the artistic and poetic production--in the poiesis--when the artist is young: the fabulous age of self-assertion, and he or she starts way to big and later is abandoned or abused by it.

(enforcement of an elusive stance from within) the self-enveloped site of the event----the artworks become closer to omens

at once episodic and veiled, protecting their right to invisibility above all else

(perceive themselves as) the merchants of the unreasoned experience.
(as opposed to the mechanisms of instrumental reason) ---- omens

warehouse vs. Haus
(at the house of being)

warehouse of the irrational, a cellar-arena of provocation and unrest

I don't have an eloquent language--I am not in the house of language, but Attar is


sudden exposure to exile space

a postcultural interaction (?) --with no proximity to the past or known present
(am I trying to create proximity to history in my lectures versus my non-proximity in earlier visual works such as “vagabond” 2011 Tehran)
is that to adopt an ******existence without context******?
(in lectures, am I un-separating myself from my own history?)

*reverie (=the mind flees across secluded planes)

exile space =~ refuge, solitude, immobility =? nondialectics

[on Vagabond] -->
-domination of the partially unseen in my own film, ‘vagabond’
-did I believe that only the buried dimension is sovereign?
-continuously interlacing experiences of solitude and immobility
-minimalist side of mysticism --> stillness is a catalyst for acceleration?
-nomadic dispositions
-suspended (=the chasm of self-consciousness)

aesthetic tactility over aesthetic fantasy
where is the cinematic-mystical ritual happening?

profound separation from the networks of social reality
the subjects betrays its own history

interrupting the transmission of the episteme

the result of mystic disjointment => a renovated perception of all activity as self-forsaking (Tark-e Nafs? ترک نفس), (such that all locations appear scorched in turn)

stab-through and un-brace one once was

San'an's mechanistic commitments, he need to first book out of a place in order to write text, or to book himself in again
the San'an's poem's ‘Will' = instinct for abandonment and anonymity
is this instinct predicting what Attar will write? or explains *why he writes?
[writing as an act of memory and perform?]

the mystic event is predicted by an instinct for abandonment and anonymity,
at the same time it mutates the urban environment in which it stage its runaways line.
the cityscape is cast into the frenetic rush of this disavowal, to the extent that it becomes the equivalent of the desert

what are the indentitarian qualifiers that San'an wants or needs to chain-break?

to be honest, Attar's San'an's poetry, is living by a roaming assemblage of assertions. [he wrote his poem in a time when the highly religious Sheikhs would go to monasteries and get drunk with the non-Muslims, getting high with the nonhuman. it is Seljuq (سلجوق) time, medieval Turko-Persian. The Seljuqs were educated in the service of Muslim courts as slaves or mercenaries. The dynasty brought with itself a sense of revival. Under the Seljuqs, New-Persian became the language for historical recording. Attar (عطار) means herbalist, druggist, perfumist or alchemist, and during his lifetime in Persia, much of medicine and drugs were based on herbs. Therefore, by profession he was similar to a modern-day town doctor and pharmacist. Rose oil means ‘attar’. Attar died a violent death in the massacre which the Mongols inflicted on Nishapur in April 1221.]
-in his Birds epic, he is bringing an instinct coalition that translates all movement into a devouring collectivity --> the logic of their fading (--of the birds) is the same explosively that that fuels their inception, (why the birds must gather in the first place?!)

once-mystical and now-postmodern tribalism (?)

(“I” threatens the nomadic workings of the pack event)
[there is a pack-event in the San'an's students]
self = migratory sensibility of a subjectivity adrift

the exile does not need to exist / the community is desperate to exist (which is why it degenerates into totalitarian declarations--do the San'an's students have that?)
is Attar, in his poetry, obsessed with constructing mythologies of presence (and being represented)? (when he repeatedly tries to synthesize an “authentic” discipleship, ﻣﺮﯾﺪى, Anhängerschaft?, for the San'an's “teachings”) --whereas the exile, the animal, the shadow, the monster, the machine, the thing, the contagion --> carries none of the anxiety of ontological authenticity

رسوایی - using treachery for the sake of vitality
(‘Verrat'--betraying the student, in order to produce truth-event)

going into vicious levels of self-consciousness

between all the lines of statement that Attar constructs, what is being suggested in his music or words?

San'an, taken by otherworldly crafts that signal him to become (gracefully) transfixed

‘naaareh’ - نعره
far cry from the mystic's encounter with divinity

disavowal of (an explicit) narrative (trajectory)

[sunken tranquility, relaxed self-annihilation, ascetic renunciation of material] *mystic* =/= or? =~ *postmodern* [obsession with speed, with narcissistic technologies, hyper-materialistic]
is there in postmodernism then an alternative version of mystical experience?

feeling like a foreign body, until you find a job?! (Attari as a job)

let's jam on this

this story is prior to psychoanalysis (?)
positionality, placements, displacements

a system that doesn't have access to its own knowledge

historical struggle for the definition of the real

I can't keep clean boundaries

rituals (of promise and contract), (things that) must address anxiety --?--> a religious stamp

what is the San'an text promising the Other? (like every text does, every utterance)
what it cannot *not do?

my childish playful inventiveness and its relationship to weakness.
so I come up week, saying ‘let us do this or that,’ but that is a will to power (?)

we are here to understand the appropriation of meaning.
what does or does not belong to the protocols of reading, etc.

(think in terms of de-appropriation, which entails a form of rigorous hesitation when assuming responsibility for the work or thought of another) is that what I am practicing encountering the work of Attar? as an ally or ancestor or an unknown sidetrack of writing

different modalities of love and loving

I guess what I wanted to ask you is your love

I have been teaching Islam to you?! in a shattered and transgressive way
of course this not teach-according-to-definition

of course every demand is the demand for love

the SM-inserts in San'an story
he is asked to perform some serious Sado-Masochist interactions with nonhuman animals, his favorite book, and Tarsaa as stage-manager
we are left with the task of reading the enigma of something that no longer is. if things ‘were’ we wouldn't need to be thinking, reading, running after them.
(I am reading the enigma of something that no longer is)
precisely Bayazid defines Tasawwuf/Tasavof as something that ‘was’ and had no name and today ‘is not’ and has name.

I am taking in terms of cons[...]