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[...]ology'---the science of morning-disorder. all prophets have it also]. haunt---the figure is neither present nor absent --> (and “real” presence has always been the religion's obsession)

از شبح به شیخ

از صنع به صنعان

صنع = fake, صانع fabricated, made-up, technological, dead, etc.
صنم = idol
صنع = eidolon
-(eídōlon, “figure, representation”), from εἶδος? (eîdos, “sight”), from εἴδω? (eídō, “I see”)
-a phantom, a ghost or elusive entity (=/=? haecceity)
-‘you still see them'---is this an origin of metaphysic?
-eidolon is the image in water, apparition, ‘surat,’ a double / technical. idea comes from the word “to see” in Greek verbs, linked to the notion of ‘eidolon’ is the ‘visible image’ (in ancient optics and theories of perception) [the visible image is what appears to operate San'an's dream]
-why eidolon has the tendency to become an idol that talks back? (San'an practically encounters an eidolon and converts it to an idol. what Tarsaa asks San'an to worship is the confirmation of what sheikh has already done.)
-what is the secret of the vitality of the image that bewitches San'an? why dream/images, works of metaphors have lives of their own and cannot be explained as epistemological windows onto reality?
-San'an is first captive of apparition (صورت), then captive of meaning (معنی‌)
-originality of the site is abolished by technological register of the ‘sent,’ (the telephonic cyber-space) of the eidolon =?=> displacement (-how San'an loses a sense of place first in order to move)

[in the beginning of Miyazaki's 2013 The Wind Rises 風立ちぬ, a boy, vivid dreaming, meets an Italian aerospace engineer, who is shocked when he hears that the boy thinks he is dreaming. then he deceivingly says to the boy: “yesssss yes you are in a dream, boy” and saying to himself “how naive the boy is."]
-how is it naive to think that you are dreaming? that what you are seeing and hearing is not ‘real’? ----San'an is not naive in that sense. he knows that the dream is not just a projection of his subjectivity. he is not Freudian, or he knows his own subconscious too well.
San'an going to Italy (Vatican?)

a mapping is going on

his cognitive defend system is down (=/= ‘rend’ رند)
رند =? idiot [~=? the one who cannot be tricked]
[rend: the paragon of indifference; an iconoclast; an informal trickster; prone to drunkenness, sin, and heresy; he is forever scorned but *shows no sign of injury*(?!); he is without shame or conformism; he is vivid, energetic, guiltless]

and the question of technology?
how technology breaks up and breaks into all sorts of metaphysical premises

San'an is at a primal scene of aggression?
provoking hostility
there is no sweet device that should supposed to suspend hostility, there is no magic flute in San'an story
why am I taking so many detours? whether this is describable at all

discursive formations

the teacher vs. trainer
the teacher that asks for your interiority**** (love?) any kind of transfers of emotional funds. or other economies of approval

Attar, the great and complicated poet

also my own attachments to certain formations

what kinds of poetic bodies Attar sacrifices?
what cognitive back-up system he uses?
and so on
(the students) cannot cognize (San'an's program)

forecloser, foreclosing you

distribution of value, action, and non-action in San'an

to discover San'an where it dwells, what kinds of figures and disfigurations it is responsible for, and what else does it mask culturally?

we also add on cultural anthropological tracks to see which cultures or groups-psychologies practice San'an's teachings and in the service of what--what kind of will to power. because rarely something is practiced and it is not in service of some sort of buffing off a self or something.

Lucretius Nature of Things ray enlightenment index influence finger language animal bestiary anthrop [source: Michael Burghers 1682 (commons.wikimedia)] (does San'an practice the will to obedience and to listening?)
what (the hell) does he want (from Tarsaa, from her Being)?!!!

to let the other go

I am talking about Attar so we can properly lose him (this is not about finding)
I have to exhaust, frustrate, and abuse my own mystic or non-mystic tendencies and preferences in this
this is kind of a *synonym-finder* machine

we are looking for mutations of San'an's work

after he dreams...
the event (‘vaghee’ واقعه) has (already) happened, he travels to ‘understand’ the “event” and not to ‘find out’ --- (we can also critique ‘event’ or ‘vaghee’ as a violent and omnipotent sublime or a happening-art, versus the fragmented phenomena---associated with femininity)
“tafaroj” (تفرّج) or wondering around in Rome, very different than Sohrevardi's order -->
[San'an with a damaged GPS system--why he goes to Italy?]
he is walking the walk,
how does he get through the borders!?
was it a ‘Road to Canossa’?
(Humiliation of Canossa, refers to the trek by Emperor Henry IV from Speyer to Canossa Castle in Emilia-Romagna to obtain the revocation of the excommunication imposed on him by the Pope Gregory VII. He was forced to humiliate himself on his knees waiting for three days and three nights before the entrance gate of the castle, while a blizzard raged in January 1077.)

San'an's event could be that he must encounter the alterity (~= absence of the same) --> he needs the absence of his students and the absence of himself and the absence of his God.

*****Tarsaa takes away San'an's human ID, his masterhood, his members [his parts: his pupils, pencils, penises], (that's why he must remember? his ‘members’ returning to him? what is he composed of anyways?!) [memory is a way consistency maintain itself---are we having a disjunction?] [he makes contact, and contact is the medium of language --> and this is his performance]
in this story *the human ID = master*
(self-possession is supposed a primordial property)
-the question is how let yourself be invested with alterity, without becoming a seed of transcendence? (San'an let himself but then fails in the second part) by ‘seed of transcendence’ I mean making a symbol that is of a symbol (the basis of power---state?) ---> is this how San'an's symbolism can be recruited by Iranian war lords?
San'an in the story is shamanistically de-subjectified (by becoming the pig, etc.) instead of becoming hyper-subjectified (game-animal) [something that Abu-Saeed Abu-Al-Kheir almost achieve it?] **a game-animal is for example when dogs go after a dear in the forest, the dear is in this case a game-animal. the San'an's pigsty is not that, he doesn't become wolf or dear or Jinn for that matter!

if I where Tarsaa I would ask San'an to become the Jinn instead of pig.

rigs diagram moon finger Sa'di yar fish nakhshab reflection [source: Sina Seifee] (Tarsaa is sighted by him initially on her balcony)
balcony's architectural register
San'an might have been fallen in love with the balcony, not the girl!
(we see proof of this later when he goes “down” on her)
“hu hu I found a torture device” says San'an when he sees the girl-balcony assemblage

Tarsaa's morphology--different in every aesthetic moment, a dynamic entity
[person of flesh, thing of illusio, category of mechanism,
ترسا or ترسنده =~ child-being, نصرانی =~ the-other]

Tarsaa is a defferent kind of mediatized body, not that of woman on the television, which produces a wasted body in front of the TV

what kind of hostility is she performing -or making available?

she doesn't accept his marriage proposal

is there a woman hidden under the concept of Tarsaa?
which toxicities or horrors the-woman-of-the-house in the story of San'an conceals precisely with the figure of Tarsaa?

*****Tarsaa doesn't have a father.
-she is autonomous and emancipated
-San'an is of course another legendary non-feminist position
-it's a masculinist story after all, in its plot

medieval narratives of woman's image relating to the so-called sexual self-respect---woman always representing the matter and the material
a comparative literary note on Tarsaa's framework and other female protagonist/antagonists -->
in: Nezami: Khosro-o-Shirin and Leili-o-Majnun (woman is there for the man, to elevate him); Jami: Salaman-o-Absal and Yusof-o-Zoleikha (woman is body and to be av[...]