Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...][why Attar is insisting on the authenticity of the disciple and apprenticeship?]

we should always ask where this text comes from.

I try not to pre-program what is going to happen. [here now]

in the Shams Group music video, the soldiers in the video are having the little-Rumi-packet in their backpacks, along with other suicides. (other soldiers having Holderlin or Nietzsche in their backpacks)

vision subject object optics visuality position apparatus organism media [source: Athanasius Kircher / Deutsche Fotothek]media literature German discourse database deutsch Sprache language computer link text Bild Ton Video station [source:]brittlestar intrinsic discursive predator body bodily boundary container world stage difference differential production aqua media arm [source: Wikimedia Commons]Stromatolite stone rock fire media [source: Boston University 1984, NASA Environmental Science. Snapshot of video] metaphysical strongholds

to keep partnership with the self, so that there can be interlocution
(is this a possible ethics? --> “can I live with myself?”)

what one does to be in consonant with what one is capable of.
(then what is vowel?) vowel switches tracks and resonations
...penetrative grasp of a text, discovery and recreative apprehension of it life-forms, is impossible to paraphrase or systematize.

[Michel Serres]

...temporal and local settings of one's text. (to master it?)

to read X, is literally, to ‘prepare’ to read X

in certain civilizations there comes epochs in which syntax stiffens...
Changing landscape of fact

words, the guardians of meanings, are not immortal.

note on history: past is a language construct, that the past tense of the verb is the sole guarantor of history.

to read: is to restore all that one can of the immediacies of value and intent in which speech actually occurs.

What material reality has history out of language? --the Tasawwuf/Tasavof verbal linguistic tradition remind you that everything is the condition of madness.

(protest against “was” ---> go to Attar's relation with biographies in Tazkirat al-Awliya---he mobilizes ‘personalities’ in the index of his mystic-ontological demand---what would the lack of personality take revenge of Attar?)
we are at a tense past and a past tense---prison tense

..the landscape composed by the past tense, the semantic organization of remembrance... is styled and coded differently by cultures. --miniature illustrating San'an?

The verbal icon made up of all successive translations of Greek literature and philosophy has oriented fundamental movements in Islamic feelings --Farabi, Mirdamad, etc.

My translation of classics is not out of a vital compulsion for immediacy or precise echo. I am not trying to build my own resonant past. Myth of the ‘true past’...  different perspectives can co-exist and blur

the metaphysics of the insult, in San'an story

I am interested in the conventions in which texts can be read, in which a semantic statement can be carried over into someone's own idiom. I am teaching how to reread texts of Attar and so forth.
I think we have civilization because (we have learned) ‘to translate out of time’

handing down thought narrative,
something that also depends on transfer of meaning in *space*

San'an's sudden interest in the woman/child (Tarsaa could also be a young boy) reminds us the uniquely vulnerable and creative condition of the childhood

privileged inferiority (of both child and woman)

we are dealing with both intercourse and discourse

how his voice will change after San'an actually gets the girl?

...communication like breathing is subject to obstruction and homicidal breakdowns, under stress of hatred, of boredom, or of sudden panic, great gaps open ...that their previous understanding had been based on a trivial pidgin which had left the heart of meaning untouched.

What is the female speech in San'an?

-the breakdowns and translations in San'an story.
-The sexual translation and breakdown of linguistic exchange in San'an story.

...having an ‘ear’ for contrasting pressures of sexual discourse or identity

in San'an, man and woman, each respective experience of Eros and language had set them desperately apart.

In whose idiom, male or female, one can grasp (only) falsehood or menace? declaimer of my own stifled, tongue

my performance, corresponding to my level of literacy, and a private thesaurus, part of my subconscious and personal memories, and using the singular and irreducibly specific ensemble of somatic and psychological identity.

the ideal of a totally personal voice, of a unique ‘fit’ between an individual's expressive means and his world-image, perused by the poets.

this is not a formal hard-edged linguistic relegation, rather a metaphysical speculation

*note to self: my interest in the ʿAjā'ib al-makhlūqāt (جائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات) is due to the traces it provides into verbal literacy, a living vulgar language of mix, rather than a dead structure such as Manṭiq-uṭ-Ṭayr (منطق الطیر) of Attar.

Cultures (during Attar's?) seem to expend on their vocabulary and syntax acquisitive energies and ostentations entirely lacking in their material lives.
[very interesting point by Serres regarding the language of mysticism, Attar and others.]

my translation of Attar, an interlinear version of the script, a virtual archetype of translation

think about the presence of interpreters in the building site -- Kafka's literature house

Only if men could use language without perusing meaning to the forbidden edge of the absolute.

‘a poetic vocabulary of concepts’
‘connections or affinities’
pursuit of an inter-lingua for philosophic discourse

as you can see in this writing, I am practicing loosening the tight axiom of relation of A<-->B, something other than the predecessor-successor or cause-effect pair (--> this order of structure is coming from Greek geometric,) I am trying an unordered order-of-reason that is more reflexive, symmetric, and intransitive. (the construction of the text represents each chain incomplete and displaced--Attar knows)
towards a general theory of significant sign

Can we correlate the Persian syntax with the metaphysical ambience, internal divisions, and lyric bias of Persian people?

the language-matrix

language, informed by energies proper to itself, more comprehensive and timeless than any who makes use of it...

discourse (die Rede) would not be muffled by the ground---we walk erect [Serres]

jede Sprache ist ein Versuch---*trial
different languages penetrate to different depths
--> (every try is a) starting over with *accuracy
ok, we are starting with language from scratch, here

Literaturhaus, house has always been a metaphor for consciousness

how Attar can become interested in other lives other that San'an's that are worth living?

although we see again and again in Islamic social order the hierarchical structured relationships, I like to show the otherwise in mystic stances, and argue that the model doesn't remain static normative from the master-disciple to the authority and dependence lock, that the master-disciple relationship doesn't affirm the divine order.
and San'an is also against the notion that Sufi man is without the need of a feminine principle.
we are presented with will of the Tarsaa, the destination of San'an, and the poetic representation is feminine. the female image is strong. although at the end it has to give up -- she converts to his style. the will of the disciple is not replaced by the will of the guide, the master himself doesn't have a will.

The Tarsaa is supervising San'an's diet, sleep, and speech

[I have become more interested in the term ‘tradition'---and more suspicious of preoccupations such as ‘invention’ as modernized and capitalist terms.]
tradition: an act of memory based on a salience-effect of shared knowledge
(ein Akt der Erinnerung basiert auf einer Hervorspringen-Effekt der gemeinsamen Kenntnisse)
-there is a sequence (where is the individual terms within it?)
-my storytelling is about: describing relations[...]