Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]forceful, businesslike vigour (while the other feels quite strongly urged to argue some of these points with him, though not being given a chance to say much), while he strolls about on his mobile phone and posing himself physically irrelevant to the other --> when in-fronted with Jassem or Sina, one feels strange (losing your mind, feeling like an insecure child *engaged in such a broadly divided interrelatedness with a parent*) while that feeling appears as simply a ‘crazy’ product of one's own imagination

(is non-verbal interaction always sexual?)

nonsequitur (a typical schizophrenic technique)

(to get free from) the delusion that you had had not one mother but many different ones

a continual unexpected switching from one conversational topic to another without any marked shift in feeling-content is in itself a mode of interpersonal participation which can have a significantly disintegrating effect upon the other person's psychological functioning --> a remark for me in my lecture-performances, i can't cause disintegration on other people's thinking for the sake of art --> *to undermine the other person's confidence in the reliability of their own emotional reactions and of their own perception of outer reality* ==> de-maintain grasp on reality <-- (often) artist's failure to develop **adequate reality testing**
-the artist is not allowed to make the audience crazy!!?? @Jassem, Dominguez's “mental cruelty”

techniques of undermining of ego-functioning (in the form of: deliberate experiments in the service of totalitarian political ideologies, cultural undercurrents in present-day democratic societies, and in the lives of the schizophrenic)

-what are the effects of your work on other's ability of participation in life?

jackdaw world learning fable story partridge future [source:] Searles: effort to drive the other person crazy can be motivated predominantly by a desire to externalize the threatening craziness in oneself
(-artists do that?)

*introjected crazy parent* (==> predominance of the one's own irrational and cripplingly powerful superego)
(parents, crazy or not crazy, are always introjected[?])

love and solicitude (in mother-child relatedness) ==> impel the child to collaborate with mother in this pathological integration
-child loves her mother so deeply that he sacrifices his own developing individuality to the symbiosis necessary to her personality-functioning

Foad's psychology: bringing upon himself any catastrophe which is sensed as being inevitable, in his effort to diminish intolerable feelings of helplessness and suspense in the face of it

(parents who are not sufficiently openly psychotic ==> child secret knowledge of parent's craziness -->) child's transference phenomena --> always one or another of the parents was “a little crazy”
[+ not to mention that one strugghng against a developing psychosis will project his or her own threatening ‘craziness’ on to one or another parent]

desire to find a soul-mate to assuage unbearable loneliness <-- a parental motive reflected in child's fanatical loyalty to the parent
(the very lonely person who hungers for someone to share her or his private emotional experiences and distorted views of the world) --> “tried out” her paranoid ideas on him (!!**)
[==> chronic schizophrenia]

our immediately and vividly real parent-image ==> a libidinally cathected reality

(to get free from) our magically ‘close,’ magically ‘mutually understanding,’ two-against-the-world relatedness with the parent

infantile-omnipotent relatedness between:
the ‘sickest’ least mature areas of the parent's personality
the patient's personality
==Searles==> obstacle to the patient's becoming well

transference development: therapist inevitably becomes deeply immersed in the subjective experience of magical closeness and shared omnipotence with the patient

(offered to the patient in childhood by the parent:) the *lure* to share the delights of being ‘crazy’ along with the parent

(?Jassem or Sina's motive and genuine effort of) making the other person crazy (~ to weaken their personal integration ~ to diminish the area of ego's competency) <~/?=> *making the other person present* (Martin Buber) --> fostering of the other person's intra-personal and interpersonal integration or self-realization, (an effort to) to help the other person [seen as a child to become mature?] toward better integration ~ love

[for Guattari, the problem is not to reach an integrated ego, but to constantly change the composition ==> to unblock the situation (reactive assemblages causing paranoia) ==> to be able to do something else ~=> to become someone else]
[how to learn your way out of philosophy as philosopher ~= *to apprehend what you know* in a creative way]

loving relatedness --> responding to the wholeness of the other person (relating to a small child or to a psychiatrically ill adult, and so on)

}--> (which is fundamentally) a parental disposition [and the offspring might represent a miscarriage of the parent's wish]
-the problem is that you cannot always know the precise ego-capacities of the other person
-your interventions could be ill-timed or ill-attuned ==> disintegrating effect

questions regarding the processes of feedbacking in apass: to help the other person (not to become aware of truth about themselves or their work, rather) to construct figures about themselves and their relationships with others, figures which could provide the basis for rapid ego-growth and personality-integration. but sometimes it is too fast, the ego regresses, and it becomes an experience of developing psychosis

pathological defense:

skilfully dosed and skilfully timed increments in psychotherapeutic participation [such as premature interpretations demanded usually in feedback sessions] ==> opposite effects (rather than an integrating effect upon the artist researcher)

the schizophrenic patient's individuality resides partly in his symptoms
(Searles > Szalita-Pemow)

?gratifications in the ‘crazy’ symbiotic mode of relatedness (despite the anxiety- and frustration-engendering aspects that it offers)

earlier struggle between child and parent to drive each other crazy --> evolving transference of the patient-therapist relationship --> to crack each other

the economy *feelings of confusion and unreality* for iranians, in public political realm of state and individual symbiosis, as well as intersubjective early childhood and parent symbiosis --> the ways it enters cultural imaginary and artistic expressiveness --> *how and why iranian artists often try to make their audience crazy* [-and myself included, check Sina lecture's chaotic verbalizations of delusional materials --> jouissance of disorganization]
-(in my lectures) am i externalizing my psychosis? [~ romantic]

(mother repeatedly commanding the child ‘Now, think!’ [~ to perceive the secret] ==>) threatened, mistrustful, isolated self ==> finding hidden meanings + sarcastic response [~=> unnerving the other]

small children exposed to unfamiliar and complex situations ==> often experience of ‘you are crazy!’

modern culture of obsessive-compulsive character traits as orderliness, competitiveness, intellectualization ==> obsessive-compulsive type of basic personality structure (is made very common among artists, people who are busy one way or another with analysis and psyche of the other) ==> **reaction formation** (which is one of the major defense mechanisms of the obsessive-compulsive) ~= long-repressed desires **to dismember the personality-structure of other persons**
[obsessive-compulsive personality type is very common in expertise societies: tavahosh-e takhasos, clean (+ “contaminated” things), one is deeply immersed in research, mental control, not wasting time, adherence to routines/rituals, washers, checkers, impairment in formulating an organizational strategy, etc. ==> cognitive inhibition, or violent disinhibition]

wishes to foster personality-disintegration in other persons + genuine and powerful interests in helping them <-- how is this possible?!
-Searles suggests that the desires to drive the other person crazy are a part of (the limitlessly varied personality-constellation of) emotionally healthy human beings

feelings of infantile satisfaction & omnipotent-mother fantasies

recrudescence of symbiotic techniques

the [same] sensation of being driven utterly mad by the impossible object [patient, economy, system, self, world, love object, etc.] --> symbiotic relatedness (development of symbiotic reciprocal dependency)

(@apass, the tale we say in artistic research environment:) critical feedback = 'making ill’ of one another, is an effective forms of opening up anxieties which can be interpreted and worked through ==> to become independent (integration) and to leave
}=/={ to acknowlede our highly immature and ‘sick’ but deeply gratifying symbiotic mode of relatedness with the other (disintegration) (in Searles's terms: our efforts in keeping the other person crazy)

*how can we develop *untherapeutic techniques* of critical relatedness?
*how can we face our own conflict between desires to help (the student to become better integrated, that is more mature and healthy) and desires to destroy (the student in the state of poor integration)? --> schizophrenic conditions of artistic feedback


schizophrenia: (a general understanding of all) content-thought disorder (=/= form of thought)
*the disease of cognitive abnormality : abnormal sequential thinking*
*tangential thinking*
disorganised thinking ==> disorganised speech
mood disorders
clanging (situationally inappropriate association of words based upon sound rather than concepts)
echolalia (unsolicited repetition of vocalizations made by another person)
[*]tangentiality: deviation from relevancy; wandering train of thought, lack of focus, never returning to the initial topic --> *topic maintenance*
self-centered social responses
attention to one's own speech is overcome during the occurrence of cognition ==> evasive vocalized content

(language use”)
referential (for the sake of context)
poetic (for the sake of message)
emotive (for the sake of addresser)
conative (for the sake of addressee)
pathic (for the sake of interaction)
metalingual (for the sake of itself)


-the concept of “wearing” from Alberti (prehispanic South America)
-the concept of “mask” from Mohaghegh (postmodern Middle East)
-the concept of “style” from Archer (post-industrial Britain)
[these theories are very helpful for me and import-rich for reimagining subjectivity. Alberti committed to anthropology, Mohaghegh to the philosophical, Archer to sociology]


slave: a person attached by law and by custom to the identity of another individual -->social death’ of slavery (as legal nonperson ==> alienation) [in academic literature comparative study of slavery], slavery as a substitute for death in war
--shift--> (the concept that) slaves might influence the tastes, the language, the actions, and even the ideas of their masters

acknowledgement of presence =/= significance in relation to history

(A. Lee on) the African dimension of the genesis of the Babi religion
((oral sources for) the recovery of) subaltern histories in Iran [erased from historical memory]
--> deep resentment of “the presence in Iran of an ‘Other’ that does not conform to the imagined Iranian Self”
unblemished national selfhood
purity fetishism of... <== *purity deeply rooted in religion* [?]


(issues) politics of liberation:
that liberal democracy requires common basis for culture and society
identity politics:
“the most profound and potentially most radical politics come directly out of our own identity, as opposed to working to end somebody else's oppression” (Eisenstein)
invites people to stay in, to look inward, to obsess over the body and the self, to surround themselves with a moral forcefield to protect their worldview
a particular identity is opposing all people who belong to a particular identity
naming and claiming lived experience, and the authority arising from that
[no more?] sexual orientation (that it is now only about disrupting the mainstream)
(in the context of cultural negotiations) *strategic essentialism*: (despise strong differences in members of) minorities to temporarily “essentialize” themselves (forward their group identity) in a simplified way to achieve certain goals, to use hegemonic discourses to reform the understanding of “universal” goals
class-based politics are identity politics
to bring people together based on a shared aspect of their identity --> fail to examine differences among themselves

*solidarity does not require identification, but a willful act of alliance*


سپردن کتاب به حرق و غسل
ضعیفه دانا

(for Attar:)
حال =/= حفظ
کار =/= قال
عیان =/= بیان
اسرار =/= تکرار
علم لدنی =/= علم کسبی
جوشیدن =/= کوشیدن
حال + کار ==> سخن
حفظ + قال ==> سخن

قرآن و اخبار  و لغت و نحو  و تصریف

اهل طریقت --> زبان خود (را میخواهد)
اهل شریعت --> اخبار (کفایت میکند)
imperative عطار  --> وظیفه ساختن
(for Attar:) از دل --به--> (<--؟--) صحرا

باز شدن در سخن ==> شطح =/= سواد مفتی
}== حرکت اسرار
[شطح: بیرون شدن از کناره ی  رودخانه, deviation]

نظایرات عجیب
مضمرات غیب
سر به جوشش ==> زبان به سخن

دل --> زبان --> رو ؟
(arabic/european) -->  (عجمی)

راستی =/= صحت
  |       |
(عبارت =/= نیت)

معاملت در رضا پسندیده است =/= معاملت در  صبر
رضا: چنان که دارد چنان باشد (هیچ)

شطح بایزید:
خانه --> خداوند خانه --> *هیچ*

بایزید: بیچاره بایزید، سی سال است تا من بایزید را می طلبم و نام و نشان او را نمی یابم. (id)

describable موصوفی: چیزی که وصفش می توان کرد

بازدید = دیده شدن     /آفتاب صفت
دانستن = اعتقاد داشتن   /زمین شکل
یادداشت = ذکر       /آب نهاد

ماضی استمراری ~~--> ی

فعل متحرک در جمله (بی جایگاهی فعل) ==> خودجوشی و خود انگیختگی اندیشه و کنش کلامی

نوآوری innovation ==>جهان خود” (your world) [~ آفرینش هنری، سبک خود، etc.]
=/= نحو: پیوند ارگانیک با جهان دیگران
=/= ابداع: poiesis

(we are interested in strange because we are strange ourselves?)
غریب با غریب الف گیرد (؟)
         |      |
      خود   ذکر غریب

شعر -  شرع -  عرش
  |      |     |
؟   قانون  جهان منظم

ajayeb (شگفتی رویداد نامتعارف) ==> تبدیل شدن سوژه به ابژه tabdil shodan-e suje be obje

Kelile Demne (indian style) --> story within story
Attar's Tazkirat al-Awliya --> list

نوشتم باد، آنچه دید.

...از بهر حق عداوت کرد(ن)

غیب --> غریب --> غرایب --> عجایب --> نامه

نفاق =/=؟ contradiction
   |          |
(در خود)     (split)


amoral, amorphous or polymorphous
to reside under the mark of ambiguity
[to be careful with the figure of trickster -->] trickster represents an archetype of transformation (rebirth?) and a symbol of life, [with] humor, irony (and self-irony), as well as the confrontation between the comic and the tragic --> situates the trickster between the *world's balance and unbalance*

(migration or) migrant: (~= fugitive:) individuals who are reborn existentially precisely through the act of the escape, in order to trick their persecutors ==> survive
[=/= the juggler: Nicolas]

Mohaghegh's proposal: *to lie our way into the lie*

-how and where is my unreal located in my work on bestiaries?
past --> forsaken ancients
outside --> time of disappearance

seduction: immersion in style

our guardian: the thief

(learning from Mohaghegh and Cinderella to be/operate for each other) between:
orchestrator (influence, innovation, experimentation --> laboratory)
partner (equivalence, benefit, reciprocity --> alliance)
slave (captivity, labor, devotion, service, worship --> bondage)
--or--> l.a.b. stands for: laboratory, alliance, bondage {bondage should be part of every (artistic or knowledge-intensive) practice}

the question/problem of: incompatibility of past and present, there and here

object of event or journey (expedition, venture,)

story of the “archive of...” : collection of savored differences

the unreal is not always imaginative or speculative
it is sometimes:
a drive (suffering, passion,)
a password (encryption)
a device (machine, guide,)
accidental and chosen

the character’s wisdom, impulse, cunning, courage (endangerment), innocence (purity), violence (rage, atrocity)

intelligence: diabolical perception


(to achieve) the perfect secret: a secret that when revealed remains a secret (a riddle, a puzzle ~= monster: confrontation of the raw unnamable)
future liar --> to resurrect (in the form of fable or rumor):
fake archive (=/= real witness)
buried forged artifacts in some gamble

--> future out of sync (hyperbolic commons) ==> (an aesthetic of) temporal deviation [=/= messianic time of revolution, historical time of modernity, chronological time of capitalism,] --> (the task of) **thinking untimely**:
(Artaud's vampiric schizophrenic untimeliness...)

(Sina + Mohaghegh's) *existential radicalism*

night: underground of time
where other things can happen
a phenomena where people encounter mercilessly anonymous indifferent impersonal inhuman nature of the universe
(Mohaghegh's work on the renditions of nocturnality)

(carnaval's) multiple forms [prototype after prototype] --> formfullness =/= (deconstruction's) formlessness


ordering ==> violence, exclusion, injustice, sacrifice =/= ~=> residue (of ordering --Serres--> its excluded inessential, peripheral, parasitic) *thermal exciter*
the anthologizing, selecting, and ordering act @Marialena
with the discourse of parasite we are at including and inclusion

now our relationship to knowledge is to be more extravagant and parasitic =/= economic and fast

every time we write (sometimes referring the reader to the dictionary) we are also reviving language


criminal's relation to the dark (fugitive, dealer, prowler ولگرد) =/= wanderer's relation to the dark (nomad, sojourner, sleepwalker)

Mohaghegh --on--> sub-identities whose survival relies upon a certain exact mastery of night's formulas + learning its conceptual-experiential relations to: time, space, fear, nothingness, desire, death, forgetting, enigma, solitude, sensation, vision, secrecy, monstrosity, the body

[where one] fathoms otherwise
the time-space of the visionary, the imaginary, the unreal, the unknown, the elsewhere, the outside, the emergent
[where one] letting fall those droplets of mad and dangerous consciousness
[where] governing categories of human existence are suspended ==> alternative classifications (banned libraries, archives, catalogs, arrangements)

=/= light --promises--> a certain stability of Being

those with a pathological need to rule
those with a diabolical impulse to abandon (subvert, reinvent)
those with nothing to lose (desperation)
those with everything to gain (quest)

time of weeping
(mourn, “this should never have happened”) creation as error; being as error

solipsistic cruelty: no longer recognizes itself in anything else nor anything else within itself

[Mohaghegh, prototype harbour, night harbors:]
return of the full moon --> metamorphosis --> werewolf
return of the nightmare --> fright --> dreamer
return of the sacred --> resurrection --> redeemer
return of the curse --> vengeance --> enemy
return of the tides --> migration --> sailor
return of the banished --> hatred --> exile
return of the ancient --> power --> idol
return of the text --> evocation --> messenger
return of the threat --> intimidation --> extortionist
return of the dead --> disappearance --> ghost
return of desire --> obsession --> stalker
return of pain --> infection --> virus
return of the discarded --> waste --> vagrant
return of glory --> vindication --> fighter
return of the scene --> concealment --> criminal
return of dust --> mortality --> creation
return of instinct --> animality --> creature
point of no return --> irreversibility --> lost cause

masochistic skepticism
sadistic truth
(Mohaghegh's) *deception theory*

death of God + death of the Human + death of the Real ==> limitless epochal existential era of lying

existential forgery
treacherous play
fictive double-crossing

(thief's, runaway's, insomniac's, hysteric's, sorcerer's, and other night-traveler's) sensorial orchestrations of the dark intervals

morphologies of the night-traveler:
the old boat-passengers once placed under enforced isolation
the exiles displaced from occupied homelands
the marauding sectarian factions who patrolled city streets each night (darkness = ideology)
the slaughtered minorities traversed into non-being
night-revelers عیاش

militant storyteller
phantom ancestors
phantom offsprings

nightclub: a place of nocturnal survival

club manager

(catastrophic imagination --> fable of) slum = the true face of the city

persecuted, transient, unrescued

(wunderkammer) a cabinet of curiosities (~/?= pandora's box) of subjects, objects, atmospheres, associates, body parts

ontocidal: decimation of Being, both individual and universal

medieval islamic world renders us countless templates linking night to sacred and profane realms: stories of augury, mantic beings, and vatic utterances in circulation from all sides

animating power footnote feeling metamorphic transformation desire think imagine attention difference worlding interruption story [source: Adilnor Collection - al-Jawahir al-Khams] Thousand and One Nights
god's turbulent relation to obscurity

crescent moon

...brilliant speculative accomplishment of the Golden Age of Islamic Thought now a dark age of its own

معراج miraj (Mohaghegh's Dante's ascension)
sky-voyage of the Prophet Mohammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and then upwards into heavenly spheres, filled with supernatural descriptive passages of guardian angels, paradisiac gardens, hell-bound valleys, meteorological orbits, fatal latitudes and meridians, and the gargantuan throne of God itself

night-journey: spiritual + corporeal --> prophetic night (of strange breathing apparatus <-- angelic wing)

angel's wing [that spans entire worlds] --reopens--> (the relational channel between) desire & fear
(descriptions of seeing an angel's body)
==> sarin, cyclosarin, tabun, soman
==> respiratory failure, diaphragm hyperactivity, fainting, pupil constriction, salivation, myoclonic jerks (muscle spasms), cardiac arrest
}--> synaptic breakdown ==> cholinergic crisis --> captive in a state of poisonous ventilation

buraq: a chimera of: animality + humanoid + gemological (multiplicies) + machinic + vegetal + spectral (virtues) =/= taxonomical purity of creation
stretch the barometers of hybridity, androgeny, disproportionality
zig-zagging, levitation, elliptical arcing
like a horse, smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey. Its face was like a human's face, and its ears were like the ears of an elephant...Its head was of ruby, its wings of pearl, its rump of coral, its ears o[...]