Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...] strategy, etc. ==> cognitive inhibition, or violent disinhibition]

wishes to foster personality-disintegration in other persons + genuine and powerful interests in helping them <-- how is this possible?!
-Searles suggests that the desires to drive the other person crazy are a part of (the limitlessly varied personality-constellation of) emotionally healthy human beings

anthropos wonder body human monster marvel [source: Ambroise Pare - On Monsters and Marvels] feelings of infantile satisfaction & omnipotent-mother fantasies

recrudescence of symbiotic techniques

the [same] sensation of being driven utterly mad by the impossible object [patient, economy, system, self, world, love object, etc.] --> symbiotic relatedness (development of symbiotic reciprocal dependency)

(@apass, the tale we say in artistic research environment:) critical feedback = 'making ill’ of one another, is an effective forms of opening up anxieties which can be interpreted and worked through ==> to become independent (integration) and to leave
}=/={ to acknowlede our highly immature and ‘sick’ but deeply gratifying symbiotic mode of relatedness with the other (disintegration) (in Searles's terms: our efforts in keeping the other person crazy)

*how can we develop *untherapeutic techniques* of critical relatedness?
*how can we face our own conflict between desires to help (the student to become better integrated, that is more mature and healthy) and desires to destroy (the student in the state of poor integration)? --> schizophrenic conditions of artistic feedback


schizophrenia: (a general understanding of all) content-thought disorder (=/= form of thought)
*the disease of cognitive abnormality : abnormal sequential thinking*
*tangential thinking*
disorganised thinking ==> disorganised speech
mood disorders
clanging (situationally inappropriate association of words based upon sound rather than concepts)
echolalia (unsolicited repetition of vocalizations made by another person)
[*]tangentiality: deviation from relevancy; wandering train of thought, lack of focus, never returning to the initial topic --> *topic maintenance*
self-centered social responses
attention to one's own speech is overcome during the occurrence of cognition ==> evasive vocalized content

(language use”)
referential (for the sake of context)
poetic (for the sake of message)
emotive (for the sake of addresser)
conative (for the sake of addressee)
pathic (for the sake of interaction)
metalingual (for the sake of itself)


-the concept of “wearing” from Alberti (prehispanic South America)
-the concept of “mask” from Mohaghegh (postmodern Middle East)
-the concept of “style” from Archer (post-industrial Britain)
[these theories are very helpful for me and import-rich for reimagining subjectivity. Alberti committed to anthropology, Mohaghegh to the philosophical, Archer to sociology]


slave: a person attached by law and by custom to the identity of another individual -->social death’ of slavery (as legal nonperson ==> alienation) [in academic literature comparative study of slavery], slavery as a substitute for death in war
--shift--> (the concept that) slaves might influence the tastes, the language, the actions, and even the ideas of their masters

acknowledgement of presence =/= significance in relation to history

(A. Lee on) the African dimension of the genesis of the Babi religion
((oral sources for) the recovery of) subaltern histories in Iran [erased from historical memory]
--> deep resentment of “the presence in Iran of an ‘Other’ that does not conform to the imagined Iranian Self”
unblemished national selfhood
purity fetishism of... <== *purity deeply rooted in religion* [?]


(issues) politics of liberation:
that liberal democracy requires common basis for culture and society
identity politics:
“the most profound and potentially most radical politics come directly out of our own identity, as opposed to working to end somebody else's oppression” (Eisenstein)
invites people to stay in, to look inward, to obsess over the body and the self, to surround themselves with a moral forcefield to protect their worldview
a particular identity is opposing all people who belong to a particular identity
naming and claiming lived experience, and the authority arising from that
[no more?] sexual orientation (that it is now only about disrupting the mainstream)
(in the context of cultural negotiations) *strategic essentialism*: (despise strong differences in members of) minorities to temporarily “essentialize” themselves (forward their group identity) in a simplified way to achieve certain goals, to use hegemonic discourses to reform the understanding of “universal” goals
class-based politics are identity politics
to bring people together based on a shared aspect of their identity --> fail to examine differences among themselves

*solidarity does not require identification, but a willful act of alliance*


سپردن کتاب به حرق و غسل
ضعیفه دانا

(for Attar:)
حال =/= حفظ
کار =/= قال
عیان =/= بیان
اسرار =/= تکرار
علم لدنی =/= علم کسبی
جوشیدن =/= کوشیدن
حال + کار ==> سخن
حفظ + قال ==> سخن

قرآن و اخبار  و لغت و نحو  و تصریف

اهل طریقت --> زبان خود (را میخواهد)
اهل شریعت --> اخبار (کفایت میکند)
imperative عطار  --> وظیفه ساختن
(for Attar:) از دل --به--> (<--؟--) صحرا

باز شدن در سخن ==> شطح =/= سواد مفتی
}== حرکت اسرار
[شطح: بیرون شدن از کناره ی  رودخانه, deviation]

نظایرات عجیب
مضمرات غیب
سر به جوشش ==> زبان به سخن

دل --> زبان --> رو ؟
(arabic/european) -->  (عجمی)

راستی =/= صحت
  |       |
(عبارت =/= نیت)

معاملت در رضا پسندیده است =/= معاملت در  صبر
رضا: چنان که دارد چنان باشد (هیچ)

شطح بایزید:
خانه --> خداوند خانه --> *هیچ*

بایزید: بیچاره بایزید، سی سال است تا من بایزید را می طلبم و نام و نشان او را نمی یابم. (id)

describable موصوفی: چیزی که وصفش می توان کرد

بازدید = دیده شدن     /آفتاب صفت
دانستن = اعتقاد داشتن   /زمین شکل
یادداشت = ذکر       /آب نهاد

ماضی استمراری ~~--> ی

فعل متحرک در جمله (بی جایگاهی فعل) ==> خودجوشی و خود انگیختگی اندیشه و کنش کلامی

drawing human anthrop community sociality flow object affect media [source: Hanno Demuth] نوآوری innovation ==>جهان خود” (your world) [~ آفرینش هنری، سبک خود، etc.]
=/= نحو: پیوند ارگانیک با جهان دیگران
=/= ابداع: poiesis

(we are interested in strange because we are strange ourselves?)
غریب با غریب الف گیرد (؟)
         |      |
      خود   ذکر غریب

شعر -  شرع -  عرش
  |      |     |
؟   قانون  جهان منظم

ajayeb (شگفتی رویداد نامتعارف) ==> تبدیل شدن سوژه به ابژه tabdil shodan-e suje be obje

Kelile Demne (indian style) --> story within story
Attar's Tazkirat al-Awliya --> list

نوشتم باد، آنچه دید.

...از بهر حق عداوت کرد(ن)

غیب --> غریب --> غرایب --> عجایب --> نامه

نفاق =/=؟ contradiction
   |          |
(در خود)     (split)


amoral, amorphous or polymorphous
to reside under the mark of ambiguity
[to be careful with the figure of trickster -->] trickster repre[...]