Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]> individuality / impersonality
<-- elements are drawn to each other, mutual attraction (that does not detract from the plenitude of each)

(Sir Sayyid:) “religion = revelation + reason” --Iqbal--> affirmative picture of existence after revelation had ceased

kinetic kinect machine vision glitch Amazon rain forest nature culture technology interface enfold digital travel journey perception tactile reality dream surface 3D motion mimesis [source: Sina Seifee] Muslim thinking in need of biological renewal ==Iqbal==> revolutionary Muslim thinking
}--> a theory of human perception + intelligence + their place within the larger picture of natural evolution

-in order ot make islam political they have to reject the supernatural (miracles, keramat, etc.) ---> go to Corbin's critique

*striving to overcome the (so-called) sickness of modernity* --> (now in Europe artists want to become -->) *physician of moral community* (hakim al umat)

habits of Allah

Iqbal --> the question is not of evidence (whether miracles did not did not happen), rather: whether belief in miracles is usefully to a community : miracles ==> intensify sense of supernatural ==> hold together --> society with *ideal nationality* (not territorial nationality)
}--Naveeda--> (Iqbal is saying that) just as Muslims needed to understand the capaciousness of nature (to be able to engage and value human striving), so too did they need to accord existence to the supernatural <-- quality of striving

Maududi's picture of aspiration
modern Muslim citizenry <--Maududi-- should be created by the state (the idea that state must mould every aspect of human life on consonance with its moral norms and program of social reform ==> *true Islam =/= muslim Islam*
~= Islam is perfect, muslims not

Asad --> muslim self-transformation (self-directed changed) ==> perfect form of islam
Maududi --> (Muslims who know themselves to be weak by constitution -->) one erect a state to install change in oneself ==> perfect form of islam
Iqbal --> striving: individuation without individuality ~= potentiel without concrete ~= experimentation on self

producing the concrete environment within something to make it available to X : enabling =/= entailing


Naveeda chapter 3 law

mosque = site of striving
law = state's efforts at striving (and inflecting muslim aspiration) [=/= law: site of colonial codification and ossification]

Foucault --> (when the state asks you for) registration: disinterested bureaucratic procedure = state's securing its authority
~/= Derrida --> law = a horizon of aspiration through a register of justice

munir report
semitic theory of state (Jewish, Christian, or Islamic): the object of human life is to prepare ourselves for the next life --> strive for human conduct which ensure for a person better status in the next world
*state --> act upon Muslim bodies to secure their afterlife* (by means of prayers and good work)
}--> define a Muslim:
1. identify the material body upon which am Islamic state is compelled to act (to ensure its afterlife)
2. to protect non-Muslims from the state
3. to protect the state from non-Muslims (kofar)

(for me there is a big difference between:)
islam: achievement of the Arabian nomads (that make the musulman of today live in the past)
islam: a tradition of intellectual imagination of those who were conquered

Pakistan 1972 constitution --(for the purpose of the constitution of the law)--> non-muslim: a person who does not believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of prophethood of Muhammad, the last of the prophets or claims to be a prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad or recognizes such a claimant as a prophet or a religious reformer

something akin to copyright (trademark law) --> disable non-Muslims from encroaching upon Muslim rights over their tradition (undertaking muslim modes of worship: use of honorific titles and modes of address specific to the prophetic community, building mosques, calling azan, citing from Quran or hadis, etc.)

khatam anbia --> khatm: seal --> aspects of Islam as sealed off and exclusive to muslims

(Pakistan supprim court's affective legal feedback loop) copyrighting islam = affirmation of Muslim nature <--Naveeda-- *a horizon of striving*
}<-- an example of (Iqbalian) reason + revelation

institutionalizing blindness

Iqbal on ahmadies:
Tipu sultan collapse by the British 1799 = mark of political and psychological subjugation of Muslims --Iqbal--> Ahmadiyya messianic movement = subjugated people explaining to themselves their state of decline (negative enlightenment)
tolerance = indifference

striving =/= progress

encyclopedic universal social chicken table title optic scopic [source: unknown] ...................................

Naveeda chapter 4 jinn

strident --> engaging speech with vivid imagery
differential --> differing knowledge to proper authority

lack of consensus on what X is (among its varient constituents) ==> (problem of) loss of tolerance
(for example Pakistan:)
contradictions between commitments to:
existing hierarchies
tribal ties
universalistic religion (whose version of community transcends those ties)

(Naveeda) thinking of the potential lines of movement among entrenched differences, cited texts, and possible positions generated by selves encountering others in the world

intensities that burn within you + openness to conversation

attention to time --Naveeda--> draw a consistent picture of an Islam with open future

disputation = a form of experimentation: doing and undoing of known forms (in the spirit of striving) [=/= experimentation: innovation in self-making, or social arrangements]

disputation: a form of interaction (with risks and ill effects [risk of alienation, estrangement of others])
--> [*]becoming: coming to terms with the trajectories and crystalization of tendencies within the transcriptions of the state and in public culture --> **excavating the resources (that this way of being Muslim) give to itself to reflect upon and evaluate (--> renew its inheritance of Islam)

approaching history from the perspective of plenitude
approaching history from the perspective of lack

(upsurge of excitement accompanying the creation of Pakistan --Smith--> a tendency [=/= social movement for example reform or piety with identifiable advocacies and trajectories] called) [*]aspiration: sustaining the striving towards an ideal final form (a state, society, self, etc.) =/= achieving

the aspiration of making Pakistan --> to aspire an islamic state ~~Smith--> muslim way of saying that Pakistan should build for itself a good society
--Naveeda--> demand for a state = demand for a society ~= demand for a self

how to read Pakistan's historical records shaped by the *aspiration to strive as Muslims*?

to effect experimentation <==
disputation (jadal)
argument (bahs)
disputation (monazereh)
debate + polemic
building mosques

tradition and ethics of debate and disputation

Carl Schmitt --> political theology
*politics discovers its modernity by repressing the theological foundations of its concept and practice*

theology was always about worldly politics <--> religious transcendence }==> run analysis both ways:
transcendental coming into play (in some instances)
worldly life coming into play (in some instances) [immanent quality]

--Singh--> self-making & self-perfecting

}--Naveeda--> religious argumentation : expressive of ongoing striving

**one works on oneself by revisiting and reinhabiting theological conundrums (through words and practice)** [same in artists as well?]

perceived eagerness for debate among lay muslims --> (anxiety over) disputation ==>
indulgence in abstract thinking
undermine the tenacity of individual faith
reduce the hold of the daily obligations of ritual worship
lead to a diminishing attachment to worldly life or stakes in the social

Veena, Cavell > skepticism:
philosophical efforts at securing one's knowledge of the world unmediated by sense experience (<-- classical)
human disappointment with our earthly condition of being[...]