Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]is turn towards Maryam = turn away from the present* (of his everyday life not having the spiritual richness & *authoritative accounts* [he desired to make himself a better Muslim])

from a pedagogical figure --to--> pupil to his daughter

pursuits of the self ~=> incorporate the unexpected --extent--> abdicating full control of oneself

cartography body image map Shiraz place [source: ]Fascia body tissue matter animal heyvan hayula terrestrial locomotion flex jell [source:]surgeon monster marvel encyclopedia curiosity human animal nature figure fish waterbody [source: On Monsters and Marvels by Ambroise Paré 1510] in bringing a jinn into his life --> it became a version of him joining other versions of himself with whom he was bound

--Iqbal--> striving to one's next self

in the famous tale of Aladdin and the magic lamp, a child found a genie and could be literally pulled out of a humdrum existence to soar the skies
Maryam shared the jinn's joy in discovering human food
she got to whisper her secrets into his ears
make him complicit in her projects
she got to temporally take leave of her body that was changing beyond her control

(Naveeda asks) was Sulayman (the jinn) about the inability to acknowledge friendship over time?


Naveeda chapter 5 mulla

graffiti --> awareness of X at the level of gesture and affect

participation in change

(Agamben -->) [*]gesture: inhabiting of potentiality

Naveeda four scenes of aspiration:
1. librarians engaged in argumentation over the nature of the prophet's body after his death --gesture--> argumentation
2. neighborhoods embroiled in fights over mosques in attempting to prescribe the rightful atmosphere for prayer --gesture--> seizure
3. the state drawn into theological disputation and legal experimentation over how over should attach oneself to the prophet --gesture--> legal experimentation
4. a pious man trying to seek guidance on how to be Muslim from an invisible being (jinn) --gesture--> search for guidance
}--affect--> accompanied by intensity of seriousness, sincerity, excitement, disappointment, sense of loss
}--commitment--> friendship, neighborliness, familial ties

large arsenal of off-color jokes about specialist fogures of all religious traditions in the popular culture of the subcontinent...
horror stories
psychological profile of mullas
weekly skewing of mullas
mulla jokes

political commentary <--> criticism
--> mulla was to blame for everything that was perceived to be wrong (in Pakistan) --> *pervasive skepticism* [also in Iran]

skepticism shadows striving (?)

the other of the striving muslim in Pakistan:
shadowi Shia
deceiving Ahmadi
bad-tempered mulla بدمزاج

Iqbal --> ossification of the institution of ulama
Pakistani state --> ossification of commentary upon Islamic texts

...everyday assertion that one's religiousity is superior to others

mulla = full-fledged maleficent persona

skepticism of daily existence
1. ...(they become skeptical) about his rationality and grounds for his beliefs
2. ...(at some point) anything could be said or believed about him
3. ...(he felt like) everyone around him had turned to animals
4. ...(he presumed) everyday life was one of illusion and appearances [go to --> kelile demne این همه سودا است، مجاز]
}--> actualize the potential for *skepticism that existed in the social fabric*
=/= chance encounter
=/= pervasive condition

figure of the mulla [~= collective fear + revulsion] --traverse--> the fragmented public culture of the city

[*]ulama: guardian, transmitter, interpreter of shari'a
+ specific claims of knowledge upon:
1. تفسیر tafsir (commentary upon the Quran)
2. فقه figh (jurisprudence)
3. حدیث hadis (sayings of the prophet)
4. کلام kalam (speculative theology)
+ (in Pakistan) personnel in mosque:
1. امام imam
2. خطیب khatib (Frida sermon)
3. قاری ghari
4. موذن muezzin

mulla --derogatory--> one who is overzealous in upholding the letter of the shari'a
(+ additional connotation:)
ignorant master [go to --> mulla nasruddin: religious master who gets by in life through hypocrisy and cunning + outsmarting those of noble birth and high cultivation]
gabza agent (seizure of property)
sodomizer (one who rapes men)
a naive fool out of step with his time

colonial politics in south Asia --> British colonial administration in India see ulama as outdated, deliberately obscurantist, jahel ==> negative stereotype ----> post-colonial period

Pakistani state --> fossilized state of knowledge on Islam
Iqbal --> mullaism =/= freedom of ijtihad

(Talal Asad -->) Islamic diskursive tradition is grounded in *argument that anticipates resistance* in the form of doubt, indifference, or lack of understanding ==> it employs the force of reason to bring forth the *willing performance of a practice*
}==produce==> domain of orthodoxy (+ relations of power)

(for Naveeda) anxiety or skepticism ~= sign of aspiration for striving

labbaik: i am here (to follow your orders)

theatrical unteality

...animus lies in the world
[later he] identitues this animus with thr workings of iblis (satan)
...this is a city of whispers [waswasen], a city of mad possession [shar], a city of deviation [ilhad], a city of anxiety [tazadzud], a city of dispersion [intishar]

the ability to smell oneself --> to experience oneself as other

how public culture can ability skepticism as a pervasive condition

mulla jokes --> horror stories = fear + revulsion

(Freudian) eruptive quality of jokes --> joke erupts into everyday life as of from elsewhere

political cartoon: maximum effect through a minimum of details

(mulla) jokes, horror stories, political cartoons --Naveeda--> *exiling the foreignness within*

stories of:
1. mosque in an upscale shopping center
2. sexually predictory mulla
}--> (speaks of:)
1. the perception that there were places in Pakistan where vise was allowed to grow unchecked
2. the menace the ulama introduced into everyday life
}==> (the effect of:)
keeping public attention upon possible sites and agents of corruption
putting the everyday life into question (as to whether it was what it appeared to be)

political cartoons --imply-->
Pakistanis are caught in someone else's game
growing unfamiliarity of Pakistan

(charges of)
sexual voraciousness
political ambition
--> continuous efforts to set the mulla outside of oneself (=/= everyday familiarity with the ulama)

***negative stories and cartoons --express--> various degrees of skeptical orientation to the world***
jokes --(descriptive density)--> full expression to skepticism
--{also in Iran}--> making (mulla) grotesquely other ==> inconcevable to imagine any points of relatedness (to mulla)

scatological jokes
reworking of official rhetoric for ludic effect
exaggerated performance of power
}--Mbembe-->relationship of conviviality with the realm of official power”

vulgarity ==long-term==> *zombification of official figures* (robbed of their humanity --> they cannot be apprehended except through their caricatures)


to loosen some terms carefully: memory, form, order,

[The arts of memory- Comparative perspectives on a mental artifact. Revised and updated by the author Carlo Severi. Translated by Matthew Carey - Severi - HAU- Journal of Ethnographic Theory]

memory as a domain of social life

“order” constitutes a principle to engender other forms of knowledge

totem poles, simply records the different circumstances that marked a particular social group, were comprised of organized series
occupied with the transmission of ‘names’, but necessarily, paralleled by a form of logical power, implies sequential ordering of different for[...]