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[...]ive assemblage?

my ajayeb: a throng (هجوم) of (neo-English-Farsi) dialects, patois, slangs, and specialized languages

my Rigs... :
local restrictions of wach word
the tendency of words to occur next to each other their degree of crystallization

[for my hypertext] (Zellig Harris:) the constraints or demands that words place on one another are transmitted as socially obligatory information [as physical information, the kind measured in bits, not the semantic information used in dictionary definitions.]

jackdaw world learning fable story partridge future [source:]image projection forest light table round multi-media performance security system representation hack child Linux interface predation [source: Jurassic Park movie 1993] socially obligatory ‘information’-[as ‘physical information’ (kind measured in bits) =/= semantic information (used in dictionary definitions)] ==(transmits)==> constraints or demands that words place on one another

(my hypertext ajayeb is an) “informational niche”
[and what about the matter of ‘actual use’?] “rules”: a set of normative combinatorial constraints
recursive application of existing constraints ==> new patterns

*process of language: from optimal to obligatory*
(in respect of history: obligatory meanings of Attar, and so on)
--> in my work this flow is reversed: from obligatory (meanings of Attar or ajayeb) to optimal. that is perhaps why sometimes people say that they don't understand me or that I am wonge.
-memory is the matter of statistical fact: (core) meaning ~= “selection”

***the fate of my contribution depends on and is determined by my position in the communicative network

pidgin دست وپا شکسته ومخلوط : creative adaptations is a pidgin?
*pidginization: any process of reduction or simplification of linguistic resources {"=/=”, “=”, “==>”, “-->"}

my ajayeb writing:
step 1: redundent simplification of linguistic resources [--> creoles نژاد مخلوط: that segment of a continuum of variation which exhibits the maximum divergence from the standard but which is still connected to other portions of the meshwork (Farsi+English)]
step 2: reenriching itself with features eliminated during step 1 ~ recomplexification of creoles }==(how?!)==>
step 3: diversifying the number and type of uses it can be put to

double articulation: a sorting operation that yields a homogeneous distribution of elements and a consolidation operation that defines more or less permanent structural linkages between sorted materials.
if and when the materials on which a sorting device operates acquire the ability to replicate with variation, a new abstract machine emerges, in the form of a blind probe head capable of exploring a space of possible forms

ajayeb's (specialist) jargon <-- what intensified them? --> ? tech, colonialism, schooling,

what i am trying to do with ajayeb, in making this hypertext, is to connect its syntactical constructions to fresh reservoirs of linguistic resources ***

with i am learning to resist the hierarchical weight of “received pronunciations” and official criteria of correctness of “ajayeb

my Rigs, equipped with “knobs”: controlling parameters whose intensity defines the dynamical state of the structure-generating process

my work on ajayeb is an inquiry (or critique) in the ways we represent the world to ourselves [--> organizing objective referents and label-concepts] <--> a homogenizing social critique?


what is gained and what is lost when “tidying up the archive” ?



in the ages before printing a trained memory was vitally important; and the manipulation of images in memory must always to some extent involve the psyche as a whole

** mnemotechnical side of the art is always present **

Mnemosyne, said the Greeks, is the mother of the Muses

occult memory systems <== Renaissance Hermetic tradition --?--> lullism (lullaby? Hoda) <---- rhetoric tradition

the history of memory

the problems of the mental image, of the activation of images, of the grasp of reality through images


the horror of no longer remembering the reason for forgetting, or, “when the times comes for our battle, the memories'll be the armour”
Thyrza Goodeve


knowledge infrastructure
how do changes in knowledge infrastructures reinforce or redistributes authority, influence, and power? --> new ways of thinking and acting

create + share + dispute knowledge

(Facebook, Google, etc.:) vast stores of anonymized data to analysis and exploitation, engaging users and publics in new ways

axes of change: [fundamental transformations challenging our understanding of the ways knowledge is processed:]
1- technical systems and standards
2- new modes of analyzing social (re)organization that exploit the extensive traces left behind by users of information

libraries: changing structures, services, and physical spaces
publishing industry
intellectual property
global flow
knowledge politics: filter bubble, counter-expertise,

unpaind individuals
“sticky” processes and routines --> *most knowledge workers’ salaries are still paid by bricks-and-mortar organizations with hierarchical structures, established insitutional cultures, systems of credit and compensation/

eventual rise of a scientific culture of “extreme openness”

(forms that are) human-readable & machine-readable <-- the move i made from my notebook to

infrastructure =/= system

infrastructure perspective:
multi-layered, multi-scaled (layered nature of infrastructure, navigating among different scales)
rough-cut character
ecologies/complex adaptive systems
-->** infrastructures consist of numerous systems, each with unique *origins and *goals, which are made to interoperate by means of *standards, socket layers [: a bony hollow into which a structure fits], social norms, and individual behaviors that smooth out connections among them
system perspective:
fully coherent
deliberately engineered
end-to-end process

(Weinberger's notion of) *stoping point*
“knowledge as a series of stopping points”
printed journal articles
(other fixed products)
--[changing to]--> a world where knowledge is perceptually in motion }--> in a way is part of this transition
we face a world of abundant information, hyperlinked ideas, permission-free resources, highly public interaction, and massive, unresolved disagreement. (Weinberger)
individual expertise is (many argue) being replaced by the wisdom of crowds: noisy and endlessly contentious, but also rich, diverse, and multi-skilled [=/= fantasies of Black Mirror TV series]

wikis of all sorts

(?is my a) citizen science

vigor and growing utility

“distance matters”

commodification of data : the presentation of datasets as complete, interchangeable products in readily exchanged formats

data-driven science
problem of evaluation
--> ***Do we know things if we cannot explain why they are true?*** (Anderson)

hierachically organized forms of credentialing

in Julia's seminar we were trying to examine: commodified data analysis tools and widely available software skills ==> (larger number of participants to) analyze data and run models

(*a problem with university students:) [students who do appear] more motivated by the university as a *rite of passage* (گذار از بلوغ) and a *lifestyle*
=/= learning
*professors are no longer seen as infallible experts, but as resources whose facts can be checked in real time

(question of) standard / ontology --> (desire for) universality / (need for) change

knowledge of past climates

(through my love and study for ajayeb --> infrastructure -->) questions for apass:
-what new forms of organization and community are emerging? what power relations do they rely on, create, or destroy? who wins and who loses as knowledge infrastruc[...]