Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]acetime’ there is no need to explain how they come together, because nothing stands between them

“a woman's survival depends upon calling people into classification”
“ judgments about gender lead to romance as well as lethal exchange.”


Verran in her work with Yoruba (West African) and Yolngu (Aboriginal Australian)

=/= thinking of numbers used in enumerating the real world as helping us to work relation ==> numbers (and mathematical objects) as cognitive tools
elements of schooling --> learning to use mathematical tools

*can number be considered as an inventive frontier in social, cultural, political and moral life?* --Verran--> *number = materialized relations*, enumerated materiality

people having kin relations
people are relations (in an embodied sense + semiotic in the sense of expressing a formal relation [for example wife/husband])

in river water --> taking numbers as semiotic = to identify numbers as the formal relation unity/plurality
in working markets --> numbers enact generalizing iconically in the whole/parts mode

--**--> numbers as particulars, in place and time, in situ, realized in specific practical ways

Platonist account of number
intuitionist account of number
instrumentalist account of number
Iranian accounr of number

(Verran's rhetoric --> the term) semiotic (an opaque term, both vague and highly technical) + material modifies

(Verran not refering to) [*]semiotic: the summoning up the baroque complexity of French structuralist and post-structuralist thought, and alternatively the specific categorical proposals of Peirce's philosophy and its offspring, american pragmatism.

the paradox of worlds as already/always meaningful, recognizing that doing worlds as knowable (whether by science or by trading) or for that matter through Yoruba, or Yolngu knowledge traditions --involves--> engaging with the world as it is here and now --accepts--> *studying ‘forms of life’ and ‘language games’ as complex clots of signs and collective actions*

--Peirce--> numbers can be:
iconic (icons are deeply coconstitutive with clots of collective actions that generate entities)
symbolic (symbols and their objects enact a relation of supervenience امر غير مترقبه, objects are accepted as affecting and effecting their signs but not vice-versa)
--> degrees of reciprocal co-constitution of signs and collective embodied and embedded actions in which objects come to life
--Verran--> ethnographically found forms of the workings of signs

(depending on) how one understands ethnography ==> names work as icons, indexes, or symbols

removing the stigma of Yoruba number as primitive

numbers as working indexically or symbolically --> for examine: are being used to represent the ecological health of Australia's creeks and rivers, lakes and billabongs

difference between these relational forms:
the first thing we need to know about a number is whether:
it takes the one/many form (potentially containing unity within the plurality of a many) [cardinal number --> conserve value]
the whole/parts form (having plurality contained within a unity) [ordinal number --> conserve order]

(in) shape-shifting between:
one/many form
whole/parts form
symbolic/indexical mode of semiosis
indexical/iconic mode of semiosis
}--> number works in inventive ways

thousands of Australians regularly attending their streams with bottles, thermometers, and pH meters, peering at tiny creatures they have scooped up with a net, trying to identify what they are and count their numbers

(the slogan) “you can't sustain what you haven't measured”

numbers so enthusiastically generated by volunteers --also--> contribute to constituting water as commodity, expanding possibilities for ‘doing business with water’

cordon sanitaire --> consistency must be quantifiable
two databases, separate institutions and websites, is counter-productive in a project assembling and disseminating information on the state of the nation's water resources?


patterns of behavior
forms of style
--emerge--> ?

(Rai researching the materiality of the ecology of sensation of mobile phones in India helps me to think about Iran telegram media)
new ecology of sensation ==> patterns

perspectivalism: (history of) the dominance of representationalism in the engagement with a living multiplicity at stake

each image has:
a certain duration
at different scales of perception
a non-coinciding resonant unity (a unity-in-multiplicity)
*mutating affect =/= representation*
potential occasions for a perceptual event (that exceed their actualization) =/= mise en abime
pointing the capacities of perception in multiple direction
strike you as potential events in gradients of textual vision, haptic and mutating accross senses
excessive information that calls for another diagram of bodily capacities
where a machinic phylum becomes sensitive to certain forces

an ecology of sensation meeting its cliche:
Bollywood meets graphic novels at the back of a rickshaw
Agra's Mughal-era oriental(ized) stone work turning topological and dimensional (less or more racist? --Rai--> to what extent is the question relevant to what it does?**)
Ferris wheel on Juhu beach
the weighting machine at the local station

(Rai + Keenan --> give me) new resources for imagining justice and democracy

all habits are preindividual : where the subject and population meets

photographs (photoshopped life) ==enable==> a hauntology to emerge in the viewing subject

a priori conceptualism =/= a practice of perception that is involved in the emergence of ecologies

like Rai's photos, the image assemblages that i am making are experiments in perception given the ecology of sensation that i am working through
--> attempts to produce an affect that resonants with a conceptual and bodily reasoning =/= philosophy

my telegram collection <== (Stengers) we do not know a priori the difference between what we must take into account and what we can ignore

(for you, X is deterministic, as are the questions that describe it)

[*]emergence: the appearance of the unanalyzable totality of a new entity that renders irrelevant the intelligibility of that which produced it


Ticineto Clough

media technological developements ==> (often and perhaps necessarily) put the transformation of being and the transformation of knowing out of sync with one another

why Hollywood concerns me:
reconceptualization of labor from the cinematic mode of production to the affective mode
the colossal projection of cinema as a guarantor of a culturally uniform memory

relevant for artists too (they cannot ignore this) --> to rethink the ontological grounds of knowing [and representation] (in the wake of) deprivileging or decentering human perception and cognition (and reconcider these artistic tools and episteme:) sensation, affect, matter, energy

*digital media technology is being redefined in terms of a subtraction of human perception as the presumed center of being and feeling* @apass

(media understood in terms of) *nonanthropocentric affect* --> affect = transition, gateway, passages between dimensions ==> ‘everything = media’ (~ entities can feel or whose vibrations can be felt by other entities)
affect --> [*]media: contractions of forces of the world into specific resonating milieus

ajayeb rigs existence hierarchy snake world donya [source: Sina Seifee] **mediation = modulation = (vibration =) intensifying or deintensifying rhythmicities and forces, below and above human perception**

[*]human perception: assemblage of measuring that is irreducible to human agency or human agency alone ==> “non-conscious phenomena”
-this is Barad pointing the way to an epistemology put in terms of measuring that affects as it renders effects
(i need to work on such specific epistemology for ajayeb)

(ajayeb's speculative reals --> speculative grasp of what exists outside human knowing =/=) correlationism: impossibility of a world without human knowing

(one of our obligation today is) [nonapocalyptic] ***recognizing a world without us*** (<-- this is what we must imagine and not “our future” @Pierre)
[by] making use of poetic, affective, rhythmic processes of resonance (--> Sarah's fermentation concert, Sina's popup book)

}==rethink==> *media technologies = technologies of measure*

sensual mathematics
rethink the digital in terms of the “numerical dimension of the virtual”
the potential for mutation immanent to the numerical code itself
(indeterminacies understood in terms of) new processes of quantification that recognize the “full densely packed zones of information that are the intensive surrounds of zero and ones
Clough - Goodman - Parisi

*question of knowing = a politics of capacities* (that crosses every scale of matter/energy)
=/= interpellation and determination of the subject
=/= identity politics (politics of difference)

control society = collection of dynamic quasi-subjects (constituted by a grear number of variables) =/= collection of subjects of right (constituted by the partial alienation of their natural rights to the sovereign)

[*]population only reveals probabilistic regularities once considered at the mass level (=/= collection of controlable subjects)
(in both terms of capital and governance) *modulation and mutation are operative in relations of power* (---> go to Campbell)

[*]publics: addresses of communicated affective states (=/= subjects of discourse about and argumentation over narrative knowledge with truth claims)****
--> matters of vitalizing information
*digital technologies have been fundamental to the deterritorialization of the relationship between individual and collectivity* --Terranova--> (digital technologies through provisional capture and dissemination of affect ==>) constitution of publics

[*]biopolitics: a matter of distributing affective capacities unevenly across population (--> is volatile)
***distribution of affect reshapes society*** --requires--> to restore discursive argumentation (over narrative and its truth claims --> *narrative = a form of truth claim*)

(#telegram with Rai, we need more analysis of... in terms) *ecologies of sensation*: media assemblages with emergent properties that impel new tendencies, new forms of attention, new forms of intention, new forms of distraction, new forms of habit, new forms of practice
*politics of intervention: a matter of entering in the middle in order to *modulate* ~= (Rai's) counter-actualization (~= criticism): moving down from the extended, back to the intensive or potentiality (not merely a deconstructive practice, but) an ontologically oriented practice, a performative intervention brining a change of speed, rhythm, vibration --> politics of vibration (Pia's method)

media technological developement ==deploy==> (which?) ontological and epistemological implications

to give criticism more specificity and width

measure and media technologies


(Rai) [hacking jugaad practices] they operate within and against the plasticity (both neural and spatial) of India's “smart cities”
-feedbacked assemblages of affect, matter, policy, culture, biology, perception, value, force, sensibilities, practices, and discourses
-sensorial, algorithmic, material, and territorial makeshift infrastructures enabling digital cultures in India today

cultures of pirated workarounds (jugaad) in digital technologies
emergent digital cultures

stratified data

*hacking empiricism: a self-reflective practice of linking a problem to both its ecology of sense and sensation and to its processes and dimensions of change*
empiricism --> pragmatic experimentations in becoming other
[*]hacking: (informalized workaround practices) inchoate unvollständig movement of workaround, informal (disorganized), extralegal, democratic, subaltern, collective repurposing of found materials shifting ecologies from relative stasis to absolute flux, at times and usually in the interests of narrow class segments, in innovative and “game-changing” ways

ecologies of workaround practices

...subaltern and autonomous sensibility imprisoned and controlled by forms of monopoly and habituation

...nodes of algorithmic capital

traverse and exceed

islamophobic co-branding of Israel and India

marketing and hacking of digital cultures

social practice / hacking
pragmatic, ad hoc, networked approach (to an obstacle)
sufficient reason proceeding through intuition as much as probability

**what workaround repurposes our relation to technology and technique itself? <--Rai-- collective experiment in pragmatizing in mobile ecologies

heterodox political economy of contemporary digital capitalist control + its parasitical and autonomous pirate kingdoms (Sundaram > Rai)

Foucault --> ****knowledge was not made for understanding, it was made for cutting****

entrepreneurial capture of digital cultures and their hacking (in India)

-what is the force, sense, and value of the habituation (of CG hacking, of pragmatic experimentation habits)? --Sina--> (question of) passage between affective states
-(how can we?) better diagram through connecting relations and functions of force, value, and sense in (pirated & corporate) contemporary digital media infrastructures

(how to understand effectively the knots of) ***technoperceptual*** (becoming, relations, assemblages, habituation)

negotiating the digital (irreducible to capitalist strategies of value capture ~ resistance form)

the ecology of sense and sensation that jugaad events [technical animation CG] operate through (and happen in) *requires specific pirate infrastructures*

Rai's jugaad --affirm--> becoming through a counteractualization of the infrastructures of postdigital cultures

strategic narratives of acts of consumption --> sources of new productivity

(Ris's notion of) ecological: process-oriented historical materialism

interpretation by thinking --through--> assemblages of action --through--> assemblages of thought

collective practices of habituation

([Rai's] methodology of) *affect-as-capacity* --shift--> the focus of attention away from language (discourse and representation) toward habituated and emergent sensations in historically specific media assemblages

transformation of telecommunications in colonial and postcolonial South Asia

(Guattari's) assemblage: a prepersonal practice, a kind of style, a creative mutation that binds an individual or a group consciously or unconsciously


*traveling the bibliographic among knowledge worlds*

(Katie making a) multimedia bibliographic essay *with an argument* --> working out a practice of *transdisciplinary inspection*
(@apass, a few index of evaluation for such practice:)
*how well it learns and models how to be affected or moved*
*how well it opens up unexpected elements of one's own embodiments in lively and re-sensitizing world*
(what are) *its possibilities for immersive play among sensations and platforms amid media technologies*
(what are) *its ways of participating in multispecies learning or self-organization across ecologies
(what are its capacities for) *mattering without owning the action* [--> play]

transdisciplinary connections have been made on the basis of *play*--between: psychiatry, mathematical, logic, linguistic, histories and evolution of communication, ethology, biophysics, cybernetics, natural history + game industry, fine arts design, education, semiotics, animation, new media, children television, system collaborations
--play--> restructure and intermesh, are recruited in nationalisms, economies, political life
}--Katie--> ***what sorts of politics might allow us to scope and scale among these, to “play” with our own consciousness?***

culture industries

-what does it take to be an intellectual actor across knowledge worlds & a trustworthy member of only some? @Jassem
-[what is] to practice knowledge beyond your control? @Lili
-[what is] to s[...]