Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]erceptual disorientation

}----> Crary's analysis of Edison's train robbery scene : serial reconfiguration of a kinesthetic constellation of moving forces (+ additional system of movements and forces: bodies, bullets, explosion) =/= question of mobile point of view

Cezanne <--> cinema camera --Dziga-->
i am a mechanical eye
i, a machine, show you the world as only i can see it
now and forever, i free myself from human immobility
i am in constant motion, i draw near, then far away objects, i crawl under, i climb onto them... i plug and soar together with plunging and soaring bodies
now, i, a camera, fling myself along their resultant maneuvering in the chaos of movement, recording movement, starting with movement of the most complex combinations

Sherrington --> stimuli in the external world are selected and fashioned by the organism
=/= Pavlov: stimuli = alien shocks encountered and responded to
=/= Cartesian res extensa, res cogitans
“the great physical process of attention”
inhibition: an active process
anticipatory behavior
exploratory locomotor behavior
integrative function” of nervous system ==> binding
(integrative: incorporation of the exterior world)
“human perception = possibility of motor activity”


bird ajayeb wonder existance taxon species [source: Qazwini -] Cezanne sitting in nature and studying motif, tilting his head ~-> intensity unfolding chromatically before him (a mode of physical being) --> *time of the body* [<-- this is typical of today art in european] = indefinite scalar time + intensity is experienced outside representation
river stands for his engagement with a more primal flux
sustained condition of vibrating instability
apprehension of multiplicity
world = turn of a kaleidoscope (prismatic)
(when you look at a) landscape has its own weird anima, it changes like a living animal under our gaze (---> go to machine dreaming image learning 2020)
to make yourself into a responsible productive organ
--> **incarnation of a contradictory enterprise of self-transformation, self-renewal** <-- (Cezanne's retrospective fulfilment of a tradition from which he could not fully acknowledge his own decisive departure)

...your intuition on the edge of the river

Cezanne = reformulation of natural world + broken hope of community (~= intimacy --> Rousseau's mode of attention contemplation: “thought =/= reverie” : the more sensitive the soul of the observer, the greater the ecstasy aroused in him. deep and delightful reverie : a state of blissful self-abandonment)
--> novelty of a smooth unorganized perceptual space
--Crary--> example of the nonsynchronous character of modernism (~ coexistence of realities from radically different moments of history) [<-- is my bestiary research on the same plural historical positioning?]
termination of a romantic visionary tradition

(in the West) [*]image: decentered chrono-iconography, automatic self-movement

rise of cinema: body-machine assemblage --Deleuze--> new paradigm of *psycho-mechanics* ~ cinema is capable of touching the cerebral system directly ==>
experimental forms of life = freedom (affirmative model of automatic behavior --> thought functions at a higher level with an arsenal of syntactic perceptual conceptual tools)
management of attention (model of passive automatism)

(from) dreamer --to--> somnambulist --to--> hypnosis --to--> suggestion --to--> hallucination --to--> obsession

Deleuze + Benjamin + Virilio
the idea of *art of automatic movement coincide with fascism*
@Pierre, pass, Foad

scopophilia: a forced ecstatic abjection before the image
=/= mastery

[*]spectacle: (spectacular culture) attention would be made attentive to everything but itself


“my experience is what i aggree to attend to” (James) ~= affirmation of an autonomous self-choosing world-creating subject liberated from the receptive status of a subject for whom experience was “the mere presence to the senses of an outward order”) --Crary--> historical crisis in the nature of experience: *attention = simulation of + compensation for a chimerical real experience*

(in my text rigging demons --> reconciliation of:)
individual attentiveness to the fringes, transitions, pulses of one's own particular “pure experience”
“experience” as immersion in the tangled density of a shared mutually inhabited world

James's conception of selfhood: private property (--in--> Tasavof: the most radical of all possible alienation and disconnection) --Lentricchia--> deployed to preserve a human space of freedom interiorized from the vicissitudes and coercions of the marketplace

**modern attention** + individual evasion of memory (and history) --> habitual & commodified : an imaginary deletion of all that is unbearable in collective and individual experience

in Corridor Crew the perceptual selectivity of the CG hackers sustains efficiency of animation tools + tangled social and psychic machinery of sublimation

(?do i have) agoraphobia --> Simmel

(destructive transformation of) *modernization always preserve and carry over nonsynchronous components of past moments*
Crary, Lefebvre

Piranesi's etching of Rone = foctive and atmospheric prison
Freud's description of piazza: patchwork texture of screens and flashing signs (formless field of attraction @Foad, Sina; multidimensional field of stimuli, urban space: “a theater of memory and a theater of prophecy”) =/= Piranesian dissolution of the axial city (organized views around a coherent even if mobile subjective orientation)

Freud's technique of attention: gleichschwebende Aufmerksamkeit
‘evenly suspended attention’ (giving equal notice to everything, everything in low-level focus without the risk of schizophrenic overload) --define--> **a state of receptivity in the analyst that eill be commensurate with the spoken free association of the patient** --> dealing with a stream of information that has no evident structure or coherence + extracting from that disjunct texture (artwork, chaotic syntax of dreams, indecipherable present,) some interpretive clarity (feedback)

Freud + Cezzaine --> design a countermodel of attentiveness that surmounts an ***inhibition of the peripheral*** (=/= notion of selection ~=> finding out what one already knows)

****diffuse attention =/= critical attention**** (a faculty in which the observer is led to reject some of the ideas that occur to him after perceiving them)

simulation representation child human model earth world grasp understanding tangibility memory device vision science [source: Ender's Game film 2013] (at the turn of the century) experience: compulsory consumption of information

(from) the experience of deindividualtion (in piazza) --to--> a more controllable form of loneliness (bedroom)

[this] plural hybrid space of Roman square (Crary on Freud's representation) ~= a spectacle society : a patchwork of fluctuating effects in which individuals and groups continually reconstitute themselves (either creativity or reactively) =/= (Guy Debord's) seamless regime of separation, ominous collective mobilization


Deleuze and Guattari's Varuna and Mitra --> lacking a mythology of conflict (=/= Singh's analysis)
forming a milieu of interiority --> double articulation that makes the State apparatus into a stratum

State's operates by:
seizes (immediate, magical capture)
binds (preventing all combat --> presupposing a juridical integration of war)

“chess (pieces are coded) = a game of State”
chess: an institutionalized, regulated, coded war, pure strategy =/= Go: pure semiology
(what is game's form of interiority)

nonsubjectified machine assemblage

...returning from the outside with that inconceivable thing, an army

magical-despotic State (@Eszter)

Genghis Khan didn't understand the phenomenon of the city --> war machine: a pure form of exteriority

magic violence
military institution

Deleuze and Guattari: State has no war machine of its own; it can only appropriate one in the form of a military institution

machine: ontology of production

State thinkers:
Euclid (finding a foundation for the enterprise) --> logos: the law over the nomos (from Proto-Indo-European nem-: distribute)-->{Euclidian space: a su[...]