Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]equations (solution of an algebraic equation is a value)

(distribution of matter in:)
space of pillars
striated by the fall of bodies
verticals of gravity
parallel layers

quantitative and scientific oppsositions (such as: speed/slowness, quick/weighty, celeritas/gravitas)
=/= qualitative oppsositions
=/= mythological structures

simulation representation child human model earth world grasp understanding tangibility memory device vision science [source: Ender's Game film 2013] (i am basically interested in the law of falling bodies)

(my lectures: an art of) following =/= flowing
-one never follows in order to reproduce
-in following, one is in search of singularities of a matter
(my whole work has been about the art of being carried away by the vortical flow of texts)--> [*]ajayeb ~= a vertical field across which singularities are scattered like so many accidents (i see them as ‘problems,’ and my job is to follow them)

global theory of waves

(Deleuze and Guattari romanticizing the royal science:) “reproducing implies the performance of a fixed point of view that is external to what is reproduced” (--no--> it is about saying what you say attached to a temporary fixed point [for example an identity], in order to be able to be proven wrong)

categorical apodictic apparatus
[category = intrinsic concepts]

content is (not?) always conformist (<-- Julia was never)

Alex: imperium of true thinking --> capture, seizure, binding, constituting the efficacy of a foundation (= myth) ==> [*]logos: sanction of a ground

modern state: *realized reason*, the rational and reasonable organization of a community
-what are the exchanges that take place between the State and reason
modern state reason --> “the more you obey, the more you will be master” (for you will be only obeying pure reason) --> philosophy assigned itself the role of ground

common sense: the unity of all faculties at center

(in the archaic model imperial State:) poet = image trainer =/= (toady's) artist: (Deleuzian) *private thinker* (making counterthought, destroy images) =/= public professor
-problem with private thinker is that it exaggerates interiority when it is a question of outside thought --> the question of how **to place the thought in an immediate relation with the outside, with the forces of the outside** (to make thought a war machine?)

(Alex in search of) maxim =/= aphorism (always awaits its meaning from a new external force, a final force that utilizes it) <-- my interest

(?which) image inspired by State apparatus

[*]method: the striated space of the cogitatio universalis ==> path (=/= bridge)

thought ~= vampire (has no image)

(in the smooth space of Zen) the arrow does not go from one point to another but is taken up at any point, to be sent to any other point, and tends to permute with the archer and the target (#my bow and arrow --> it takes no aim but hopes the arrow will stick somewhere)
-whenever a “thinker” shoots an arrow, there is a man of the State, a shadow or an image of a man of the State, that counsels and admonishes him, and wants to assign him a target or aim (#my bow and arrow joke @apass)

pathetic texts: thought becomes pathos (=/= logos =/= mythos)

(a lot of poetry today is like this:)
(an antidialogue between brother and sister:) one *speaks before knowing* while the other *relays before having understood*
--> the necessity of not having control over language ~ (Chloe:) the necessity of being a foreigner in one's own tongue
--> “bring something incomprehensible into the world--> in the form of exteriority
--> the becoming woman of the thinker ~ the becoming thought of the woman
--> (Chloe =) the Gemüt [feeling, heart, soul, mind] that refuses to be controlled ==forms==> a war machine : a thought grappling with exterior forces instead of being gathered up in an interior form
--> operating by relay =/= forming an image @Rob--> a thought that appeals to government ministry
--> event-thought =/= subject-thought
--> problem-thought =/= essence-thought, theorem

striating of mental space =/= Sina's textures and lectures

@Pierre: is horizon a striation?
Deleuze and Guattari: a horizonless milieu --> smooth space

the true name of race: bastard, mixed-blood
-a race is defined not by its purity but rather by the impurity conferred upon it by a system of domination

[(aspects of) war machine or] machine:

principle =/= consequence
-in nomads life what is a principle and what is only a consequence?
{migrant --> goes principally}=/={nomad --> goes as a consequence}
{(sedentary) road --> parcel out a closed space to people}=/={(nomadic) trajectory --> distributes people or animals in an open space, indifinite and noncommunicating}

(space) in the manner of a vortex

migrant leaves behind a milieu that has become amorphous or hostile

forest and house --> both striated?
pigs --> pragmatism or expertise

-the pigs story might not predict the coming of the nomad wolf, but it constitutes the principles of architecture for which an incoming is striated. striated space is the result of the pigs story

عرفان همیشه بیابانی است؟
does mysticism always requires deprivation of life? mysticism ~=? symbolism

[*]godzilla: dramatization of where the mountain recedes, of the earth deterritorializing itself ==> providing the nomad with a territory
*vectors of deterritorialization and local operations* that:
wolf adds to the forest
godzilla adds to Tokio

#video concept
in tiktok comedy style, a group of iranians (talking Farsi, all acted by one person?) are personifying a govermental response to a godzilla who is roaming in the city.

localized =/= delimited

[the spot where the forest recedes] or the desert advances
گرگ در جنگل / آل در بیابان

.... .\ ____ _
  ... \_____
. .... \ __ __
.... . \ ____
. ...\ _ ___ _

assigned direction =/= direction of the crossing

(for Deleuze and Guattari) religion: a technique of converting the absolute, making the absolute appear in a particular place --> the sacred place of religion is fundamentally a center that repels the *obscure nomos*[= Bayazid بایزید]

vagabond monotheism

Sascha's relation to the absolute through the space of the machine
electrically tampered ~= electrically tamed

از چادر نشین به هجرت reterritorialization of the spiritual ==> همدستی مهاجر با چادر نشین ==> war machine

/*[khawarij خوارج during the first fitna فتنه اول --> arbitration =/= war machine in which anyone can be Imam]

...when religion becomes a war machine (==> absolute deterritorialization) --> Isis
...a society reduced to the military enterprise --> Avengers
...gravitational verticals --> forest
...generalized parallels --> agriculture

three little pigs can be nomads? --> creating the house and then leave it (as an empty stronghold)

animal raising for the most part outside the control of sedentaries

orient: absence of State-form (!)
various components plied by escape vectors ==> despotic formation (in orient)

ajayeb form tiger animal snake [source: Cambridge Online University Library] oriental State (sheltered in striated space) =/= nomad war machine

revolution --western--> transformation of the State
revolution --eastern--> abolition of the State

the empires of the orient, africa, america run against wide-open smooth spaces that penetrate them and maintain gaps between their component (*the nomos does not become countryside*, the countryside does not communicate with the town, large-scale animal raising is the affair of the nomads, etc.) =/= Black Panther's fantasy of the african State

psychoanalysis of the dream of the State ? and its relation to its reality

(to establish) a zone of rights over an entire exterior --> rage & innocence

Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series --> war machine striated final merged in a cyber-flux with its human counterpart --> nature dominated (battle to occupy the smooth space)

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