vagabond monotheism
Sascha's relation to the absolute through the space of the machine
electrically tampered ~= electrically tamed
از چادر نشین به هجرت reterritorialization of the spiritual ==> همدستی مهاجر با چادر نشین ==> war machine
/*[khawarij خوارج during the first fitna فتنه اول --> arbitration =/= war machine in which anyone can be Imam]
...when religion becomes a war machine (==> absolute deterritorialization) --> Isis
...a society reduced to the military enterprise --> Avengers
...gravitational verticals --> forest
...generalized parallels --> agriculture
three little pigs can be nomads? --> creating the house and then leave it (as an empty stronghold)
animal raising for the most part outside the control of sedentaries
orient: absence of State-form (!)
various components plied by escape vectors ==> despotic formation (in orient)
oriental State (sheltered in striated space) =/= nomad war machine
revolution --western--> transformation of the State
revolution --eastern--> abolition of the State
the empires of the orient, africa, america run against wide-open smooth spaces that penetrate them and maintain gaps between their component (*the nomos does not become countryside*, the countryside does not communicate with the town, large-scale animal raising is the affair of the nomads, etc.) =/= Black Panther's fantasy of the african State
psychoanalysis of the dream of the State ? and its relation to its reality
(to establish) a zone of rights over an entire exterior --> rage & innocence
Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series --> war machine striated final merged in a cyber-flux with its human counterpart --> nature dominated (battle to occupy the smooth space)
[what now people want in Iran: not the smooth space a deterritorializing State, rather:]
capture of flows
(need for) fixed paths
well-defined directions --> restrict speed, regulate circulation, relativized movement
--> polics = management of the public ways =/= fluidity of messages and masses
silk road...
Iran State = smooth + striated
State translates: “moving bodies” --to--> “moved bodies”
” ” --> ” “
Star Trek transportation system
sedentary kind of tey-ol-arz طی الارض
what homeless/drunk people do in cities --> reconstitution of a smooth space = a manner of being in space as though it were smooth
***rebellious space is always smooth space***
virtual space is neither striated nor smooth space
multiplication of relative movements ==> smooth space --> the sea becomes the place of the ‘fleet in being’ --> nomadism accompanying a worldwide war machine
@Jassem's rebellious nature =/= Pierre's staying with the striated space (with the trouble, with the institution, )
decimal grouping --> comes from the nomads
three major types of organization:
1. lineal
2. territorial
3. numerical
number ==> lineage
spatium (differentiated space with depth and levels) =/= extensio (immanent center, divisible homologous parts, and symmetrical and reversible relations)
numbering of numbers
(Deleuze and Guattari are wrong about numbers serving to gain mastery over matter --✕--> Verran's work on number in Africa)
State = a teritorial principle (of deterritorialization that links the number to metric magnitudes) --D+G--> “we don't believe that the conditions of independence or autonomy of the number can be found in the State (--> Deleuze and Guattari leftist tendency to purity the State)
(operating war machine -->) numbering number : autonomous arithmetic organization
*numbers appear as soon as one distribute something in space =/= distribution of space (that is more the State's business)*
independence of the number in relation to space --> concrete nature of smooth space
--> number: a means of moving =/= means of counting
*middle ages curse sheets and taxa:
•geometry of smooth space
•a minor, operative geometry
=? [*]ajayebnameh: geometry of the trait between the rumers of the world, senses, and writing
vector --> directional number =/= dimentional number =/=? metric number
directions are everywhere
rhythmic =/= harmonic (--> setar / is my whole work about harmonic? horror-nic)
order of displacement
concentration-camp society: ‘people = deterritorialized numbers’ (--> fantasy of full despotism in The Handmaid's Tale)
**the question is not one of good or bad but of specificity** (<-- when i say who what artists say could have a chance of being disputed)
complex = articulated
the Roman legion was a number made up of numbers, articulated in such a way that the segments become mobile, and the figures geometrical, changing, transformational
logistics: the art of external relations
Genghis Khan --> composition of the steppe
Moses --> composition of the desert
nomads as child stealers
(commissars, diplomats, spies, strategists, logisticians) cannot be explained away as a “whim of the sultan”
special numerical body
slave-infidel-foreigner is the one who becomes a soldier and believer while remaining deterritorialized in relation to the lineages and the State --> نظامالملک سیاستنامه
*nomads have no history, they only have geometry*
Iron Man's technological definition: “weapon (destroying people) =/= tool (producing goods)”
weapon --> projection, anything that throws or is thrown
@Pierre *the notion of “problem” is related to the war machine*
introjective: preparing a matter from a distance, in order to bring it to a state of equilibrium or to appropriate it for a form of interiority
(projection: appropriate it for a form of exteriority)
#bow and arrow --> hunt (when speed is associated primarily with the hunted animal) =/= war (speed is an independent variable)
prey =/= enemy
prey =/= motor
(#bow and arrow does --> *abstracts the idea of motor and applying it to itself* =/= generalize the idea of prey by applying it to the enemy)
the economy of hunted animal
ecosystem situated at the origin --> garden of eden / heaven
ecosystem situated at the end --> apocalypse / end-time
discovery of a projecting and projectile system ==> war machine
war machine
breeding + training
insitutes an entire economy of violence
--> *a way of making violence durable*
two ideal models motor:
work =/= free action
•(let's) work: tool meets resistance
•free action: operates only upon the mobile body itself, is not consumed in its effect(?), continues from one moment to the next [--> style of artistic research]. the way in which the elements of the body escape gravitation to occupy absolutely a nonpunctuated space
weapon is moving
tool is moved
tool presupposes work, tool does not define work
***the principle behind all technology is to demonstrate that a technical element remains abstract***, remains entirely undetermined --> as long as one does not relate it to an assemblage it presupposes
-one cannot speak of weapons or tools before defining the constituent assemblages they presuppose and enter into @OSP
the tool is essentially tied to a gensis, a displacement, and an expenditure of force (whose laws reside in work) =/= weapon concerns only the exercise or manifestation of force in space and time (in conformity with free action)
when speed added to displacement ==> ?
tools & weapons = consequences ~/=? causes
the morning star and the battle-axes
variable assemblages of human, animal, and thing
*assemblage*: (passional) compositions of desire[=/= natural determination, spontaneous determination] --D+G--> there is no desire, but assembling/assembled desire
assemblage ==(bring into play)==> [*]passion: effectuations of desire that differ according to the assembla[...]