Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]n prosthetic extension

movement of fantasmatization

to fantasize aggression = to turn it around upon oneself

guild: the currency of the father function

both genders (at the beginning) are phallically aggressive when it comes to mother

Kafka and de Sade despised the body for its limitations and boundaries

body (which is always also the maternal body) comes only to its mutilation [~ skinning], rebuilding, and reanimation [rig]

body has been left behind in the wake of its media-technical range --> it can no longer be plugged back into any so-called *sensorium* or *corpus*

media --> (from the point of view of) identification with the dead [#rig #nonhuman]--> every medium acquires its only prosthetic aim on a target range of *projection* and *haunting*

media-technical innovation

brittlestar intrinsic discursive predator body bodily boundary container world stage difference differential production aqua media arm [source: Wikimedia Commons] 3D animation industry --> new modes of disposal of the dead
-not on the side of life

phantasm of the missing child
(retrofashion and charge of child abuse)
modern military + *techno-mediatic expansion*

memory pictures
tableaux vivants

teenagerization --> totally SM, friendly, cool, into being popular


the spaces between decent bodies

#waiting for render: relations between hacker as organism and the computing beast
what is being processed? intra-actions of both CPU and gut.
*waiting for a slow render to finish, i used to enjoy the process. unfinished renders, slow computers, lag, and queer forms of waiting

/waiting bodies and slow computing
/differentiated constitutions of the waiting body and the nunhuman computational labor

compositional waiting --> Stewart's attunement

the labor of the CPU, the graphical interfance, and the waiting body of the hacker are in an orientation (--> what am i asking here?)

(Alberti: among the Matis) the practice of ‘curare watching’ (the hours spent observing the process in excess of practical necessity) ["waiting,” looking at unfinished render...] is fundamental to the efficacy of the poison --> the physical and mental experience of making something has an impact on its ultimate properties


#a comparative software study: principles of worlding in Maya/Blener, Softimage, Houdini

which definitions are postponed?
objective: that which is instantly defined
subjective: that which its definition is postponed

Blickmaschinen gaze system visuality vision technique observer perspective situated knowledges positionality [source: Werner Nekes collection] change--{time, space, matter}-->
touch--{time, space, matter}--> data flow

in Maya
representation is postponed --> subjective mode of Maya --> an sculpturalist ontology?

in Softimage
the distinction between spatiotemporal modifiers is postponed --> dynamics paradigm?
(the viewport partial renderer in Softimage is part of the phenomenological experience of enacted interface =/= Maya's renderer pops up in another window) 4697942

in Houdini
the definition of the onject is postponed

*which differences are delayed in different 3D software applications?
(the difficulties of clean translation between them)

(when I was working as a 3D generalist I always reworked the default scence, setting up rigs to begin with...)
begining with:
turtle's back
absolute geometry

how the Latin language in software interfaces dominates the mode of thinking and conditions synthesis?
how, for example, a Farsi inhabiter might craft a different spatial synthesis in terms of a different linguistic ontology?
[b + a = ba] =/= [آ + ب ~=> با] {a different effect}
interface question
phenomenological question
in Farsi the joint attachments undergo transfiguration, different viscous relational property, adhesion refigured

what would be an interesting interface question posed to each of the 3D softwares?

one language ---{Bauhaus? De Stijl? nasta'ligh نستعلیق?}--to--> another language


painfully queer

*questions for my ajayeb's Rigs and pop-up book:
my rigs and pop-up book are descriptive concepts, that means: they obtain their meaning by reference to a particular physical apparatus ==>? a constructed cut between the object and the agencies of observation
pop-up book: an instrument with fixed parts ==> concept of “position”
Rigs on the other hand tries not to exclude other concepts such as “momentum” from having meaning
--> ajayeb's variables require an instrument with moveable parts for their definition (?)
*exclusions (= physical & conceptual constraints) are co-constitutive*
*objectivity (= possibility of unambiguous communication, boundry articulations) --> reference must be made to bodies in order for concepts to have meaning (?)*
my Rigs and books are about how discursive practices are related to material phenomena

(*)reading: “text” is the interface between the matrialization of “reality” and subjectivation of “reader” --> inseparability of language and reality in ajayeb
(“We are suspended in language in such a way that we cannot say what is up and what is down, The word ‘reality’ is also a word, a word which we must learn to use correctly.” Petersen < Barad)

ajayeb's iterative processes of materialization

عجایب نامه =/= imagined and idealized human-independent reality
ajayeb's stories of historically nunhuman people

in ajayeb's descriptive intra-actions with reality, humans and language are part of the configuaration or ongoing reconfiguring of the world, that is phenomena

we cannot so easily answer where the apparatus “ends”

(but again, how can I answer) which ontological practices are embodied (or embeded) in (the productive and constraining dimension of regulatory) apparatuses of my ajayeb? (rigs, hypertext, pop-up, etc.)
(resisting the anti-metaphysics legacy) how can I keep insisting on accountability for the particular exclusions that are enacted in (my) ajayeb and taking up the responsibility to perpetually contest and rework the boundries (of my objectivities)?

(*)effect: marks left on the agencies of observation

enacted =/= having
(agency is the matter of enactment not something that one ‘has’)

(*)disarticulation: the question of who/what gets to be imagined (and in which way)

(Barad's sentences are long in a way for the reader to feel all those particular words in one breath)

(in medical practices) the machine becomes the interface between the objectification of the spacific body under experience (for example the fetus) and subjectivation of the technician, physicianm engineer, and scientist.

...some ontologies:
classical realist: posit some fixed notion of being that is prior to signification
Kantian transcendentalism: being completely inaccessible to language
linguistic monism: being completely of language
Baradian agential realism: phenomena are constitutive of reality


kinetic, energies expressed in variables

integrated definitions:
movements of an isolated body
in detachment with the rest of the world
linear function of time
all energy is kinetic
value of “potential energy” is zero


metallurgy concerns matter in movement


what about the 3D hacker? what is in flow?

form is ever-emergent =/= pre-determined -->? default

[Alberti on northwest Argentina first millennium ceramic vessels:] potters’ bodies were shaped irrevocably by their skilled practice
objects they made were never complete ==> they were aligned with others’ concerns ==> they were drawn into potters’ social identities --> into the category of potter

*skill and ontoloical risk [--> question at CG artist]
-becoming subject to the processes they are involved in --(this commitment)--> involves them in both the task and its ongoing material consequence
