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[...]rovided by the senses regarding:
the subject's body
the subject's location in space (~ its posture)
the subject's relation to other objects
--> body image registers *current* sensation also preserves a *record of past* impressions

optic visuality system Enlightenment measurement phenomenon [source:] the *body schema* is plastic, kinesthetically and synergetically organized sensations
= physiological dispositions + physiological processes

Schilder's model of body image
social and interpersonal attachments and investments, as well as libidinal energy, from a major part of one's self-image and conception of the body (--Grosz--> more amenable to the kind of sociohistorical and cultural analysis of the body feminists are interested in)
*body schema: experience of the “unity of the body” (self-appearance of the body), an anticipatory plan of (future) action in which a knowledge of the body's current position and capacities for action must be registered, perception + mental pictures + representations
*image of the human body = the picture of our own body which we form in our mind
--Freud--> somatic compliance: the organic body's amenability تمايل to psychical takeover, (impelled by the organic disturbance) psychological processes take over and *adopt the biological disturbance as their own and utilize it to epress psychical whishes and significances* (both conscious and unconscious)

whenever difficulty occurs regarding the recognition of different parts of the body (or the position of the body) it occurs not only in the subject's self-perception but also always in the perception of other's bodies as well (<-- is that why i perceive other bodies in the street like i do? my relation with fashion, blondies)

amputation of moveable functional extremities (almost every part of the body) ==> phantom limb (<-- Weir Mitchell)

{the greater the passage of time since the amputation, the more distorted and phantomlike the sensations become:}
loss of the eye ==> ?
loss of the rectum==> ?
loss of parts of the face ==> ?
loss of the penic ==> phantom errection --> phantom orgasm

case of medical clitoridectomies (to cure “chronic masturbation” in women) in the 19th century (and still today) --> the psychoanalytic understanding of female sexuality as castrated ==> surgical removal of an organ already designated as lacking is not registered? --> the nigmatic paradoxical status of the female body : (vagina, cervix, clitoris, and other) female sexual organs already **codified paradoxically as “missing” organs**

body phantom --> *distorted* (=/= an image of the limb which is now *absent*)

the phantom moves spontaneously in accordance with the movement of the rest of the body and is sometimes amenable to voluntary movement
*phantom limb ==> artificial limb --> prosthesis* (it is only through the controlled use of the phantom that the artificial limb can gradually take the place of the lost limb)

various psychical mechanism:
a displacement of sensory experience from the limb (now missing)
the phantom
the denial that the amputation has taken place
process of disavowal

phantom limb:
is felt to be a living, moving organic part of the body in coordination with the rest of the body
behaves as if it were autonomous, with qualities and requirements of its own
{reality of the phantom limb =/= perceptual reality}==> (patient's) ambivalent contradictory experience is the object of sensory, tactile, optical attention

*artist = amputee avows two realities:
1. the reality of a living limb
2. the reality of its destruction
}--> these two “limbs” occupy the same space and time --> **one the ghostly double of the other's absence** [~ condition of the art] @Mohaghegh

****the phantom: expression of nostalgia for the unity and wholeness of the body (its completion)**** = a psychical delegate ==> physical + psychical wound and scar in the amputation or surgical intervension into any part of the body
[*]phantom: narcissistic reassertion of the limb's presence in the face of its manifest biological loss --> (an attempt to preserve) the subject's narcissistic sense of bodily wholeness [--Lacan--> an images developed through the mirror stage]
--> artist's dream and relation to the wound(= cumbersome narcissistic compensation for the broken unity of the biological body) @Elen
#archive: a psychical attempt to reactivate a past body image in place of the present reality [--> how can we accept the reality? @Pierre, Sina, Hoda,]

(Grosz raising the general question of:) the status of the *body image of woman*--insofar as women are considered and consider themselves to have suffered an amputation (implied by castration) more debilitating than most --> *do women have a phantom phallus?* what is the women's status of a fantasized amputation?

Grosz: “amputee's relations to the phantom limb =?! woman's mourning for what has been lost (the freedom, self-determination, autonomy accorded to the male body, etc. #harem)”
--> ***until female genitals (women's bodies) are inscribed and lived (by the subject and by others) as a positivity, there will always remain paradoxes and upsetting implication for any notion of femininity***

infant's body not yet a self-contained entity, not yet distinct and separate from the world --> child: a body and its various sensations are projected onto the world, and conversly the world and its vicissitudes are introjected into the body of the subject-to-be ==> child: slowly and gradually the body image IS constructed and invested in stages of libidinal developement:
oral stage ==> mouth
anal stage ==> anus

each stage augmenting and reorienting the preceding stages: anal take over the intensity of the oral, but the mouth remains significant even it no longer dominates the child's sensations ==> each stage participants in the production and differentiation of the body image)

kinetic kinect machine vision glitch Amazon rain forest nature culture technology interface enfold digital travel journey perception tactile reality dream surface 3D motion mimesis [source: Sina Seifee] libidinalization of bodily zones, organs, and functions ==builds==> body image particular form

child's body, an already sexually designated body (which culture's desires, wishes, fears, hopes are projected and internalized, mother/nurturer's successes and failures, ambitions and disappointments are most readily projected and played out = sources for self-worth and sexual value)

[*]puberty: greatest discord between the body image (psychical idealized self-image) and the lived body (bodily changes) --> the adolescent body is commonly experienced as awkward, alienating, an undesired biological imposition : *pubertal developement (date of teenagehood) ==> philosophical desire to transcend corporeality and its urges*

-it is only in adolescence that it becomes clear (wanted or not) that the subject has a sexual position (~ genital position)
-during puberty, gentials and secondary sexual characteristics become definitive objects of consciousness and only bit by bit acquire representation in the body image

***in the refusal of sexual roles ordinated by heterosexuality,(for example gay men and lesbians) -->
may perversely cling to preadolescent body images (--> to remain ambiguous regarding the differences between the sexes)
invest greater intensity in erotogenic sites, making them the center of libidinal attention and narcissistic investment (Janina's room) (--> in effect reinscribing them in *a mode of resistance*)
}--> oral, anal, sadistic impulses, tactility, scopophilia, “sexual perversions” =? (to emphasize and cultivate) a mode of defiance to heterosexist requirements
[@Sina, the images that i have been clinging to are in the body image that i think i am refusing or inscribing: pony, unicorn, rainbow, skull, the childish bracelet i found in the park, etc.]

hypochondria خودبيمارانگارى
a Freudian problem: to describe the transference of libido from the external world and love objects to the subject's own body in illness
-treating nongenital zones as if they had taken on genital meaning = (in the case of hysteria) hysterogenic zone takes on a sexual, usually phallic, function
*hypochondria: chronic and abnormal anxiety abour imaginary symptoms = a flight against narcissim* (the individual defends himself against the libidinous overtension of the hypochondriac organ --> to treat it like a foreign bosdy in the body image)
[hypochondria =/= narcissim]
hypochondriac tries to expel from the body image but cannot because the zone i[...]