Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]lways the weight of the world in what can be hoped for and what must be feared, in what flourishes and what matters.”
[*]Life: “an experiment of being in a world, of finding ways to be in circuits of force and form, an aspiration to get something out of the alchemical transmogrifications of things that twist off on trajectories far beyond humanist models of suffering or the usual hyperlegible registers of normativity and the state.” -->[Life] takes place in the inhuman gestures of demons and angels, in the struggles of addicts and the rage of racists, in the endurance of the unbelievably injured or the oddly still curious.” (Stewart)
a world deliteralized (with no endemic divide between a naturalized given order and the exceptionalism of event)
things, to become recognizable as something to be in or near, or else to oppose and resist
(affect --Deleuze-->) differential ontology: the prolific generativity of difference and connection taking place in a field of possibilities. affect studies now hitting:
new materialism
object-oriented ontology
multispecies work
science studies
new ecologies
 --> “the generativity and volatility of life as such, to its capacity to actively shift or harden into forms of peace or violence, pleasure and pain, collectivities and chaos.”
[...] it looks for ways to describe what precedes and exceeds the categorical in the labors of living through historical presents.
[...] affect-inflected [study] leans into its descriptive objects with an eye to their hardenings into something recognizable (=/= what is often called ‘critical thinking’: habits of snapping, to catch the world in a lie, dualist dead ends of modernist humanist social science, independent logic of data, the conviction that something is wrong --> paranoid approaches to the world)
ethnographic method of mattering, [why conceptuality might take radically different forms in Iran?] attention to the still unfolding [--> Foad's (mental habit of) describing the fixed object of destiny (of Iran).] how to move in the manner of things slipping in and out of existence? the way a world (in this case: Iran) elaborates in prolific forms, taking off in directions. the Iranian real is alchemical, traveling in circuits of impact and reaction, in which things happen. we must train ourselves on an effort to describe the iterations/durations/modes of “being taking place.”

Said:the idea of representation is a theatrical one: the Orient is the stage on which the whole East is confined. on this stage will appear figures whose role it is to represent the larger whole from which they emanate...”
[when we use “theater” in a cartographic sense it refers to the dynamic space where the “I” or the “self” sees itself engaged in a public space (of kin, of others, of economic and political forces)]

the theatrical arts: spoken work + visual spectacle --> rise of opera
[--> rise of natural history]

observers of the differences between their civilization and that of the Persians, their standards of measure were those of the West:
Quintus Curtius Rufus
Ammianus Marcellinus
Barnabas Brissonius
Pietro Bizzarri
Johannes de Laet
Thomas Herbert
Hans Schiltberger
Hans Christoph von Teufel
Stefan Kakasch
Anthony Jenkinson
Anthony and Robert Sherley
Thomas Coryat
Pietro della Valle
Garcai de Silva y Figueroa
Jean Babtiste Tavernier
Raphael du Mans
Olearius (1636)
Engelbert Kaempfer

a Greek invented dichotomy:
(Greek) small democracies =/= (Persian) powerful empire
modestia (cult of the simple and good) =/= superbid (pride)
law =/= monarch

wonder story assemblage composition affect tale report whirlpool animal media techne waterbody fish [source: NOAA] ‘conflict’ is a theme

Europe/Persia reasons for contact according to Cambridge History of Iran:
1- religious incentive (moharek محرک)
2- both against the Ottoman Turks
3- commercial incentive
4- travelers passed through Persia

Duke Frederick's commercial venture that would put the tiny territory on the map, as it were, and eliminate all its debts [...] with Adam Olearius chosen to chronicle the mission as its official secretary
“Duke's stated aim in sending the embassy to Persia was to establish a trade route with Persia and obtain exclusive rights to export silk from the area, thus squeezing out the other European competition, especially the Dutch”

his methodology
(Olearius's citational mobilization) a typical Baroque writer, he cites classical and Renaissance sources copiously and compares them to each other, thus paying homage to the scholarly tradition
list the main features of a subject under discussion
quote classical and contemporary authorities --> elicit different opinions

*correction of faulty source material imperative*

Harvey's new theory of the circulation of blood

seasickness could be caused by motion of the waves
monsters” living along the Siberian coast are wrong

Olearius's methodology is that of a comparatist
he juxtaposes (the customs and social structures of the people he meets with those of his native land)

Olearius's trip ==> production of (superior maps)
Olearius ==> maps
Qazwini ==> lists
Sa'di ==> de-vice

Olearius's The Vermehrte Newe Beschreibung includes large, detailed, fold-out maps describing...
as well our technique in our work, with Sana
-our work/contribution includes placing maps and figures with the flux of discourse (=/= Olearius)

description of (the Persian) “natives” and their “nature” --> a codification of his human hosts

traditional western stereotypes regarding exotic eroticism

Shah Safi's banquet (sur سور) corresponds fully to a European's notion of what an oriental feast should entail

he marks the poles of Persian culture: as the site, on the one hand, of voluptuous, erotic encounters, and of unnatural cruelty and despotism on the other hand --> meant for the moral edification/codification of its western readers. (readers were taught about different countries + taught to be better European persons [with proper differences])

Baroque's excess of information
(as Pierre also noted in my style of language)


*** the customs of the observed peoples ***
-->(language of pictorial representation emphasized)

temporal displacements [in his frames pictures]
inscriptions, conveying a sense of movement

scorpion bites Olearius (“Ich vom Scorpion gestochen” --> oriental danger) --> specimen scorpion (--> immobilized and tamed) --> back in the Kunstkammer --> Duke's cabinet of curiosities (--> on display)
["his” experience =/= Sa'di's technologies of writing]

Olearius + Hakwirdi --> Golestan of Sa'di

Sa'di's influence on German baroque literature:
Grimmelshausen (Simplicissimus)
Lohenstein (Ibrahim Bassa and Ibrahim Sultan)
Gryphius (Catherina von Georgien)
Montesquieu (Letters Persanes)
Goethe (West-östlicher Divan)

Jens from Kiel library, like Olearius, is appointed court librarian, by state/Duke, given the task of cataloging and expanding the ducal/official collection, and developing the Duke's Kunstkammer/Wunderkammer

Gotterffische Kunstkammer --> “Wunderbuch” (book of wonders), with its insistence on the concepts of writing + drawing

Olearius's genre of frontispiece, his engraved title pages --follow--> Norbert: kluger Vater or fleissiger Praeceptor
clever father / industrious preceptor مرشد مربى #Pir [--> “our common father in heaven"], wants to introduce his children and students to something in arts or sciences, “make them understand” by means of his mouth + pen :
*analogy/simile: showing something grand by showing them something small --> an astronomer shows on a small hand-globe (*globo coelesti*) the make-up of the great heaven with all its visible bodies, where a point means a star ~(in the same way)~> the geographer represents on a small terestrial globe (*globo terrestri*) the entire circle of the earth with all its landscapes ~(in the same way)~> “our common father in heaven,” the Lord, his revealed Word, he wrote for us (his children and students) the great book of wonder[...]