Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]Ibrahim Sultan)
Gryphius (Catherina von Georgien)
Montesquieu (Letters Persanes)
Goethe (West-östlicher Divan)

graph diagram species scene pleistocene sadistic science life earth data plot [source:] Jens from Kiel library, like Olearius, is appointed court librarian, by state/Duke, given the task of cataloging and expanding the ducal/official collection, and developing the Duke's Kunstkammer/Wunderkammer

Gotterffische Kunstkammer --> “Wunderbuch” (book of wonders), with its insistence on the concepts of writing + drawing

Olearius's genre of frontispiece, his engraved title pages --follow--> Norbert: kluger Vater or fleissiger Praeceptor
clever father / industrious preceptor مرشد مربى #Pir [--> “our common father in heaven"], wants to introduce his children and students to something in arts or sciences, “make them understand” by means of his mouth + pen :
*analogy/simile: showing something grand by showing them something small --> an astronomer shows on a small hand-globe (*globo coelesti*) the make-up of the great heaven with all its visible bodies, where a point means a star ~(in the same way)~> the geographer represents on a small terestrial globe (*globo terrestri*) the entire circle of the earth with all its landscapes ~(in the same way)~> “our common father in heaven,” the Lord, his revealed Word, he wrote for us (his children and students) the great book of wonders --recognize--> Himself
}--> (the concepts of) microcosm & macrocosm : something small (a dot on a globe) stands for something else, larger than itself (a city) ==> individual objects of study or curiosities of nature, that are collected and presented to a reader/observer, represent a greater whole ==> interconnectedness --> “the great chain of being” ~-> God teaches humans by means of natural wonders #ajayeb
}==> (microcosmic world of the) frontispiece = visual macrocosm of the larger book, *the textual macrocosm* that it introduces
[my video atlas in Eckernförde was reworking with frontispiece as it is meant to intrigue the reader with its complex set of visual images (taken from classical coins and medals, from devices and emblems), to be decoded after reading the book that follows. Olearius brings all desciplines onto the stage of his's world: ethnography, history, natural science, geography, architecture, and literature --> this is very baroque _+]

Olearius's didactic program: to entertain while instructing

(tasavof's) world as *mundus symbolicus* <== cosmos of significance (~= art + history + nature)

[Das grosse Wunderbuch die Welt]

*theatrum mundi*
staging of nature (~ ajayeb) : nature in all its various manifestations (animal, vegetable, and mineral) must be displayed on a stage (of the title page, on the compartments of Kunstkammer)
an arch of gateway resting on a platform or plinth (--> a basic model provided by classical architecture for the majority of Renaissance and Baroque stagings), a design that recalls the structures of allegorical tableaux used for triumphal entries into Italian and Dutch Renaissance cities, on order to honor the hero of the day
(early modern title page *iconographic program*) incorporating the feature of the triumphal arch in order to signify the symbolic entry into the written work [<-- we don't need to do this!!] --> *formal monumental opening* (leading the “reader” to the ‘interior of’)--> Olearius's frontispiece (monumental, awe-inspiring works that aimed to spark the viewer's interest):
(to commemorate) official functions at the court
literary activities

[*]baroque: ***the art of not rejecting anything*** (el arte de no renunciar a nada -Montesinos)
(am i baroque?)

different types of frontispiece:
1. divided into geometrical compartments (german origin?)
2. depicting a particular scene (german invention) [images/elements chosen/included for doctrinal and controversial significance]
3. single cartouche (school of Fontainebleau), a predilection for Mannerist irrationality and illusionism; interlocking, complicated scroll-work and strapwork; imitating the three-dimensional scrolling, with edges curling forward around the inscription; fantastic architectural structures, and grotesque figures and monsters taken from classical mythology
4. architectural title page (with the most monumental and most three-dimensional character), arrangement of sculpture-like allegorical figures or personifications

shifts from the techniques of woodcut --to--> engraving (--to-->? digital) ==> greater pictorial detail & better illusionism

*Sa'di's advice and devices* [title]
(Sa'di's relationship to) ‘the accumulated knowledge’(==> device)
[*]device (symbolum): a combination of a picture and a personal motto. a private adage (امثال و حکم) or clever aphorism --> heraldic image --fusion~=> device: a personal message by means of which a knight would define himself--developed from the chivalric tradition** ==?==> Sa'di's moral devices
-theoretical advice and examples of devices
-a craftsmann, a painter or goldsmith, would then supply the visual form of the idea that the learned scholar created
(moral) device --discuss--> general qualities and characteristics such as courage, nobility, obligation ==> (genre of) [*]emblem: --(pictorial + verbal)-striving--> for *universal applicability*
*emblem <-- the desire to understand the mysteries of antiquity, especially ancient Edgyptian hieroglyphs (in obelisks, sphinxes, lions), which were thought to represent a secret language [original wisdom of early man] (<== concerns of Renaissance [for example Hieroglyphica written in Greek by Horapollo 14th century])
(what are my ‘hieroglyphics’ in ajayeb?) Renaissance humanists wanting to research and understand antiquity, also wiched to *make it come alive*, by using hieroglyphics + Pythogorean symbols (were added, since metaphors and allegories of the ancients supposedly derived from the wisdom of Edgyptian priests)
ancient mythologies and medieval allegories in Renaissance applied hieroglyphic science:
ancient coins (interpreted as hieroglyphics)
biblical imagery
medieval animal
plant books
cabalistic number mysticism
old testament motifs
}==> emblematics became a kind of a language, that scholars and then readers of the vulgar tongue deciphered in books and then applied to a number of fields in daily life

spiritual symbols of allegory and myth + factual/fractal world --common--> visual art
}--> ‘title page’ : interplay of symbol & reality <-- interaction of different spheres of imagery:
historical characters
living people
stuff of geography
stuff of astronomy
architectural views
(in the 14th century scholars began to collect) ancient coins (and medals) [one side: great events, historic individuals -and- the reverse: depicted allegorical subjects, gods or the *fates*, allegorical personifications inherited from the middle ages [arts and vices]] ~--> *moralizing nature of (someone's) ‘specifications’* [--> frontispiece: personifications as simulated sculptures in niches flanking the archway]

Sa'di =/= author's portrait updated ~ Olearius

Olearius had three printing presses installed in his house, and required that the engravers live and work there, under his direct supervision

wind fact environment affect plot story literature ajayeb wonder inflow signifier nature culture representation [source: Qaswini] “Concerning the Changeability of Worldy Things, and the Wonder and Praise of Virtue”

‘flaming hearts’ symbolizing “their” union

symbolism (of the frontispiece tries to) contain the subject matter (of the text that follows)

the triumph of death (but with a happy end for the deceased) # Adventure Time

“that which i wish for is not mortal” (Duke's motto)
“virtue lives on after the funeral rites”

his home, name, heraldry, figure, allows the viewer to grasp the entire span of the deceased's life (and death) *at a single glance*

horn of plenty

cupid is astride (with a leg on each side of)

*winged sphere*
winged fame trumpets the deceased's accomplishments

christian mastery over the infidel--who is blinded to the true faith

a group of international admirers

**methods used in Europe to disseminate information about foreign people** during the early modern era:
Flugblatt (broad-sheet or broadside, 14th century), a medium directed at the illiterate classes (that needed visual cue) [included: news about battles, astrological prediction, sighting of comet, birth of a monstrous creat[...]