Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]cal medicine + (translated ~= adaptations of) astrology

10th century --> gradual decline in literacy in Arabic ==> Persian treaties on sciences

image projection forest light table round multi-media performance security system representation hack child Linux interface predation [source: Jurassic Park movie 1993] rag-shenasi (knowledge of the pulse) --> Avicenna

روضة المنجمین

rowzat (روضة to look) [~/=? nozhat نزهت] ~= garden ~= astrological site
-(iran) university garden =/= (greek) university gymnasium

book: expository discourse (رساله توضیحی، تفسیری، نمایشی)
poems on the subject
تحسین و تمجید lengthy laudatory adjectives to describe the dedicatee:
patronage of the courts
the teaching circles
the family lineages of professions
the existence of “amateurs de sciences” (the private individuals interested in science)
anecdotes (historical or legendary)
questions and answers
observation on the usefulness and the excellence of knowledge in general


set of methods for knowing about social relations [--> storytelling] (=/=?)
cultural-analytical scholarship [--> analysis]

ethnography: [*]ethnographic stories = generalizations that intervene (~= instruments that make intervention possible <-- a knowledge product in contemporary sci & tech studies STS)

ethnography: stories that have in them a capacity represent the world in ways that are generative for the people and practices that the stories are about + authors (+ their peers + readers)

****(from) postmodern concern about the authority of the author --to--> a concern about partiality and generative critique****
@apass #feedback
(Verran giving voice to what my concern and interest is in artistic research environment)

the question of how to re-present others (their diverse practices) on good faith? <-- moral
~~> the bad idea of “good faith =/= bad faith” ==> assume a moral high ground that we have no reason to argue in favor of

altering oneself to good faith = altering oneself to the possibility of double vision

(in ethnography) good faith: writing generalizing stories that intervene, because of the partiality of research and analysis (not despite of it)
good faith analysis: having faith in it being possible to write stories that are generative for *some of* the practices we study + for *some of* our peers

(stories --Verran-->) two moments of generalizing:
1. *onemany* form ==enable==> abstracting
2. *whole-parts* form ==bring==> a situating moment
~={ Star Wars apocalyptic stories (single vision) + lived social bodily realities = (Harawayian) many-headed monster }--> #Tehran index

ethnographic research is always embedded in multi-stakeholder situations

the Verran is proposing
=/= writing stories that narrate what collaborators hope to hear
=/= hardening the categories of the everyday

[*]generalization: (performative) ways of making and negotiating different realities

(Hinde -->) adequate story: objects that *find* audiences ~= *pointing to* (<-- performative) ~/= *pointing for* (<--Verran-- invite them to do work to see their own ontological commitments)
@apasa, research on performativity entailles when not to be performative

ajayeb rigs existence hierarchy snake world donya [source: Sina Seifee] ethnographic story: re-performance / re-presentation of some here-now
description: storytelling event

working indexically with an infinitely complex here-now

indexicality depends on posing a somewhere or something else that is real in a different manner ~= performativity

(Hacking:) we recognize the collective enactment of knowledge practices in devising re-presentations --Verran--> ethnographic story: (first ans foremost) making reality (=/= the idea that reality gives rise to re-presentations)

a generalization: a unified text, narrative, exemplifying and enacting a particular time and space --condense--> here-now
}--> recognizing how ethnographic stories deal with necessarily being just one of infinitely many possible stories of a herenow

(John Law:) ethnography: a method of assemblage : enactment of presence, manifest absence, and absence as otherness

#Tehran index
attending to indexes for herenow that embed two logics generalization: one-many & whole-parts
1. one kind of story embeds a logic of one-many generalization --> represents its here-now as an example of something in general [--> story = evidence base of a general statement about human, world, erc.]--Kwa--> *romantic*
3. one kind of story embeds a logic of whole-parts generalization --> presents its here-now by first building this world [--> story = an emergent entity on a vague whole]--Kwa--> *baroque*

20th century history of complexity theory

*romantic =/= baroque ways of doing complexity*
--Verran--> we should use both simultaneously ~= Haraway cyborg double vision

---> go to Latour's analysis of Ambassadors painting (~= illustration of an ethnographic story)
technique of anamorphosis: invite the viewer to shift their perspective --> *they are invited to do the work of recognizing the alternative logics of generalization*
agential instrumentality
dual logic: ambassadors & skull
skull/brownish object --signal--> a ‘viewer’ must ‘lean over’ in order to see the database (in Verran's example) as authoritative & as autonomous and *capable of making new kinds of knower* emerge (worker, storyteller, ethnographer)

my image assemblages are whole-part generalizations, one-many pictures, vague whole with emergent parts

#workshop on training two modes of generalization, use of drawing and image making, writing ethnographic stories

(artists typically make the mistake of making these two identical -->)
*indicator =/= outcome*
indicator: for example you implement something
outcome: a change in behavior (= accomplished indicator)

*one-many generalization*
x is one of many possible stories about X in general (--Latour--> purification:) spacetime specificities are transformed into general claims }--> abstracting
*whole-parts generalization*
x is a participant on an assemblage where all actors are somehow emerging parts --> one does not yet know what X is or may become (X remains a vague whole) (--Latour--> translation work:) working a number of herenows into the picture }--> situating

--> how to write (ethnographic) stories embedding the dual logic of generalization? = *how to arrive at a non-relativizing non-universalizing description that nevertheless works as a generalization?*
==constitute==> generalization: an irresolvable tension
<-- interventionist potentiel

narratives that allow both:
information exchange (handling information correctly)
unexpected cuts in information exchange (cutting the world)

Galileo telescope optics affect medium interaction exteriority [source:]jinn bath human architecture demon hygiene wonder book [source: Kitab al-bulhan or nature things Serres philosophy universe atom writing world [source: De rerum natura by Lucretius (c. 99 BC – c. 55 BC) /]system cosmology hierarchy matter being planet Venus Mars Luna moon [source: Eudes Picard]leonardo da vinci water flow physics [source: Leonardo da Vinci]map cartography trajectory unknown figure diagram composition [source: Al Istakhri, Kitab al masalik wa l mamalik, Book of roads and kingdoms]cartography globe [source:]astronomy geography celestial cosmology tail sea water body collect abyss Andromeda Perseus beast [source: Joachim Wtewael  (1566–1638) -]ajayeb rigs existence hierarchy snake world donya [source: Sina Seifee]firefly condensed precision prisma poesis cartography refraction [source: wikimedia]wonder child animal ocean assemblage species camera media photography spiderman leg strange [source:]Iran flower Sa'di war poetry literature proximity metaphysics [source: Shahram Razavi]Anaplastic astrocytoma Glial fibrillary acidic protein process philosophy device language [source:]documentary history storytelling journey mind universe cartography [source: Cosmos (TV Series 2014)]atlas cartography Olearius map Sa'di perspectiv tool diagram planetary shathiat [source: Sina Seifee]cartography body image map Shiraz place [source: ]model home Heidegger pigs house building Bildung Dasein being wedge space mathematics data plot hierarchy wolf death architecture line [source: De Agostini / Getty Images]landscape cartography mapping affect architecture narrative space heaven paradise sky God environment embodiment technique [source: Sina Seifee]cosmography Qazwini water energy flow fluid architecure [source: Tusi - Online Cambridge University Library]geography language sign metamorphosis earth geomorphology semiotics [source: Upper Gotvand Dam /] what is gained in the interventionist potentiel [of stories; for example of the skull in Holbein's ambassadeur, magic database in Verran's ethnographic story]?
-enabling double vision

the worker has to be equally magical about her own monitoring repertoires (apass cloud attitudes)
to intervene the ideas of smooth and wellfunctioning development bureaucracy
reflexivity: what the ethnographer sees as she is shifting her position and beginning to focus on a different (whole-parts) generalization [=/= simply a matter of being transparent about one's analytical choices]

storytelling ~= bullshiting
storytelling ~= analytical social science

deflating claims (for example we have never been modern, etc.) do not afford possibilities for intervening

(why i use comparing stories in my lecture performances -->) the act of [*]comparing : a central aspect of seeking to contain the dual logic in one story --> (Strathern > Holbraad & Pedersen > Verran > ) peculiar intensification of the act of fieldwork

good faith analysis : stories that are explicit about the double vision through foregrounding within the story a figure that enables *switching*
stories that never intervene in a way that was imagined (before the study was carried out)

(Strathern's) [*]partiality = incomplete + committed : a description is always part of a whole, which can never be known as a totality, and it is political (biased)

lecture performan[...]