Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]--> pattern of possible hands in roads)
--Stewart--> **an staging ground for people's perceptive** --> **attention to the weird possibilities emergent in the ordinary**
==> *mysterious patterns with precise details* [= ajayeb] --> (bring into relief) a background, a zone, a worlding in which things become perceptible (in a weirdly realist way)

[explanation =/=] stranger faithfulness to the spirit of the unnamed thing they witnessed ==> moved to make a report (something is a little off)

(if there is grounding it is grounding in) world's variegated poesis --> ([*]description:) to make room ([for its] emergence --into--> theory)

A walker with a routine gets used to the little apparitions of something throwing together in his or her vicinity
(questions of points of contact:) what to do with your eyes?

([against?] positionality of) writing from the ground

(memory of a city:) a contact aesthetic of histories and rogue trajectories set in motion by every object encountered

harshly half-formed world

germinal aesthetics

channels of autonomous objects lay down stakes and swerve at points of contact with the itineraries of other things ==create==> a distributed zone of *robust realism*

the real (of X): transversal arrays of qualities or activities (like musical refrains) give order to materials and situations, human bodies and brains included, as actions undertaken act-back to shape muscles and hone senses

Fascia body tissue matter animal heyvan hayula terrestrial locomotion flex jell [source:] (to sharpen) realist attention to things

[*]life: ontological entertainment

unfulfilled systems littered the kitchen
tangent to an elsewhere

gleamingly restored eighteenth-century perfections <-- Cinderella's mansion
...of autonomous objects lying around...
a zone of randomly abandoned X
against the background of nothing
visceral avoidance
pretty and fresh as blueberry pie
townies (how i am not a townie where i live)
townie: loyalty to the expressivity of things
sociality of a wedding party (filled with roles and dressings)
crazy ricochet..
perfectly ordinary...
...long-ago layered over the wood (necrotic غانقرايايا)

“expressivity sliced through matter, word, and action, locking them together in a harshly half-formed world

writing Cinderella diaries --> questions of realism
what kind of real we enter?
her realism (bring her) --into--> a rough contact with objects human and non-human
Cinderella does things to and with them (her animals) [and reverse]

*social pressure ==> (people) make descriptive mistake*

a problematic (for example afterlife of a tragedy) --that--> inspires X --to--> speculative interest in forms
Cinderella stating to noticing things (rumors, gossip, realism)
gossip: realist attention to things

the world were his secret
loved the smell of the cold
in the night's dark hours

demanded our co-emotional sharpness
the world literally burst into color on the home side --and--> went gray in the instant of passing over the edge
no one knew their names...
...the energy of small things...
as if the point of living was to...
mosquitoes drew blood...
a helmet of white roots
...painted hyperbright colors in paint so flat it makes my fingertips dry just to look at it
dull dark oversized furniture
collapsed piles...

(nothing ever happens without first) registering a commitment to exhausting webs of complication

learning from mice --> dark little tunnels of limited choice

(Stewart's) points of precision: (of any act or story) what matters is the singularity of an angle of approach (a surprise contact, an opening onto some world's cocomposition, momentary flourishing of some capacity) [=/= a meaning]

shaken profusion in things =/= rush evaluative critique

map worlding geometry civilization space social [source: Tavarikh Al-Osman] so ordinary and problematic

so the idea of writing about “clean” started being interested in this website:, and the desire to write a political entry point for them on the idea of clean in the 20th century

also after i moved to Brussels May 2016, the affect of dirty

to have a little talk or jam on the notion of “clean” and “clean body”

i have been scribbling on its metaphorology for a while, thinking with it about the 20th century political thinking, institutional thinking, criminology, xenophobia, morality, and many other things. it is a key term for me.

difference and indifference regarding the foreign body and urbanism
clean's stakes in architecture, toilet, the primordial element of architecture
the clean body in Marx and its geneology in the left
origins of morality in Freud
xenophobia in crosscultural histories, Islam on hygiene and kofr's dirt
Nazism and racial cleansing --> aesthetics & politics
Victorian sanitation, sanitas
animality --> domestic life (Tehran, Brussels, Cologne,)
metaphorology of ‘fesad’
loose analogies of clean/dirt
pure bodies (being threatened by violation of impurities)

-Koolhaas, toilet
-Sennett, Flesh and Stone
-Ashenburg, Dirt on Clean
-Serres, Malfeasance
-Ahmed, pure bodies
-Vom kleinen Maulwurf

in terrestrial ecosystems:
dead particulate organic material (as opposed to dissolved organic material). It typically includes the bodies or fragments of dead organisms as well as fecal material
typically colonized by communities of microorganisms which act to decompose (or remineralize) the material


(in clinic)
each method enacts an object of its own =/= approaching a single object in different ways

in 19th century Western philosophy, ontology was coined as a powerful word for the given and fixed collection of what there is
(Annemarie Mol)

ontologies ==> there is no longer a singular “it” to look at from different sides
ontologies are not exclusive, they allow for interferences, partial connections, sharing practices =/= mono-realist singularities

[*]politics: (is not one of otherness,) it is about fights; not between people (a politics of who) but between versions of reality (a politics of what)

the value of “what is,” what western philosophy calls “normativity” and its counterfactuals suggesting “what could be” (--> are different ontologies?)

yet ‘ontologies’ is ill-suited for talking about many things:
ways in which goods and bads are performed in practices --> Xiri
conjunction with pleasures, pains, ecstasies, fears, ideals, dreams, passions --> apass
various shapes that processes may take:
causal chains
back-and-forth conversations
tinkering and caring
theorizing how fingers taste
what drugs afford to bodies and bodies do with drugs
migrant ambitions and guarded borders
garment factories on fire
soy for Dutch pigs being grown in the Amazon
(or when we give feedback to eachother in apass??)

--Annemarie--> we need to be able to play with other words (other than ontology) @Sina


(let's learn and engage more in valuing, and not facting. not that things or practices “have value” but how they are valued, given value or worth to them)

valuing (when done as ritual nothing follows), might include variations of:

***(more than aften) a mode of value developed ‘here’ is put to work ‘there’ [= generalization]
--Annemarie--> (pertinence of) ‘where questions’
(costs of) generalization ==>
stabilizes what counts ==> silences subjects (<-- do it, but pay the cost)
fosters proving, not improving
offers managerial solution, not citizen satisfaction

(a modern sentence:) people tend to think that their quality of life depends on themselves, that means: what ‘you'[...]