Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...] a highly symbolic communication system that is timeless, contextless, diffused in space, located anonymously, with no known history

marketing is the first institution that adapt to postmodernism


Fascia body tissue matter animal heyvan hayula terrestrial locomotion flex jell [source:]cartography body image map Shiraz place [source: ] consumer (--impulse--> “i want”) =/= citizen (“we need”)

consumer sovereignty (matters of personal taste, “are they getting what they want?”, ‘freedom: satisfaction of private preferences’, ) =/= political sovereignty (*government by discussion* + reason-giving in the public domain <-- many/most citizens should have a range of common experiences =/= filtering of information, customizing information to fit)

**unplanned unanticipated encounters <-- central to democracy**

(pseudo-democratic) participation interactivity : invitation to participate in one's own manipulation by providing increasingly detailed information about personal preferences (Andrejevic, noted by Hubert)


--Stern--> a parental technique for modifying the behaviour (+ affective experience) of the child
--Ahmed--> being out of synch with a world (“of whiteness” that aims to be in harmony)

*attunement: a technique for occupying space
---> go to #integration {for Ahmed: becoming a citizen (= nationalism) ~= the work of attunement =/= stranger: the body we are not with}

clumsiness: being in the way of yourself (to lack the coordination to coordinate yourself with yourself)
--registers--> as the loss of a possibility

(in art, performed clumsiness as strategically antagonistic?)

(Ahmed's) emotional work: closing the gap between ‘how one does feel’ and ‘how one should feel’ <-- a labour (when) is successful, it disappears as labour

how flight attendants (and teachers?) become responsible for collective moods --Hochschild--> ability to preserve the mood of a situation requires working not only on feelings, but drawing on tactic knowledge about how moods are shaped

(bad mood of a shopkeeper in Brussels...)

*histories that linger as mood*

diversity work --involves-->
the effort to minimize differences so that those who arrive can appear more ‘in tune’ with those who are already here

----> bodies do not arrive at the same time [---> go to Sina's trans-lateness lecture performance series for Akademie der Künste der Welt 2014: being late is precisely the condition for which translation is needed + critique of universal translator]

...atmospheric qualities of the market

Ahmed's criticism of hopeful performativity [<-- in her text “not in the mood” Ahmed privileges ‘bad mood’ as the emblem of marginality --> emotional misfit]

public mood: prevailing public sentiment as to what constitutes appropriate matters for governmental attention <-- thermostatic understanding of mood
--Ahmed--> fabrication of feeling (& consumer satisfaction)

*to find = to form*

the idea of the national body acquires coherence through a systems of belief ==> separate the nation from race
“requiring those who embody diversity to give their allegiance to its body” (for example a nation can love diversity whilst demanding that Muslim women unveil)

Marxist model of commodity fetishism --Ahmed--> feelings come to reside (magically) in objects [by cutting those objects off from a wider economy of labour and production. it is then as if fear originates with the arrival of others whose bodies become containers of our fear]

(for Ahmed) happiness: a technique of distraction (a cover-up)
--> for her: potency is in the rage
(Ahmed is too fast to celebrate lesbian ‘affect alien’ =/= heterosexual marriage)

good weather --> (showing) safety and wisdom of prediction

the idea of “your unfeeling masks a disbelief”


interesting =/= appealling --> most satisfying videos


elite consumption
country house



Campbell on bacteria and market

tropes that bring bacteria into the symbolic realm:
1. cuteness
2. overpopulation
3. lower classes
4. deviant sex
}--channel--> utterances that (indirectly [political discourse of establishment neoliberalism cannot address such things in direct ways]) express fantasies about:
sexual promiscuity (deviancy)
}<--Campbell-- symptoms of a capitalist socio-economic order --> they are found in:
explicit rhetoric of anti-establishment politics (the alt-right, anti-immigrant movements)
implicit content of the marketing material of globalized and globalizing multinationals

bacteria: symptoms of a capitalist socio-economic order --> repressed fears and fantasies about purity, gender, race, community, pollution, class, sexual promiscuity <-- leveraged by antibacterial brands

from (psychoanalytical concept of) symptom --to--> sinthome
[*]symptom: repressed extrinsic ideology that must be revealed =/= [*]sinthome: a fantasy that does not dissolve when brought to light <== it structures reality intrinsically

a *psychoanalytically informed critical marketing* --> *consumer is made to trace their symptoms* (<-- the perverse effects of emancipatory revelatory critical analysis)

--Campbell--> sinthome presents a tool for analysing *fantasies that focus on the form of their expression, rather than their content*
in the case of (fantasy takes the form of) bacteria --reveal--> (a confluence between) *the politics of community & the physiology of (auto)immunity* [--> clean and dirty]

dilemma of modern subject : how to live with the unsettling truths given to us by new sciences
my mother about fake honey
bacteriology ==> everything (including our very selves) is terrifyingly coated in bacteria

a moment of marketing in Joyce's Ulysses character Bloom -->
overwhelmed by the teeming bacteria <--> ingesting a different set of cultured bacteria: wine, cheese, bread
the city and its germs envelop and simultaneously individuate him --> ****his subjectivity can only be expressed in terms of the dialectic of alienation and belonging that is at the foundation of our social world****

***living in modernity = being in constant contact with the mass of beings***
<== uncontrollable overwhelming disintegrative forces of otherness (the problem of living in a community in modern metropolis)
<-- *multiplicity of strange strangers through whom the healthy subject finds his or her sense of self*

(@Femke, analysing political arrangments of X) *market society* =/= looking at the way that we come (and invited to come) into contact with X (in Campbell's case: bacteria)

[*]sinthome: why X (symptoms) appear to us as such =/= what X mean
sinthome --> (mode of analysis) aiming to identify ***what fantasies are permitted to be sustained when the symptom take the form of X*** (in this case bacteria) =/= seeking to find what ideology lies hidden beneath the symptom [=/=! problem of artists]

Campbell mode of analysis (with sinthome) =/= a revelatory mode of critique (where our illusions arre laid bare) [<-- artists’ symptom]

advertisements offer striking evidence of *autoimmune tendecies* in contemporary market society : the body politic misrecognizes its own boundaries and attacks parts of itself

(Joyce's Bloom) first thing that we see or feel is not in fact ourselves, but bacteria [---> go to body image] --> (his solution:) avoiding one kind of bacteria by embracing another (<-- psychoanalytically effective ***non-solution***)

(in social sciences [Ereshefsky]) *species pluralism : how various biopolitical forces use segmentation strategies in the organic world to produce competing species’ hierarchies and taxa*
thinkers in social theory --> the entities under investigation are:
so massive --> Gaya regulatory system of planetary scope
so dispersed --> climate change
so ancient --Haraway--> bacterial protist Mixotricha paradoxa (“the paradoxical being with [...]