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[...]ing unspoken, unacknowledged or disavowed content in X

symptomatic analysis --of--> (content of) antibacterial advertisement --laden--> with libidinal intensity or *visual pleasure* (= an image that is visually intense)

**consumption can be read like dreams** (a text that says more than it consciously expresses) --reveal--> repressed material (disavowed fantasies about: purity, gender, race, family, class, disease, displacement, sublimation, etc.)
what fantasy is upheld by presenting repressed material as bacteria (or artwork)?
--> reading against the grain of the text (Jamesonian)
--> advertising images can be read like symptoms of repressed libidinal desire

-i did symptomatic reading of Olearius (but not of ajayeb nameh?)

1- accelerating pace of industrial production
2- population growth
}==> first full flourishing of *mass consumption*

*[*]marketing: a sphere of cultural production where image conventions co-evolve with non-marketing imnages as an intertextual constantly reciprocal environment*

1. cuteness
little monsters
with freakishly funny features
playground of bacterial frolic

a minor aesthetic category (in comparison to its more spectacular counterparts: sublime, beautiful)
(it is minor because it is ambiguous)
positive affects:
desire to protect
desire to touch
negative affects:
excessive availability
secondary relations:
resentment at being emotionally manipulated
contempt for the weakness of cute --accompany--> desire to:

}--> *cute: a site of visual intensity that is both pleasurable & disgusting*

Lucretius Nature of Things ray enlightenment index influence finger language animal bestiary anthrop [source: Michael Burghers 1682 (commons.wikimedia)] ****three objects that are most often rendered cute in consumer aesthetics:
1- women
2- technology
3- children
}<-- (in psychoanalytic terms) inherently dangerous ==> in need of control****

Campbell > why is it useful to see bacteria as cute?
***cuteness as a deep link to violence***
[*]cuteness: aestheticization of powerlessness --> a necessary step in permitting its extinction [to make everybody like unto little children is not such a bad way of disposing of them]

representing the Other (the enemy) as despicable --> powerful effect
representing the Other as domesticated + infantalized:
demonstrates the sublime Otherness of bacteria
we are relieved of guilt <== the bacteria is rendered beneath the threshold of ethical consideration

2. overpopulation
cramming of many life forms into tiny spaces ~= (literally) an uncanny microcosm of the imagined and feared socio-economic order

***new technologies to visualize the world ==produce==> new imaginateis of life itself*** [<-- my research on bestiaries]

microscope (19th century) --> microbial visuality --Latour--> new modes of interacting with and ingesting/consuming the world

bacteriology as a discipline emerged at the same time as the (so-called) transformation “from industrial capitalism --to--> market society”
bacterial proliferation
--> a trope in visualizing contemporary bacteria

bacteria live in obscene proximity to each other --> *bacterial intimacy =/= individualizing force of modernity*

the fantasy of there is some sort of “away” which can absorb what we overproduce

removal of excrement (in all its quises) --> demonstrating the urbanites class distinction --> (an apparent) desire to reorganize urban space according to a logic of repugnance مغايرت (--> this is why i am so uncomfortable with “clean” streets)
the idea that a veritable subterranean system delivering *shit-free cleanliness* ==> citizen's physical, moral, sipritual cleanliness --with--> materila markers of the civilized society: cubicles, toilets, drains, sewers

(Lacan > Morton > Campbell >) the problem of human society : what to do with one's shit

anti-bacterial advertising --> fantasy of awayness

keeping nature at a distance ==Morton==> (act out an imagined preservation -->) dumps on the rest of the world
[sadistic admiration] putting something called nature on a pedestal and admiring it from afar (for the environment) ~= what patriarchy does for the figure of the woman

bacteria adhere to each other and to their environment --> *they make any environment cohere as itself* : without bacteria there is no environment

movement worlding passing technology network life survive house detour translate device metamorphic [source: Jono Podmore] 3. lower classes
bad skin
bad teech
criminally deviant

griminess سياهى
slick sheen ليز
dinginess چرکى
slouch اويخته

in advertisement:
bacterium suicide bomber
ear-picking homeless man: the incarnation of bacterial cross-infection

**community <--> infection**
(health of the community is theatened by undesirable members)

*bacteria ==> community can come into full self-expression*
bacteria = disruption of social order ~-=> bacteria stabilizes the social order

***bacterial threat = biological model for a political necessity***

(familiar terrain of) hand: a vast and foreign bacterial colony

in a world of microbial resistance [in which common infections and minor injuries can kill <-- real possibility for 21st century and not a apocalyptic fantasy] --> *antibacterials carve out spaces of near-perfect security*

overwhelm us
outnumber us
outclassify us
exceed us
pre-date us
}--> concealed by antibacterial discourse

good bacteria exists in the gut: their market-sanctioned place
*good bacteria: fantasy of the efficient worker*

4. deviant sex
bacterial sex

bacteria **propagate in the most ancient way : they have sex by contagion** = endosymbiosis, symbiogenesis --> ‘prolonged symbiotic associations ==> appearance of new organism’ (massive contagion that moves across phyla and lineages across biotic and abiotic spaces ~/= Darwinian natural selection)

1940s --> monomorphism: (in bacteria sex, proposing that) male and female are separate but visually indistinguishable

categories of inside/outside, host/guest, parent/child, original/copy, female/male --> organize civil life =/= bacteria
==> in advertising bacteria propagation appears “deviant” (in non-productive forms) --> antibacterials confer moral righteousness

Karin's germ management

(Karin) “good germ management =/= good parenting”
(Dettol:) “good germ management = good parenting” [when a mother at home protects children from contact with the floor]

(in iran:) contact is contagion

Campbell assuming women tolerate germs more than men --> not in iran

**staging the unbacterial woman**

*body is a closed private property =/= contagion emanates from bodies that are not properly closed or private*

community = the single biggest source of threat” (our sovereign cleanliness) --> *bacteria as other people* مجاز مرسل metonymically (not just metaphorically)
degenerate human
homeless man
street sweeper

(cleanliness is always sovereign)

if ”(deep) ideology =/= (critical) thought” --then--> fantasy =/= ?

deviant’ mobilizes deep-seated fears and fantasies ==> images that are visually intense + build exceedingly successful brands

critical analysis can move from thinking about symptoms as indirect expressions of deep ideology (paranoia) --to--> *indirect expressinos of structurating fantasies*

(brands know that) ***fantasy =/= ideology***
Lacan --> even when patients could articulate their symptoms it didn't seem to dissipate ==> symptom was a constitutive core of their own subjectivity
Zizek --> ideology: fantasy structuring out social reality itself =/= an illusion masking the real state of things
Marx, Freud, Zizek --> symptom =/= a thing behind which secret content is hidden
for Marx *the secret is in hte form of commodity itself** (<--but-- commodity as a central symptom of capitalism) --Sina--> in the form of the hair-styles in The Magicians TV ser[...]