Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]es and inequalities?
-how i have, as an iranian or foreigner, differently marked body and history entry points into understanding and acting on problems?


minute biota
micro-viruses, bacteria, and endless cycles of decay and regeneration
...the water formed nearly three billion years ago
pulsing temporalities...

snake serpent person reptile limb assemblage body [source:] (you and things are) surprise =/= accident

dispossessions. dislocations. disease. greed. racism.
the always-limited, limiting promise of prosperity

[*]racism: an environmental catastrophe, toxic by-product of the industry called racial thinking and un-thinking (the fantasy attached to what race is thought to be), a deadly ambivalence or refusal to see how race is at work in our lives
-humanness not yet available to all humans

[*]posthumanism (and its tools of “becoming animal” as effects of power writing about itself): privilege of having been human --> a racing, sexing, and classing ethos that cannot see itself as such
= a pretense of not already understanding humanness as a trans-, re-, and decomposing
(Hayward asking:) how can we talk about posthumanism (in 2014) *it is not that we have made humanness a more available category in sixty years, but that those whose humanness was already certain (say, white, able-bodied, men) are in the luxurious position of sloughing off their humanity* (-fuck!)
}=/= trans-differentiations, de-composings[~ marks the loss of composure, of control ==> exposes the composite shape of life. to de-compose is the promise we must keep -Hayward]

racialization of ecological crises (?)
(pollutions felt by who? -the poor, the birds,)

the old tradition of seeing yourself that unwelcomed alienated guest on the earth (آمدنم بهر چه بود)

planetary accountability

(@artists, when and how you are) moved to a closer look**
horrified, disgusted, and drawn in

Hayward: what would an ardently materialist eco-critical race politics look like?
[=/= toward materiality: bumptious liveliness of matter ==> to deracinate life, to depoliticize worldliness]

to host a guest: an ethics of care, a willingness to remain open to a guest without anticipation or expectation
(hospital =) alter the equation of hostile to hostel. Is this what is meant by hospitality?

Leo's angry and productive underbelly
Leo's take on honesty: real and raw

(gardens are full of) grotesqueness and splendor, death and life, delicacy and treachery, softness and sting


liminal: a threshold without a value, a doorway without assurance

that false divide between life and death (somebody animating it)

(Eszter's lace-like interiors)

loss ==shapes==> our relationship to the living (@Jassem)

(*ambivalence of loss and remembering* in the) melancholic calculus of the archive: “what is lost can become what is preserved as part of the self”
-as an environment sickens and dies we harbor the loss

(hope =/= salvation)

...learning a new grammar of animacy (with Hayward)

[...]memories of excess and delight, freaks, fright, and exploitations. Too much sugar. Surprise. And disappointment. Larger than life. Grotesque. Alluring. Captivating. Calling. Their juxtaposition in this contradictory scape of sea, desert, and mountains--surreal”

(the mer-creature) a living condensation and displacement of what people imagined as real

documentary history storytelling journey mind universe cartography [source: Cosmos (TV Series 2014)] little is needed to prompt the imagination: paint, wheels, and wood.

(US/Mexico or land/ocean borders...) a space about who and what cannot move, of who and what falls apart, or of who and what is lost


(the inter- and trans-action of) learning, playing and thought

in ajayeb what are the:
animacy hierarchies (--Chen)
exposed and transparent conditions of possibility (--Hayward) ==> becomings and assemblages
ontological fixities
enactment of large-scale fantasies (--Chen)


(Mehran Rad) on description of spring
kofr کفر <-->nature” (tabi'at طبيعت) <---> bahar بهار <--> bot-khane بت خانه
Manuchehri: نوبهار آمد و آورد گل و یاسمنا باغ همچون تبت و راغ بسان عدنا
Hafez: کنون که در چمن آمد گل از عدم به وجود بنفشه در قدم او نهاد سر به سجود
=/= durdastha دوردستها, beyonds

donya دنیا <--> gozar گذر
-->? materialist

بهاری داری ازوی بر خور امروز که هر فصلی نخواهد بود نوروز
گلی کو را نبوید آدمی زاد چو هنگام خزان آید برد باد

(ruse, san'at صنعت -->) hile حیله =/= sho'bade شعبده (shab-bazi شب بازی, neyrang نیرنگ,)

lahn-haye jahan
لحنهای جهان


(feral?) table of contents
how we know that contents are tabled at all? --> inheritances of taxonomy, natural philosophies aesthetics: tamed facts
#Rigs, my ajayeb diagrams


ajayeb's histories (~ ajayeb's historically situated relational worldings) =/= societies of individuals in human-only histories (~ Euclidean figures and stories of Man)

(which network is?) a netbag for collecting up what is crucial for ongoing

ajayeb's technotheocratic geoengineering [, it “fixes” some common imaginations the “affairs of life,” and not specifically the “afterlife,” (within the {terminology ~} figural-conceptual powers of syms and material-semiotic time-space of the Indo-Greco-Arab-Turko-Persian terra taxa)]
periods of time
“known” life
abode (budgah بودگاه, Wohnplatz)
donya دنيا

-stories that focus on composition rather than intrusion
-stories that focus on ongoingness rather than game-over

(Haraway > Stengers > Latour > Margulis) Gaia, to name complex nonlinear couplings between processes that compose and sustain entwined but nonadditive subsystems as a partially cohering systemic whole

planet-transforming, historically situated, new-enough, worlding relations

(systematic stories are linked) metabolisms, articulations, coproductions
(they must also be) relational, sympoietic, consequential

myth-systems (are set-ups)
(a deadly one: “Man + Tool ==> history”)

names =/= faces (~ morphs of the same)

a thousand names of something else

(what Haraway is naming with) compound-eyed insectile and many-armed optics

winged domains

(Haraway's spider and) my ajayeb's snake: tasks of thinking, figuring, and storytelling
----> heady facial representation; [Luisa also dislikes this]
figure of snake (circular serpent) is ajayeb Persian sf worlding, has ties with the Greek Chthonis (“of the earth,”) is at the same time the image of the continuity of life and the abyssal moral (eating your end, no gag reflex)-->{Gildas Hamel: “the abyssal and elemental forces before they were astralized by chief gods and their tame committees"}

“many critters acoss taxa” (juju جوجو + rade رده)

(I dispute Haraway's notion of “sacred.” popular religion is at many times populated by earthly figures alongside many astralized destructive finitudes.)

Haraway's urgently needed Chthulucene story

[Miyazaki's] biodiverse terra [God flips out] into something very slimy, like any overstressed complex adaptive system at the end of its abilities to absorb insult after insult. (Haraway's wording)

(yes yes we are all ultimately connected to one another,) but the specificity and proximity of connections matters

(Haraway + Latour's) ‘things’ are:
1- collection of entities
2- hard to classify, unsortable, (and probably with bad smell)

Anthropos =/= rich generative home of a multispecies Earth

“looks up at what he sees.”
