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[...]nal real of ajayeb forms

(different names for the same thing:)
forms of emergent in the conduct of life (Nietzsche, Foucault attending to the intimate relations between knowledge and power)
worlding, the mirror play of materiality and its poetic composition (Heidegger)
planes of expressivity reaching a point of recognition or force (Deleuze and Guattari)
the shimmer (Barthes)
rhythm in itself (Lefebvre)
structures of feeling into political theory (Raymond Williams)
forms emergent in the conduct of life are immaterial matterings --> *the contact aesthetics* of natural and dreamed up things throwing themselves together (Stewart)

ajayeb is a literally unblievable image, a sociality, a muscle, a world thrown together in a sensory refrain witnessed by a present subject; collective dreamed up nature and historical presents ripe with rhythms and speeds, with streams of matter and thought; ajayeb is a capacious assemblage

ajayeb stories are:
material-sensory arc of history
series of absent/present (moments) sensed through forms and events

lostness or reslessness of drifters

fantasies of potential “home”

(a plce of) abjection of state neglect ==> production of future

(Stewart's) the middle-class mobile citizenship and the proper traveling subject

Janina's “i don't know” s
a material semiosis of choices

what are ajayeb promises?
wtinessings, encounters, timeouts, fantasy, distraction,

a 19th century elite tradition of secular pilgrimage to the sacred

pursuit of see-it-yourselfness

a spectacular form of amnesia *

jackdaw world learning fable story partridge future [source:] (the joints of my pop-up book) spin around fantastic axes

Stewart: “the state of public transportation in the U.S. is an event in the worlding of bodies in motion”
-a landscape abuzz with connectivity

shape-shifter jumping between composition and concrete

my apass project:
(sharing with you) the pleasure of recognizing a described world (in ajayeb)***
(i can sense the ajayeb's) pleasure in describing the animacy of forms
-describing a world is the pleasure of sensing the incipiency of *form in matter* and fantasy and the effort to draw the lines of form's traces. still palpable even it only imagined (Stewart ***)

(ajayeb's) heady business of making sense out of what happens
-to venture out in the manner of
-ajayeb sings an autopoetic refrain scoring and unfolding
-gesturing into form, a magnet burdened with impressions

textures give way to qualities of form

*before the blizzard: the sea monster


Xh1IgPomwW8 Stewart's experiments coming at the phenomena of worlding through a series of angles organized prismatically:
refrain ترجیع‌بند (poetic fixed form)

--> the tune on which people and things venture out
--> a kind of mapping infrastructure
--> lines and distributed biography

[pop-up book]
#description: (world is like a) pop-up map of possibilities [=/= map hylomorphically onto meaning]:
(condensed) points of precision
fundamentally divergent nature of things that happen --prompting-->
the mode of social poiesis
a path into continuous variation of matter and form, word and world
(pop-up book made of) mobile and immobile flickering
a thing that can be physical if the eye is quick enough
a crystalline image of the deforming of a form
bending itself (myself?) in refraction (=/= intimate register of knowledge and power)
a conceptual machinery of cutting edges
a compositional jumping off point; a ‘lifted out of’; a ‘being-moved in
...the ajayeb pop-up book two parallel spreading qualities and scenes across a cartography, registers differences in motion
a compositional writing (=/= representational method) in the effort to keep up with the distributed agencies of *what is throwing together and what is falling apart* (~ ajayeb) [--> it is a practice of trying, in line with my lectures, to follow where things (might) go that habits of attunement become as associational logic***]
particulars to become a hinge لولاى در (opening onto a world throwing together and falling apart)
mixing of shiny elements: *flickering ontologies* the expansive mapping of elements in paly
a cartography of compositional elements, formal compositions and unmarked ways of being loop around each other

(27.08.2017 my work on ajayeb is an inquiry into description:) ***it is about many different forms that something can take and does take*** + the things that can be perceived and thought with those things

(attuning to) details in ajayeb loaded with intensities both strange and recognizable (=/= stable real)
a mode of perception that walks around an enigmatic object
an hour
a river
a walk
a deflating frog

far from being “after the fact,” my pop-up book involves multiplicity of bodies, characters and materialities to approach ‘description’ as “speculative theory in practice of how a world works” like ajayeb's work of “engendering a plane of prolific expressivity”

(عجایب المخلوقات / عجایب نامه) [*]ajayeb: a once percepted thing on the threshold of sense in the prisma of social poiesis producing a cartography of what might be happening in a world as an object of composition

firefly: a condensed point of precision one after another

ajayeb is made in citing repetitions and differences

(with Stewart:) ajayeb was once “the cutting edges of a harsh world in a state of uneven emergence, an ambient mapping of the not-yet or as-if of things becoming phenomenon” which itself became a repetitive impulse to story

i can't find a better kind of description of what ajayeb does than Stewart describing ‘description’ that literally puts a point things: “the expressivity of what happens to things throwing together in words is a kind of description attuned to what does not completely unfold but instead melds together with other unnamed but palpable things collected like a field of mineable resources and shiny afterthoughts.”

things throwing together in words ==> expressivity
ajayeb: collected (unnamed but palpable) things like mineable resources and shiny afterthoughts

پس انديشه


[*]perspective: (an attending, enduring presence, a compositional node,) perspectival agency in which things jump into relation but remain unglued*** (Stewart)

...across a field of subjects-objects-bodies-trajectories-affects

realm of killed off things

new figures i am learning from Stewart's
“throwing together”
“manner of”

(in ajayeb) the whale: throwing together of the phenomena of fish and water, sailing, mood, atmosphere, and sensory charge

*ajayeb's descriptive apparauses: a mutating realism of a certain vision of light meeting movement

[*]ajayeb: things that were once named, perhaps written down, (differently than now,) through some kind of trickery (called citation,) and then metastasized (spread throughout a body) into circulation (readings, translations, etc.) are raised, incised, made singular and charged
ajayeb's stories/reports ~= forms of co-recognition, something witnessed that gets cooked down into something saucy***
ajayeb's writing: a more-than-representational method of writing attuned to the qualities of phenomena
ajayeb's fabulations (appear as:)
(atmospheric) traces
(momentary) might-have-beens

ajayeb = people + matter + real --> *point of figuring compositional reals*

fast-forwarded throught great arcs of *history-in-itelf* or *place-in-itself* in The Time Machine (2002 film)

what are the river and field doing now?

[*]theory: drawn through writing into the ways that people and things venture out into [*]reals:
a recursive haeccity (Deleuze and Guattari)
transversal arrays of qualities or activities which, like musical refrains, give order to materials and situations, human bodies and brains included[...]