Ereignis: 0, (Max.: 500+)

[...]f the universe='strcls'>***='lgc'>] combining='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">(“oikoumene” tradition of ="trms">Greek geography='lgc'>:) ='strcls'>*the ="trms">science of the entire human ="trms">world='strcls'>* ='lgc'>[='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="nms">ajayeb='lgc'>]
="lsts lst1">(“mathematical geography” founded by Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Ptolemy='lgc'>:) ='strcls'>*the ="trms">science of coordination of human space in ="trms">relation with the celectial con="trms">figuration and movements='strcls'>* ='lgc'>[='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="ppl">Olearius='lgc'>]
='lgc'>}='lgc'>==> Earth ='lgc'>[considered as a whole='lgc'>]='lgc'>: (stable support for the) ='strcls'>*فراز و نشيب vicis="trms">situde of ="trms">history='strcls'>* ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ‘terrestrial space ='lgc'>+ its con="trms">figurations’ ='lgc'>: object of geographical, geological, ="trms">sociological, biological knowl="trms"nttrm="knowledge,Knowledge">edge
(="ppl">Humboldt) applied a whole ="trms">system of barometric, thermometric in his investigation. ='strcls'>*division of plants='strcls'>* ="trms">according to ="trms">different climates ='lgc'>==> “botanical geography” ='and'>&="trms">zoological geography”

="trms">history of the Weltanschauung

wonder story assemblage composition affect tale report whirlpool animal media techne tail [source:] ='strcls'>*****how ="ppl">Humboldt (and Ritter, ='lgc'>[even ="ppl">Simondon does that too='lgc'>]) apply the ='strcls'>*="trms">category of totality='strcls'>* to their object ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> the ="trms">relations between ="trms">historical man and the environment ='lgc'>==> ='strcls'>*determination of ="trms">historical ="trms">relationships='strcls'>*

the ="trms">relations between the geographical environment and man ='lgc'>==> a spirit
(='lgc'>='lgc'>-->) ='strcls'>*doing ="trms">history='strcls'>*='lgc'>: ="trms"nttrm="already,spread">reading a map, understanding by map the re="trms">presentation of a set of metrical, geodesic, geological, climatological, and descriptive biogeographical ="trms">data

="large lg2" stl="font-size:111%"> Loeb ='lgc'>+ Watson (phototropism in ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animals)='lgc'>:
every movement of the organism in the environment='lgc'> = a movement into which the environment forces the organism ='lgc'>==> ='strcls'>**='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal='lgc'> = reflex='strcls'>** ='lgc'><='lgc'>='lgc'>-->='lgc'>{="ppl">Darwinism ='lgc'>+ ="ppl">Cartesianism ='lgc'>==> behaviorist psychology='strcls'>*='lgc'>}
(Watson='lgc'>:) ='lgc'>[='strcls'>*='lgc'>]psychology='lgc'>: program of the analytical investigation of the ‘stimulus-="trms">response couple'='lgc'>[= conditions of the living being's adaptation to the environment through the experimental production of ="trms">relations between stimulation and ="trms">response='lgc'>] (='lgc'><='lgc'>-- one of physical determinism) ='lgc'>==> consciousness nullified as illusory
(the living being's ="trms">situation='lgc'>:) “its being='lgc'> = a conditioning” (='lgc'>='lgc'>--> as artists we still have to deal with this idea or image, it is about the reality the artist receives and what they make of it)

process of reduction='lgc'>:
(="nms">ajayeb ='lgc'>--to='lgc'>='lgc'>-->) biology ='lgc'>--to='lgc'>='lgc'>--> behavior ='lgc'>--to='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="trms">neurology ='lgc'>--to='lgc'>='lgc'>--> energetics (='lgc'>--to='lgc'>='lgc'>--> electronics)

the perfect work of behaviorist psychology='lgc'>: construct man as a machine reacting to machines

Condillac's ="trms">fable of the statue='lgc'>: in the rose's perfume, the statue is the rose's perfume ='lgc'>==> living organism='lgc'> = ="trms">respond to sensory stimulation (the physical mileu, light and heat, carbon and oxygen, calcium and gravity)

(="ppl">Canguilhem asking) where is the living being='qstn'>? ='lgc'><='lgc'>-- ="ppl">Kohn

='lgc'>==> subjects “taking action” ='lgc'>=/= objects “in movement”

we see individuals ='lgc'>--but='lgc'>='lgc'>--> these are objects
we see centers ='lgc'>--but='lgc'>='lgc'>--> these are environments
we see machinists ='lgc'>--but='lgc'>='lgc'>--> these are machines

environment of behavior ='lgc'>--coincides-with='lgc'>='lgc'>--> geographical environment ='lgc'>--coincides-with='lgc'>='lgc'>--> physical environment

“in a human environment, man is obviously subject to a form of determinism, but it is the determinism of artificial creations in which the spirit of invention which calls them into existence is alienated.”

="large lg1" stl="font-size:122%"> ='strcls'>*psycho-="trms">technique of engineers='strcls'>* grasp the ="trms">presence in man of his own o="trms"nttrm="righ,rigo,riga,rigi,trig,rign">riginality ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='at'>@="frds scrmbld">Maarten, Mobed
as an irreducible center of resistance

“man, even when subordinated to the machine, never manages to grasp himself as a machine. his efficiency is greater the more he is aware of his central ="trms">situation with regard to the mechanisms intended to serve him” ='lgc'>[='lgc'><='lgc'>-- ='strcls'>*a bad ="trms">story (of The Terminator, The 100, The Magicians, etc.)='lgc'>]

(="ppl">Darwin, Laeb's) ="trms">pragmatism='lgc'>: ="trms">generalization of ='thdf'>the notion of adaptation to the theory of knowl="trms"nttrm="knowledge,Knowledge">edge

reference of organis movement to the organims itself as essential

(prepared by ="ppl">Kantor, Tolmann's) teleological behaviorism='lgc'>: recognizing the sense and intention of ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal movement

(where, for whom, the individuality of the living organism stops='qstn'>?)
="lsts lst1">at its ectodermic borders
="lsts lst1">at the cell
="lsts lst1">

cell='lgc'>: an environment of infra-cellular elements, it lives in an ="trms">internal environment which sometimes has the dimensions of an ='strcls'>*organ='strcls'>* and sometimes of the ='strcls'>*organism='strcls'>*

Uexküll ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> Umwelt ='lgc'>=/= Umgebung ='lgc'>=/= Welt
="lsts lst1">='strcls'>*Umwelt='strcls'>* distinguishes the environment of behavior ="trms">specific to an organism
="lsts lst1">='strcls'>*Umgebung='strcls'>*='lgc'>: the ordinary geographical environment
="lsts lst1">='strcls'>*Welt='strcls'>*='lgc'>: the universe of ="trms">science

Umwelt ='lgc'>~ the ="trms">specific environment of behavior (for the living being)='lgc'>: a set of ex="trms">citations

to be effective it must be anticipated by an attitude of the subject ='lgc'>~ ‘if the living being is not seeking, it won't receive anything’

Buffon ='and'>& Lamarck ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> time and favorable circumstances gradually constitute the living
='lgc'>=/= Uexküll ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> time and favorable circumstances are relative to such and such living beings

='lgc'>==> Umwelt='lgc'>: an elective sample in the Umgebung ='lgc'>}='lgc'>='lgc'>--> milieu
environment='lgc'>: “man's Umwelt” ='lgc'>~ the ordinary ="trms">world of his perspective and ="trms">pragmatic experience

='strcls'>*human suject='lgc'>: creator of ="trms">techniques and values
='lgc'>==> ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal's Umwelt='lgc'>: a centered environment/milieu relative to this living being as essentially a subject of vital values

a subjectivity at the root of this organization ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> شپش shepesh tick

Uexküll ="trms">story of the tick ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='strcls'>*mechanical theory of the reflex='strcls'>*
...the ='trgt hghlght 1'href='?q=animal'>animal may remain completely in="trms">different and insensitive for a considerable length of time to all the ex="trms">citations of an environment like a forest, and that the only ex="trms">citation that is capable of t="trms"nttrm="righ,rigo,riga,rigi,trig,rign">riggering its movement, to the ex="trms">="trms"nttrm="cluster,club">clusion of any other, is the odor of rancid butter.
='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='strcls'>*an organism is therefore never equal to the theoretical totality of its possibilities
organism ='lgc'>=/= preferential behavior

reversal of organism-environment ="trms">relationship='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">“the meaning of an organism is its being” (Goldstein)
="lsts lst1">“the living being's acquisition of its form” (Mendel)
="lsts lst1">“the environment is not an ="trms">agent of formation strictly speaking, but rather of realization” (Brachet)
="lsts lst1">

="large lg3" stl="font-size:111%"> (Soviet) ambition of complete domination of ="trms">nature and limit the possibilities of an intentional alteration of living ="trms">species

='strcls'>*which ="trms">stories of life and why emphasize the separation of the organism from the environment (and make this separation intuitive and ="trms"nttrm="already,spread">ready-to-hand)='qstn'>? ='lgc'>[='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="nms">ajayeb='lgc'>]
(Lamarck focused on the point where) life coincides with its own meaning, where through sensibility the living being is ="trms">positively or negatively ='strcls'>*="trms">situated absolutly in existence='strcls'>* ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='strcls'>***the indivisible totality of organism and environment='strcls'>*** ='lgc'>[='lgc'><='lgc'>-- ="ppl">="ppl">Barad has to say a lot about that='lgc'>]

for Lamarck='lgc'>:
“circumstances” and “ambience” spherical, centered arrangement
astrological conceptions ='lgc'>==> “influence” and “influencing circumstances”

="large lg4" stl="font-size:110%">
(in 18th and start of 19th century='lgc'>:) geographical ='lgc'>+ astronomical ='lgc'>+ astrological ='lgc'>==> ='lgc'>[='strcls'>*='lgc'>]climate='lgc'>: the changing aspect of the sky ='lgc'>+ the influence exerted by the sky on the Earth
='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="nms">ajayeb-e climate
='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="nms">ajayeb-e moon
='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="ppl">Olearius's ="trms">anthropogeographical mechanics (='lgc'><== ="ppl">Newton's celectial mechanics)
='lgc'>[='strcls'>*='lgc'>]geography='lgc'>: (for the ="trms">Greeks) the projection of the sky on the Earth ='lgc'>--establishing='lgc'>='lgc'>--> a cor="trms">respondence of sky and Earth='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">topographical cor="trms">respondence ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ="trms">geometry ='lgc'>+ ="trms">cosmography
="lsts lst1">hierarchical cor="trms">respondence ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> physics ='lgc'>+ astrology

(philosophy of the) stoics ='lgc'>==> (="trms">Greek) geology ='strcls'>***
='lgc'>[رواقی‌ stoic='lgc'>: deterministic understanding of a universe (overseen by a god and governed by reason), ="trms">integrity of character (='lgc'>='lgc'>--> walking erect), psychological independence from ="trms">society, self-control and detachment, in="trms">difference to pleasure or pain ='lgc'>==> “clear thinker"='lgc'>]

='lgc'>}='lgc'>-='lgc'>='lgc'>--> ='strcls'>***theory of universal ="trms">sympathy='strcls'>*** ='lgc'>[='lgc'>='lgc'>~/=='qstn'>? ="nms">ajayeb='lgc'>] ='lgc'>: vita="trms"nttrm="listen,alist,ilist,llist,olist,ylist,ulist">list intuition of universal determinism ='lgc'>==> geographical theory of environments (= milieu)='lgc'>: biocentric conception of the ="trms">cosmos (crossed over the Middle Ages to bloom in the Renaissance)

="large lg5" stl="font-size:123%"> ='thdf'>the idea of the ="trms">cosmos='lgc'>:
(with Copernicus and Kepler='lgc'>:) Earth of living beings and man ='lgc'>: the privileged center of reference of the ancient ="trms">world
='strcls'>**(with Galielo and ="ppl">Descartes ='lgc'>='lgc'>-->) two theories='lgc'>:
="lsts lst1">a centered qualitative space in which the mi-lieu is a center
="lsts lst1">a decentered homogeneous space in which the mi-lieu is an ="trms">intermediary field

need for expansionist security ='lgc'>+ requirements of ="trms">scientific knowl="trms"nttrm="knowledge,Knowledge">edge
Pascal ='lgc'>='lgc'>--> we drift over a vast mileu ='lgc'>["we are floating in a medium of vast extent"='lgc'>]

he needs a place to conta[...]