[...][as Holderlin announces that the “remains” for which poets are responsible.]---> memory (don't let engineers build you archives! let the poet be responsible for whatever has “remained.”) [this would be Holderlinian advice]
-inappropriable remainder(s)
memory/remember is sojourn
the importance of archive is today perhaps not in creating one but in reading them.
--how many archive we still need to read and probe and consider, with concepts or para-concepts that we thought we had a hold on.
being enfolded is often a strategy for survival (?, Marks)
(Akira Mizuta Lippit:) things are not saved by being archived (Borgesian nightmare)
histories for which the present is not ready --> what are those sites where histories slip into latency?
(how not?) ***to enter a culture from outside*** (problem of the prophet, both Moses and Freud) --> *everything depends on the ways we ‘bring’ things* [bringing monotheism, destruction, etc.] ~-> (social and material) milieu thinking (--> to think about Baten in Baten)
(art's will and the judgment of value that informs it...) Kunstwollen's desire to grow and travel
[Ariella Azoulay]
() the opposition between keeping and putting away, preservation and cancelation.
archive: the home of the dialectic of preservation and cancellation
...when fully lit and relatively flat
Derrida: (archive) “is a question of the future, the question of the future itself, the question of a response, of a promise and of a responsibility for tomorrow.”
archive's Foucauldian “space of appearance”
constructed as ex-territorial and as a receptacle (makhzan) for the past
archive is not a fortress external to our world, with us as its pilgrims
(the ontological performance of filling a document)
(a constellation, aimed at distancing and disturbing us)
collecting --> grouping
extracting --> sharing
cataloguing --> indexing and tagging
(for Freud:) trauma <~=> memory
(for Nietzsche:) “Man could never do without blood, torture, and sacrifices when he felt the need to create a memory for himself.” ----> ‘ritual’ may be seen as a way to keep memory alive without the experience of pain?
(Bataille after Nietzsche:) ‘sacredness’: the revelation of continuity through the death of a discontinuous being
within the political art domain the “I feel your pain” has sympathetic currency. one is punished by drawing public attention to their pleasures
(I feel your pleasures =/=) “sense of pain” [an asset of the artist] ==establishes==> awareness of the existence of the body
processing is largely parallel, while, attention is largely serial[...]