[...]tion, transforming cities in their passage through them on the art circuit--sophisticated nomadic clans who travel to survive.
nature of things (2013, Sina + Elisa)
places marked with zones of limited habitation--you can't live there, you are a visitor
a place that is both wasteland and wilderness at the same time
wasteland tourism (museum in chernobyl)
1. the christian tradition: it was our obligation to use up the earth before the apocalypse
2. the romantic view: we humans are the servants of the land, we are its eyes, we are its expression
we are becoming visitors of waste wilderness, most natural and unnatural land simultaneously
the moment the world enters my body it has already been transformed
for Elisa and me Bochum's forest was a location, with its decay, it's subtropical humidity and toxins, and because of the way it is trapped between the natural and the man-made.
“we are forever collecting ourselves” (Baudrillard)
we have always encountered the world via technology
(now internet)
(Zoe Todd)
Zapatista (a revolutionary leftist political and militant group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico) principles of “walking the world into being” (as locus of thought and practice to decolonize posthumanist geographies)
(for Juanita Sundberg) the zapatista movement theorizes walking as an important practice in building the pluriversale, a world in which many worlds fit. [...] as we humans move, work, play, and narrate with multiplicity of beings in place, we enact historically contingent and radically distinct worlds/ontologies.
the epistemic violence inherent both in academic treatment and dance (they both bring things to life?) (is dance controlled form of violence? does violence always bring things to life contrary to the belief that it kills life?)
(i don't want to) trivialize (Amazon and my Amazon trip) as case-study and neutralize its indigenous ontologies
(John Hartingan:) Anthropocene as “charismatic mega-category”
(of the white intellectual space of the Euro-Western academy)
(which sweeps many competing narratives under its roof?)
(indigenous artists, Rebecca Belmore & Jolene Rickard:) material might act as a bridge, instead of a mirror
(narcissistic obsession of Western civilization/art with material-as-mirror)
(Dwayne Donald:) place-based cultures and knowledge systems
colonialism is basicly “disconnection”, denial of relation
(in its heart is written “we are not related”)
(so few indigenous bodies are present in sites where academic discourse are being forged and practiced) when they are present, they are [...]