[...]give me your hand.
a madman /
outside the law of reason, a dog /
outside the law of man, a devil /
outside the law of god, a...
The hypocrite pays in appearance
devil dubing/subtitling the society of reasonable men
..mad dogs
Law directs the circulation of goods, women, promise; of representations, insults, jests
i, as the text of sina, will show you that...
An ordering relation is irreflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive
sequential to consequential
(the concern of narrative)
order of reason (one order among many other sequences)
reason has immense consequences, so does aesthetics
betterable better
the case is of a maximum
the tree of the “better”
a whole forest hidden by a single tree
‘possibility’ is always the higher point on the tree
if you kill me now, my time freezes and its order disappears.
(said sheep to the wolf)
relative relations and absolute limit; he is the master of future
where do you come from?
Care, claims to have suffer
at the end; you are the cause, i am the effect.
Perfect, is free of the psychologism of hypocrisy
stable structures and dialectical processes are inseparable
(each choice associated with a location on the tree)
(best) reason always permits a winning game (?)
might into right and obedience into duty, that is transforming force into factual necessity, by the stronger. Obedience into law. This is Rousseau
means to have access to the inaccessible
the exact sciences the optimal relationship from subject to object, conceived since the classical ages
A slave who, while sleeping, dreams that he is free
(put to the order of slave, a slave presenting a project to his master)
leipniz and Descartes, posit a maximum and minimum strategy in an ordered space.
The universal quantifactor
“perfect” signifies “optimal”
quantification of a relationship followed to its limits.
The process quantified, the tactics maximised
(“result:” instead of “
‘to know nature is a game’
experiment is also a game?
With win or lose possibilities, in which there exists a guaranteed winning strategy.
Game is the model of all exact knowledges.
The Ur-Supe, the original state of life, the marine mixture, the primal liquid state, prebiotic soup, the physiochemical condition for the origin of living beings
a mother emerges from a mother
the earth is in labor, a labor of metamorphosis, transformation, production, generation
beneath the anecdotes and pathos, the text mobilizes with great precision certain findings of rational mechanics
(ice and fire) is only relatively cold
centers are breasts
periodic breasts
last science transcends the first
reservoir exists for the circulation
two notions structurally stable in encyclopedia
question regarding iranian literature reservoir
(the last question syntactically proposes also the possibility of reconfiguration)
Is it
What is its plan? How it transports according to this plan? What are the circulating elements? What is stable there? What are the transformations when it transports?
Reservoir is libidinal
capital, quantity of energy, constancy of force,
what can be applied to the pattern of circulations?
(of vocabulary, value, money, desire, etc.)
what blocks circulation? Who or what governs it?
In answering, you reconstruct (the entire set of what you consider interpretive)
it is not necessary to introduce methods to read a text
Texts that operate
(there is no dichotomy in the operation)
technologies concerning heat, thermodynamics, shocked the traditional world and shaped the one we are now working in.
...theories concerning processes of transformation.
...stages of alchemical initiations, archaic figure of fire,
How to make the history of science as effective as science itself?
suddenly science falls silent and mythology speaks
the astronomer falls in
(ask maryam's astronomer
throw the key to the text
for classification, connection is at stake, space is at stake
the formal invariant is something like a transport
what is worse for classification?
non-connections that are at stake
we shall never be free of space
fire, and transcendental subject
accidents of space (at work upon the multiplicity of spatial varieties
what is the program of topology?
My body lives in as many spaces as the group (the society) has formed.
The euclidian house, the street and its networks, open/closed garden, closed space of the sacred, school and its fix points and social varieties, complex ensemble of flow charts, those of language, of factory of family, of political party, and so forth.
topology; culture connects and joints, art delinks and disconnects
(the law of incest prohibition connects the disconnected)
siyavosh/sohrab is one of the descendants of disseminated spaces, of catastrophic separation of the continuous
when Rostam recognises the mark of his son, Ferdosi giving a version of recognition scene, connects
the son, the mother
-we can recognise a typological space
-the space of the world is described requiring connection
-family tree
-parts are to be joined
-rostam and sohrab, siyavosh and sudabeh, cannot be composed to form a single homogeneous space. (rostam and siyavosh do that)
the presuppose that before discourse there existed a mutual policy of unrelated spaces
-the object or the target of (cultural) discourse is to connect
-to transform a chaos of separate spatial varieties into a space of communication
-scatered members, re-membered
-incoherent chaos, reformulated in the common space of transport when it is reconstructed
...she is the signatory of the discourse
...she mimes the progress and delays of Demneh
-transport is a unitary space where transfer is
-transfer is only a possibility
so, we must find the word or construct a conditional logos that