[...]forcing one self to smile)
•there is no reason to consider one action more or less descriptive than performative than the other [--Sina--> my whole work has been about arguing the performativity of descriptive acts, there are no descriptions that do not generate emotions]
•lack of methodological distinction between (anthropological) fieldwork [: subject is changed by the presence of researcher] =/= historical research
•problem of synchrony in “emotive” <-- ignoring memory, aspiration (on the list of the emotional actor)
emotional states can be evoked or avoided(?)
conditions can be manipulated with the goal of shaping emotions in the future
emotion and its affects
•emotion --> medicated and sustained
•affect (a very recent idea) --> ephemeral instantaneously rises and dissipates (leaving residual effects)
}<-- a heuristic device (difference) to highlight different kinds of experiences, their perception and impact
affect is under inquiry in understand:
•customer culture
•entertainment industry
•(individual located in larger communities)
[*]affect: embodied thought : culturally and corporealy informed cognition = thoughts + apprehension “i am involved”
[emotion = i am involved]
(Elias) arguments in favor of affect (affect-culture):
1. (help us to understand) relationship between *(human) bodies, nature, action*
2. explains cooperative living, sacrifice, generosity, attachment, affection (better than theories that focus on economics, politics, power)
3. critical apparatus for gaining knowledge from human interaction and social movements --understand--> future
(concept of) affect --> productive way of understanding human attitude and behavior
affect theory
•(Spinoza ==>) Deleuze's ethnology of bodily capacities ==> Massumi
•(Darwin --?-->) Tomkins's psychobiology and differential affect ==> Sedgwick
basic affect transcend culture
durable and socially meaningful
[*]affect = innateness + external stimuli, “entire, vital modulating field of myriad becomings across human and nonhuman”
“no one has yet determined what the body can do”
1. the body's capacity is not determined by the body alone but that it is amplified and assisted by its external context
2. even though we might not understand the videos nature, we can comprehend how a specific body functions in a particular social context
•affectus --> the force of an affecting body =/=
•affectio --> impact of an affecting body on the one affected (==generate==> bodily capacities)
[*]affect: a relational phenomena that draws that draws together: a body + sentient aspects of the human being inhabiting it + social context within which that person is embedded
(--> self-professed affect theorists)
[*]affect: essentially bodily, pre-social (=/= asocial), filled with motion, vibratory motion, resonation, a nonconscious (never-to-be-conscious) automatic remainder
visceral perception
precognitive visceral moment (=/= physical reaction)
--> think of affect in virtual terms {virtual: sphere of potential + emergent + indeterminate tendencies}
***conscious perception = narration of affect*** [to perceive = to narrate your affects ---> go to #feedback of artwork: actualization of the affective event (?can it include the excess of affect, the virtual?), feedback: narration of unconscious perception] --Massumi--> outside of this perception is the virtual domain (nonconscious automatic remainder, disconnected from meaning) []
--> “affect is the whole world” (<-- Massumi's attraction to indeterminacy)
--Sina--> affect: the deep historical remainder (fossil) of a pre-civilizational (pre-social) open-ended togetherness (I-am-involved-ness)
affect --> (nonvirtual) they come out unpredictability in dreams and physical symptoms
(interaction of) affect + habit, belief, thought, ideas = emotion
neuropolitics: neurobiological universals can predictively manifest themselves
article =/= book (more rewarded in the humanities)
...technical, symbolic, formula-filled language of scientific research
antirationalism of turn to body in affect theory --Leys--> “the claim is that we human beings are corporeal creatures imbued with subliminal affective intensifies and resonances that so decisively influence it condition our political and other beliefs that that we ignore those affective intensities or resonances at our peril--not only because doing so leads us to underestimate the political harm that the deliberate manipulation of our affective lives can do but also because we will otherwise miss the*potential for ethical creativity* and transformation that ‘technologies of the self’ designed to work on our embodied being can help bring about.”
enterprise of theorizing affect --Elias-->
(1) ideologically driven by an attempt to reverse an imagined poststructuralist theoretical hegemony ==> conscious turn from rational methods --> *asignifying transcendence*
-Massumi's affect: asocial virtual potential (=/= actualizes) ==> affect: unformed & unstructured (potential: transmitable + socially powerful) ~= undefinable & unknowable ~= unanalyzable & unpredictable <-- not usable as a theoretical concept
Massumi (moving away from linguistic towards t) --> affect becomes ethereal abstraction (=/= historical materiality) removed from the grasp of critical assessment
feeling --> personal & biographical
emotions --> social
affect --> prepersonal (non-conscious experience of intensity)
(2) florid and convoluted use of language --> fail to eschew obfuscation (without it there is not so much to say)
Massumi: “thought strikes like lightning, with sheering ontogenic force. It is felt.” <--Elias-- meaningless metaphor
the notion of precognitive affective event
•do nothing to help one understand the nature of conscious, felt, enacted emotion + its social ramifications
•provides no rubric through which one can engage in comparative analysis (or informed discussion)
(Brennan) affect: physiological in effect, social in origin
(Grossberg) affect: to locate human beings in their environment (why ideology is only effective some of the time? quotidien = pleasure + ideology) *it is in the affect (affective life) that people struggle to care about something, find the energy to survive, enact their projects and possibilities*
ideology -->
•affective intensities
•affective investments
(Hennessey) *affect-culture: transmission of sensation and cognitive emotion through cultural practices* (materially shaped by social networks, circulating of natives, they work with & against structured relationships, can operate intuitively or oblique)
[*]sense: obvious knowledge [--> awareness of right & wrong] (=/= cognitive or learned knowledge) --> ***meaning-making through sense ~= ideology***
(Reddy) emotion: range of loosely connected thought material --> when activated it exceeds attention's capacity to translate it to action/talk
(emotive:) emotional regime: how public emotional acts and *emotional standards* [go to --> soup opera integrating emotional ecosystem] help to shape the lives of individuals
affect: explain (historical) events that elude (political, economical) explanation
*emotion exists in its expression and description* (spoken, written, bodily enacted, visually represented, etc.)
...emotion of “i am scared” in an early modern persian miniature painting
in premodern texts
emotion is more prescriptive: how it should be enacted and experienced (=/= descriptive) emotion are evoked:
1. through teleologically constructed sensory regime
2. through reflective/contemplative practices
•kindi --> how colors and combinations could elicit specific emotions
•haytham --> visual factors that make up beauty
•farabi --> impact of musical notes on human mood
•button Christian texts --> specific ways in which a worshipper was expected to react upon seeing an icon of relic (crying, rolling on the ground, rubbing, caressing, etc.)
◦biruni --> if uneducated Muslims were presented with a picture of prophet or ka'ba, their not in looking at the thing would bring them to kiss the picture or rub their cheeks[...]