[...]chine he is handed to or placed in? who/what is making his time model?
also, which segment of your practice is temporalized? this means also which part of your practice stands out of time?
regards of the question “what are an artwork's boundaries?” and it's intersections with documents, lists, and reports
for Olga
(mourning as the passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing the state of loss or deprivation of a certain object for a certain subject, and demand for its revival or memorialization)
what is the feeling of the document?
where our powers to provoke care (could/should) come from (if not from document/evidence)?
is document (in its form and feeling) the best way we have at our disposal to provoke the care of the generations? ...to mark each other with the mark of the care?
putting the narrative into proper sleep
casting the names
-artist has turned herself into a mnemonic device
-artist has become a reminder and (therefore) her audiences have become memorizers
(question of) memory and remembering
-the problem with her remembrance is that “there is something that is important to remember” regardless of the person/subject who remembers
indisputability of the Green Table for Olga
the artist has chosen to protect The Green Table's meaning and message (due to her political and ethical commitments
how can she become interested in decomposing her research-bodies of The Green Table?
can we remain critically ethically responsible in thinking about the “meaning and message” of our subject of study and still be able to decompose it in interesting serious ways? (yes yes)
questions of
she asks “what is document today?”
-what was document yesterday (that is not anymore today)?
-how the agency and meaning of docu is (or is not) mutating in time?
-what is beyond the question of documentation and preservation?
-is document a limited way of asking questions about what we do and our relationship with time and duration?
what art cannot say that document can? “truth”?
when truth was invented where was document standing?
is document today a mere effect of technologies of inscribing?
why we are not talking about “file”?
is ‘file’ the bedrock of reading today?
document assumes, constructs and promises its own labor of reading
? document is that which reads as referent, truthful, evident, economic value, , ,
the question of the
manual understanders
for her “the point of origin” is at stake?
placement, world, Dasein, fall
in CG bodies are articulated in differential vectors, not “grounds”
she was mobilizing the
how is she falling? in which historically contingent practices of grounding is she grounded, building her discourse?
ontology of the variable
her work with the partners of crime, getting in the front line and frontiers of CG working and practical
-how the rotating axis of her machine is able of creating breaks in the syntax of the contract?
-(for her machine
-employer and the employee as different “species” with their different “natural” tendencies to fuck with one another?
-the question of symbiotic relatedness (
to emphasis on the contingent and the contextual
vignette (sketch, a brief literary description, narrate scenes from familiar activities)
the question is not ‘how can we care more?’ (as predetermined set of affective practices) rather
Manoto TV station program “sher yadet nare”
-tiny clay token sheep were enclosed in clay envelopes with markings indicating what was inside (
(my encounters with) ajayeb's vibrating particularism
transmedia story (with its origins commercial and suspect, often entangled with social critique and social panic
-you can't take
-how we will take what each other says
companion gatherings (do not exactly cohere or consort well)
(companions need to)