Ereignis: 00, (Max.: 500+)

[...]collective --to--> individual
(from) temporal --to--> atemporal or beyond time
(from) stress on spirit --to--> sense of embodied or reembodied self

(shift from) tamed death: a death expected and prepared for, experienced in community --to--> personal death: the moment of death as decisive accounting for an individual self

purgatory: in-between time and space

afterlife --> the concept of the (embodied) human person

somatomorphic: separated soul imagined as bodily
ordinary piety -->
significance of physical death
spiritual value of somatic phenomena (namely suffering)

the sense of an ending hovers over all spiritual writing in the middle ages

lexicon global architecture interpreter translator standard language international diplomacy vocabulary [source: LexiconUSA] eschatology of:
1. resurrection: a sense of last things that focuses significance in the moment at the end of time when the physical body is reconstituted and judged
[<-- arise from traditions with a much less immanent sense of “last things"]
time end
person embodied
humanity collective
2. immortality: the experience of personal death is the moment of judgement
3. apocalypse --> (coerces) **what matters is the here and now** <-- implying a political payoff
==> inflect and deepen the literature (description of plague, visions of heaven and hell)

}--> three eschatology differ:
what is the person fundamentally
fate collective or individual
how and whether time marches
where the end is located

medical eschatology

eschatology (in the west) is perhaps the most paradoxical (and inconsistent) aspect of religiosity
(traditions in which) earthly experience is a moment in an eternal dreaming

Islam, Judaism, Christianity are brooded over by the sense [*]last things: a sense of the end [soon or distant, individual or collective] contradicts itself (explodes itself) <== *it looks for a moment that gives significance to the course of time by finally denying (erasing, ending) that to which it offers significance* }<--- western european middle ages utilizes and deepens this multifold and contradictory tradition (=/= deny, impoverish)

(three types of awareness:)
1- significance of dying and afterlife --> space time of personal collective destiny
2- apocalyptic time -->
3- eschatological imagination -->


purgatory time
do pottery while you are in purgatory
learn ice-skating while you are waiting in zamharir

{personal drama of death <--> progressive unfolding of collective history}--> ultimate disposition for individual soul and body ~~> the notion of ***bliss after torment***

torment: individual glimpse of the end

Augustine --> the imperfect but not reprobate

suffering: means of salvation (of we join the agony of Chris on the cross)
pain in this life : inevitable accompaniment to the corrupt body whose weakness and rottenness are indication of the approach of death

an era of exile --promise--> a new exodus from human failure and corruption


Bernard's heaven

painted embodiedness of the blessed (<-- problematic + powerful)

out of time heaven in which the soul is already body-shaped --> somatomorphic selves before judgement

apocalyptic moment --> self-referentiality: when the author reflects on the limits of their knowledge and expression

(all) eschatological texts (poems) in some way reflect their status as fiction --assert--> their nature as mediating and contingent


Trans-ing xeno- unsettles the oversimplified Others necessary for the production of stratification and disallowance, without in the process destroying difference and the ethics of encounter.

the ontological primacy of centers in general
the refracted image

myths of belonging as an anthropocentric narrative, one is worthy of personhood if she is placed in home.
[in the political and fantasy practices of the most inheritors of traditions of white (or not-white, the actual color is not the point) settler colonialism and its ecologies, the introducing species--including ourselves--are always bad --> the extraordinary practice of disavowal (of the ‘creatures of the empire’ #Haraway) --> inheriting the notion of ‘belonging’ and ‘not-belonging’ (in this tradition) disavowal is almost the only way you can “keep” belonging. and one of the ways you practice disavowal and belonging is to exterminate the other (feral pigs, etc.) who “really” don't belong.]
(which) *practices of belonging* (are not part of (whose?) dreaming?) --> they always turn up in family stories {feral =/= pest}
how various kinds of species can and cannot get on together?
who should be killed and lived-with?
(who exists only under the) categories that come from the cunning of recognition [categories of the traditional, of the subsistence food (ma'ash معاش), of the enacting of a culture in view of tourist public,]
managed belongingness

In Jean Genet's portrayal of dusk (quoted by Minh-ha 1996:101-102), he captures the ambiguity of this transitional time in the expression ‘entre chien et loup,’ between dog and wolf, that is, a time of day when one cannot be distinguished from the other, and he also describes it as ‘the hour of metamorphoses when people ‘half hope, half fear’ that a dog will become a wolf’ (our emphasis). This quotation exemplifies the ambiguously ‘unheimlich,’ [...]

security is never secure enough

Jesus knocks at your heart's door

(history's or pig's) happy ending

absence of ambivalence (in animals)

conditions of admission ---> artistic, sexual, natural *selections*
tickets to power-holding cliques that control the resources

phantoms of non-destruction
phantoms of ‘constructed adequately’

pausing dogs
mixed messages
who is wanted for dinner?
the moment when the message is finally received --> tech, magic, ethic, morph

poetic historiography

pivotal reading of ancient Greece --- out of day-dream fantasy

*beauty is interested in action
(pure) beauty re-lingering on primary narcissism, that's why beauty must be administrated, in proper doses.

(my) animal-findings and fairy-tale associations

if dogs communicate through their trainability cats redirect lines of communication through play. the dog waits and watches, the cat looks and looks, which when is your turn to be looked at, can be therapeutic or unnerving.

meeting the cat half-way

the house, passed over in history, brings with it a great many dangers
architecture (never touches the object) is enchanted with object discourse
...all of us have been asked to “instrumentalize” architectural [or art] theory according to a particular building
material given a structure


Q & A ?, interactivity, swarovski party, servants and robots interacting with foreign bodies --> feeling at home? excited... --> disco without bouncers and borders without border check, spaces you can seamlessly in and out, labyrinthine

i am generating some vocabularies
parsite and parasitical, not all of them are predatory like the wolf

(Karen Barad)
With all mirroring practices, biomimcry has built-in optics on the geometry of distance from what which is other.

surprise (to be new): not yet assimilated or disassimilated as known
our attention to that which is not yet (en)coded


(something to consider, regarding the pigs and wolf story, also an interest for performances that happen in closed space;) there is a standard account that says ‘interiors’ and ‘interiority’ are linked, that the articulation of interior physical space enabled the development of certain kind of (initially bourgeois European) sense of subjective life--as something sheltered and enclosed.
=/= interiority (subjectivity) is linked to the exterior [Sennett]

O-- still in the 15th century (when sex and sleeping was not veiled under curt[...]