[...] proofs, a Greek (or Egyptian priest) miracle
one of my contracts
I never truly made an agreement with my audience on what we might collectively agree about noise and interference.
die agonal
to which degrees my work on ajayeb aligns or depends on the “new language” of the inexhaustible discourse of mathematics as inherented from the Greek geometry into the modern culture?
What are the inaugural relation of the geometric (metrological) ideogram to the CG? And to the Egyptian priest?
What is compared, modeled, simulated
alogon prohibits speaking
crisis and recast, questions of archive
(the space of the relation between) experience & abstract
(an inquiry line for
my allegorical covers
meaning of
the irrational is mimetic
“before-after” temporality narrative
Serres's fabulous work on the effects of the style in science
who believes that the passage from local to global is always possible?!
in apass each of us is somehow busy with the critique of unidimensional platitude characteristics of our milieus. / Is that the global notion in our researches?
I want to take it up, maybe fulfill, and modify the project sketched out in
(?what do we have that helps us give up
which precisions can be achieved by other than measurement?
How not to travel through the universe like free and self-determined gods? (
the full and compact nature, version of ajayeb
my work in apass is on a theory of transformation among languages (not about the best point of view
“speak of” science
“speak about” science
“speak” science
speaking the language of dynamics
what is still at stake in science
In the European imaginary, the public struggle over the “better” word makes the city (the polis)
Derrida calls for patience, take care read on slowly. Kafka
Literature for derrida, reading in my works, is indissociably bound up with questions of politics, democracy and responsibility, religion, nationality and nationalism, identity and law.
E m foster, how can i tell what i think, till i see what i say.
What one finds repeatedly in derrida's work is the uncanny effect by which one is invited to sense the unfolding of all his thinking starting out from anywhere, from any idea, any word, any thought that happen to be at issue. Deconstruction is the name for this?
Derrida proceeds with patience and pleasure, to describe what is going on in a particular text or situation.
Every reading is difficult, Shakespeare, maulwürfe, mathematics. The difficulty of reading is in transforming the ways we are obliged to think about those texts.
The transformation is crucially always already in the texts he reads. Describing what happens when reading a passage of anything. Everything is in Shakespeare, in Plato, in Kafka. The relation between description and transformation is uncanny.
There are always differences, tensions, paradoxes in the text, between what a text says and what a text does.
Derrida always begins (wherever he happens to find himself) in a specific context, which is to say in trying to engage with a specific text or scene of reading.
(Writing is) is winking at someone (you like) while listening to my favorite music.
The supplementarity of digression, a fictional supplementarity. Freud is compelled to tell a story but in the act of doing so, he betrays the annulment or effective impossibility of this story. Sons murder of primordial father. Origin of morality
The feeling that a text is especially written ‘for’ derrida... As if waiting for him to come along and point it out.
Freud's story is less the narration of an imaginary event than the simulacrum of narration. Freud's quasi event, is at once of fictional narrative and as narrative as fictive. It is the origin of literature at the same time as the origin of law, derrida suggests.
Kant, Freud, Kafka, what makes important all these thinkers for Derrida has to do with how each in their different way brings out a ghostly or virtual ‘narrativity and fiction’ at the very core of legal thought.
The drama of naming (
john Keats, prospective; Williams Wordsworth, retrospective. Prospective work consists of hopeful preparation, anticipa[...]