[...]petite}--> never-ending allegory of loss and primal innocence
margin sedimented its own center
making my own white noise
masochistic + melancholic = ?
infantilizing and self-contained forms of play masquerading itself as autonomy
(fashion makes such monsters:) “self-hating winners of the game”
[civilizational taxonomies]
of globalist division of labor
of democracy (+ its negational counterpart [~ third world] <-- to be very careful about it, i like to develop a bit of paranoia for it)
(in the alterity of ‘the textual’ someone else might be living)
[(who/why does that? -->) translation of] a familiar topography --into--> an ontological modality
state of non-temporality (<--?-- majaz @Hoda) ==> no more locked in the imperishable antagonism of: interiority & exteriority, presence & absence }--(Hoda's)--> extravagant paradox of *proximity & distance*
==✕==> derivative subjectivity
architects of the law (that Elen is against)
(fable of the) “despotism of the oriental way-of-life”
existential homogenization
traumatic obligation
disjointed + cyclical (mind) ==> ? ...
the (faint) whisper of “no more.”
artificial becomes set in stone as the natural
bankrupt master-discourse
explode text & life into...
horizon of textual expression
the idea of chaos for the experience of writing and thought
[*the world as a whole*, inexhaustible + urgent + unmastered (abundance of self-creation/destruction) --> totalitarian stimulus ==>] chaos: [~=?! hegemonic will to mastery]
•poetic imagination (--> an art that ventures and wins chaos)
•insurgent mind-set (--> that every man is surrounded, oppressed, and penetrated by chaos --> Heidegger wants to live =/= insurgent's reflex in middle eastern anticontext, *eastern revolutionary ethos*, “thinking of struggle = dialectical”, no revolutionary intersubjectivity [~= otherless subjectivity])
Apollonian hyper-rational retreat from the void
Ascetic immensified retreat from the world
self-willed experience of the edge allowed to guide forward
(Nietzsche's Zarathustra's chaotic temperament:) “one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”
“chaos" = what (western) modernity has left (in east)
(that is why terminologies of “nomadism” can hardly be appropriated in middle east--they are chaotic, not nomadic)
[idioms of resistance] ~~--> intoxicating sense of power
(anti-,) “being-against”:
•in modernity: a direct/dialectical opposition of forces
•in postmodernity: an oblique/diagonal stance
•today: “alternatives within" = an imperial device that works well ‘in itself’ but not ‘for itself’ --> trans-systemic reality
...to believe in an outsider subjectivity capable of ahistorical imagination
(inflated dispositions of) triumphalism and alarmist nightmare
communist (Marxist silhouette) and liberatory combatants of the 20th century, intellectuals persecuted and exiled in the course of anti-fascist struggles, freedom-fighters of the anti-colonial/anti-imperialist wars --> nostalgic portrait of the contemporary militant
(Nietzsche, Kafka, Bataille, Foucault, Artaud, Baudrillard, Serres, D+G, etc.) continental thinkers architects of masks:
•the overhuman (--> Nietzsche)
•the supplicant
•the deviant (or barbarian --> Foucault)
•the body-without-organs (--> D+G)
•the criminal
•the schizoid
•the headless monstrosity (--> Bataille)
[(an exilic) postcolonial intelligentsia]
---{Nietzsche and Artaud's familiar persuasive authority, similar exuberant phraseology, and motifs in extremis --> ‘cruelty,’ Artaud wanted to “reject form and incite chaos.” antipsychological violent physical determination (a cruel yet necessary act upon the spectator) to shatter the false reality (theatre/art as a place where the spectator/actor is *exposed* [=/= “protected"]) =/= (aesthetic) distance (---> go to ‘distance matters’); this is the paradigm in iran's theatre and performance scene, where the audience are to be engulfed and physically affected by the show, ‘to be trapped and powerless’ as a theatrical value is an Artaudian tradition.
-delirium: he wanted to deliberately become/stay mad [--> Jassem, Sana's methodology, the state of horrible energy] in order to heal/strengthened
-ecstatic loss of the self, hermetic elements in his works, and the idea of the “complete actor,” whirlpool of feelings and lunatic expressions, counter-force from the act of gesture, (and from his teacher Dullin) emphasis on mime, gymnastics, improvisation, voice production, and various exercises intended to heighten sensory perception, all reminds me of my own theatre training with Reza in jome class.}
(demonizing) the vital concept of the outside(r)
untrustworthy epistemic climate --> patterns of smoothness/coarseness
militant negotiations of desire
(Dabashi's vertical-horizontal colonialism:)
the third world subject:
1- marginalized by enlightenment discourse
2- materialy exploited under global division of labor
alienated by:
1- (horizontally) the epistemic violence of colonialism
2- (vertically) foreign colonial state + indigenous comprador elite (واسطهها و دلالان سرمایهداران خارجی در کشورهای آسیا و آفریقا و آمریکای لاتین)
2- (vertically) subsequent oppression and exploitation of anti-colonial regime
3- (horizontally) global division of labor
navigation of identity
the reward of the victim جایزه قربانی (--> to be beaten)
the reward of the survivor (--> the self-conscious affirmation of having endured and gone beyond)
slave moralities
the *self-with-no-other* (too far gone)
Hegel's master-slave dialectic (an insight into the skeleton of domination): the basic way in which it is always the master (self) who requires recognition from an external entity (the othered slave) [--> Westworld TV series base: master remains in a state of complete dependency for his own self-definition on the slave, whereas the slave can gradually ascend toward an independent consciousness by virtue of his subjection --> “its own being-for-self” (=/= multispecies companionship)]
Spikvak's dissolution of the master-slave dialectic: proposition for individuals to imagine themselves as both “receivers and givers” (distinction between ‘agency'[as rationally legislated and institutionally validated] and ‘subjectivity'[as unrepresentability])
--> this intervention is successful in greeting modernity as a global responsibility
***decolonization as a populist mode of resistance
otherless individuation:
•the hermit
•the mercenary
•the maniac
the lowest common denominator turned into a metaphysics
authentic malevolence
*objective cruelty* (of the modern epoch and its dialectic strap) can only be undone by (a non-matching iteration of) *subjective cruelty*
local: a forced site of radical alterity
(be careful with the notion of premodern local [~= anti-modern] --> retrieved moment of premodernity. --> rhetoric of retrieve and retrieving / remembering / )
(detachment is a genre)
justice: a sacrosanct universal
to protect one concept above all others, (justice)
undeconstructible call to planetary justive**
original philosopher being called:
-Heidegger support Nazism
-Adorno turned his back on postwar German student movement
-Foucault endorsed Islomic front in the Iranian revolution and Zionism at different times
Spikvak's project:
to articulate an escape from the border position of otherness
to make indivuality the culprit متهم beneath the heels of packed generalities
==> a negational subjectivity: preluding any form of existential action that is not politically oriented
(Mohaghegh:) otherness cannot be the best point of departure for resistance --> one walks ove[...]